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How to use transform point cloud

1 Introduction


  • Before reading this document, please be sure that you have read the Online connect LiDAR or Offline decode pcap bag.
  • This function is only for test purpose, and it costs much CPU resources, so never, never enable this function in your released products.

This document illustrate how to transform the point cloud to a different position with the built-in trasform function.

The rotation order of the transformation is yaw - pitch - row. The unit of x, y, z, is m, and the unit of roll, pitch, yaw, is radian.

2 Steps

2.1 Compile

To enable the transformation function, compile the driver with the option ENABLE_TRANSFORM=ON.


2.2 Config parameters

Configure the transformation parameters. These parameters' default value is 0.

Below is an example with x=1, y=0, z=2.5, roll=0.1, pitch=0.2, yaw=1.57.

RSDriverParam param;                            ///< Create a parameter object
param.input_type = InputType::ONLINE_LIDAR;     /// get packet from online lidar
param.input_param.msop_port = 6699;             ///< Set the lidar msop port number, the default is 6699
param.input_param.difop_port = 7788;            ///< Set the lidar difop port number, the default is 7788
param.lidar_type = LidarType::RS16;             ///< Set the lidar type. Make sure this type is correct

param.decoder_param.transform_param.x = 1;	  ///< unit: m
param.decoder_param.transform_param.y = 0;	  ///< unit: m
param.decoder_param.transform_param.z = 2.5;	  ///< unit: m
param.decoder_param.transform_param.roll = 0.1; ///< unit: radian
param.decoder_param.transform_param.pitch = 0.2;///< unit: radian
param.decoder_param.transform_param.yaw = 1.57; ///< unit: radian