#ifndef COMMON_LIB_H #define COMMON_LIB_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; #define USE_IKFOM #define PI_M (3.14159265358) #define G_m_s2 (9.81) // Gravaty const in GuangDong/China #define DIM_STATE (18) // Dimension of states (Let Dim(SO(3)) = 3) #define DIM_PROC_N (12) // Dimension of process noise (Let Dim(SO(3)) = 3) #define CUBE_LEN (6.0) #define LIDAR_SP_LEN (2) #define INIT_COV (1) #define NUM_MATCH_POINTS (5) #define MAX_MEAS_DIM (10000) #define VEC_FROM_ARRAY(v) v[0],v[1],v[2] #define MAT_FROM_ARRAY(v) v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5],v[6],v[7],v[8] #define CONSTRAIN(v,min,max) ((v>min)?((v (mat.data(), mat.data() + mat.rows() * mat.cols()) #define DEBUG_FILE_DIR(name) (string(string(ROOT_DIR) + "Log/"+ name)) typedef fast_lio_sam::Pose6D Pose6D; typedef pcl::PointXYZINormal PointType; typedef pcl::PointCloud PointCloudXYZI; typedef vector> PointVector; typedef Vector3d V3D; typedef Matrix3d M3D; typedef Vector3f V3F; typedef Matrix3f M3F; #define MD(a,b) Matrix #define VD(a) Matrix #define MF(a,b) Matrix #define VF(a) Matrix M3D Eye3d(M3D::Identity()); M3F Eye3f(M3F::Identity()); V3D Zero3d(0, 0, 0); V3F Zero3f(0, 0, 0); // 储存一帧lidar数据及imu数据序列 struct MeasureGroup // Lidar data and imu dates for the curent process { MeasureGroup() { lidar_beg_time = 0.0; this->lidar.reset(new PointCloudXYZI()); }; double lidar_beg_time; // lidar data begin time in the MeasureGroup double lidar_end_time; // lidar data end time in the MeasureGroup PointCloudXYZI::Ptr lidar; deque imu; }; struct StatesGroup { StatesGroup() { this->rot_end = M3D::Identity(); this->pos_end = Zero3d; this->vel_end = Zero3d; this->bias_g = Zero3d; this->bias_a = Zero3d; this->gravity = Zero3d; this->cov = MD(DIM_STATE,DIM_STATE)::Identity() * INIT_COV; this->cov.block<9,9>(9,9) = MD(9,9)::Identity() * 0.00001; }; StatesGroup(const StatesGroup& b) { this->rot_end = b.rot_end; this->pos_end = b.pos_end; this->vel_end = b.vel_end; this->bias_g = b.bias_g; this->bias_a = b.bias_a; this->gravity = b.gravity; this->cov = b.cov; }; StatesGroup& operator=(const StatesGroup& b) { this->rot_end = b.rot_end; this->pos_end = b.pos_end; this->vel_end = b.vel_end; this->bias_g = b.bias_g; this->bias_a = b.bias_a; this->gravity = b.gravity; this->cov = b.cov; return *this; }; StatesGroup operator+(const Matrix &state_add) { StatesGroup a; a.rot_end = this->rot_end * Exp(state_add(0,0), state_add(1,0), state_add(2,0)); a.pos_end = this->pos_end + state_add.block<3,1>(3,0); a.vel_end = this->vel_end + state_add.block<3,1>(6,0); a.bias_g = this->bias_g + state_add.block<3,1>(9,0); a.bias_a = this->bias_a + state_add.block<3,1>(12,0); a.gravity = this->gravity + state_add.block<3,1>(15,0); a.cov = this->cov; return a; }; StatesGroup& operator+=(const Matrix &state_add) { this->rot_end = this->rot_end * Exp(state_add(0,0), state_add(1,0), state_add(2,0)); this->pos_end += state_add.block<3,1>(3,0); this->vel_end += state_add.block<3,1>(6,0); this->bias_g += state_add.block<3,1>(9,0); this->bias_a += state_add.block<3,1>(12,0); this->gravity += state_add.block<3,1>(15,0); return *this; }; Matrix operator-(const StatesGroup& b) { Matrix a; M3D rotd(b.rot_end.transpose() * this->rot_end); a.block<3,1>(0,0) = Log(rotd); a.block<3,1>(3,0) = this->pos_end - b.pos_end; a.block<3,1>(6,0) = this->vel_end - b.vel_end; a.block<3,1>(9,0) = this->bias_g - b.bias_g; a.block<3,1>(12,0) = this->bias_a - b.bias_a; a.block<3,1>(15,0) = this->gravity - b.gravity; return a; }; void resetpose() { this->rot_end = M3D::Identity(); this->pos_end = Zero3d; this->vel_end = Zero3d; } M3D rot_end; // the estimated attitude (rotation matrix) at the end lidar point V3D pos_end; // the estimated position at the end lidar point (world frame) V3D vel_end; // the estimated velocity at the end lidar point (world frame) V3D bias_g; // gyroscope bias V3D bias_a; // accelerator bias V3D gravity; // the estimated gravity acceleration Matrix cov; // states covariance }; template T rad2deg(T radians) { return radians * 180.0 / PI_M; } template T deg2rad(T degrees) { return degrees * PI_M / 180.0; } template auto set_pose6d(const double t, const Matrix &a, const Matrix &g, \ const Matrix &v, const Matrix &p, const Matrix &R) { Pose6D rot_kp; rot_kp.offset_time = t; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rot_kp.acc[i] = a(i); rot_kp.gyr[i] = g(i); rot_kp.vel[i] = v(i); rot_kp.pos[i] = p(i); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) rot_kp.rot[i*3+j] = R(i,j); } return move(rot_kp); } /* comment plane equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 convert to: A/D*x + B/D*y + C/D*z = -1 solve: A0*x0 = b0 where A0_i = [x_i, y_i, z_i], x0 = [A/D, B/D, C/D]^T, b0 = [-1, ..., -1]^T normvec: normalized x0 */ template bool esti_normvector(Matrix &normvec, const PointVector &point, const T &threshold, const int &point_num) { MatrixXf A(point_num, 3); MatrixXf b(point_num, 1); b.setOnes(); b *= -1.0f; for (int j = 0; j < point_num; j++) { A(j,0) = point[j].x; A(j,1) = point[j].y; A(j,2) = point[j].z; } normvec = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); for (int j = 0; j < point_num; j++) { if (fabs(normvec(0) * point[j].x + normvec(1) * point[j].y + normvec(2) * point[j].z + 1.0f) > threshold) { return false; } } normvec.normalize(); return true; } float calc_dist(PointType p1, PointType p2){ float d = (p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y) + (p1.z - p2.z) * (p1.z - p2.z); return d; } template bool esti_plane(Matrix &pca_result, const PointVector &point, const T &threshold) { Matrix A; Matrix b; A.setZero(); b.setOnes(); b *= -1.0f; for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MATCH_POINTS; j++) { A(j,0) = point[j].x; A(j,1) = point[j].y; A(j,2) = point[j].z; } Matrix normvec = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); T n = normvec.norm(); pca_result(0) = normvec(0) / n; pca_result(1) = normvec(1) / n; pca_result(2) = normvec(2) / n; pca_result(3) = 1.0 / n; for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MATCH_POINTS; j++) { if (fabs(pca_result(0) * point[j].x + pca_result(1) * point[j].y + pca_result(2) * point[j].z + pca_result(3)) > threshold) { return false; } } return true; } #endif