This document illustrate how to transform the point cloud to a different position with the built-in trasform function.
The rotation order of the transformation is yaw - pitch - row. The unit of x, y, z, is m
, and the unit of roll, pitch, yaw, is radian
To enable the transformation function, compile the driver with the option ENABLE_TRANSFORM=ON.
Configure the transformation parameters. These parameters' default value is 0
Below is an example with x=1, y=0, z=2.5, roll=0.1, pitch=0.2, yaw=1.57.
RSDriverParam param; ///< Create a parameter object
param.input_type = InputType::ONLINE_LIDAR; /// get packet from online lidar
param.input_param.msop_port = 6699; ///< Set the lidar msop port number, the default is 6699
param.input_param.difop_port = 7788; ///< Set the lidar difop port number, the default is 7788
param.lidar_type = LidarType::RS16; ///< Set the lidar type. Make sure this type is correct
param.decoder_param.transform_param.x = 1; ///< unit: m
param.decoder_param.transform_param.y = 0; ///< unit: m
param.decoder_param.transform_param.z = 2.5; ///< unit: m
param.decoder_param.transform_param.roll = 0.1; ///< unit: radian
param.decoder_param.transform_param.pitch = 0.2;///< unit: radian
param.decoder_param.transform_param.yaw = 1.57; ///< unit: radian