/* * Copyright (c) 2019--2023, The University of Hong Kong * All rights reserved. * * Author: Dongjiao HE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Universitaet Bremen nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ESEKFOM_EKF_HPP #define ESEKFOM_EKF_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mtk/types/vect.hpp" #include "../mtk/types/SOn.hpp" #include "../mtk/types/S2.hpp" #include "../mtk/startIdx.hpp" #include "../mtk/build_manifold.hpp" #include "util.hpp" //#define USE_sparse namespace esekfom { using namespace Eigen; //used for iterated error state EKF update //for the aim to calculate measurement (z), estimate measurement (h), partial differention matrices (h_x, h_v) and the noise covariance (R) at the same time, by only one function. //applied for measurement as a manifold. template struct share_datastruct { bool valid; bool converge; M z; Eigen::Matrix h_v; Eigen::Matrix h_x; Eigen::Matrix R; }; //used for iterated error state EKF update //for the aim to calculate measurement (z), estimate measurement (h), partial differention matrices (h_x, h_v) and the noise covariance (R) at the same time, by only one function. //applied for measurement as an Eigen matrix whose dimension is changing template struct dyn_share_datastruct { bool valid; bool converge; Eigen::Matrix z; Eigen::Matrix h; // estimate measurement (h) 残差 Eigen::Matrix h_v; Eigen::Matrix h_x; // partial differention matrices Eigen::Matrix R; }; //used for iterated error state EKF update //for the aim to calculate measurement (z), estimate measurement (h), partial differention matrices (h_x, h_v) and the noise covariance (R) at the same time, by only one function. //applied for measurement as a dynamic manifold whose dimension or type is changing template struct dyn_runtime_share_datastruct { bool valid; bool converge; //Z z; Eigen::Matrix h_v; Eigen::Matrix h_x; Eigen::Matrix R; }; //状态量,噪声,输入状态量 template class esekf{ typedef esekf self; enum{ n = state::DOF, m = state::DIM, l = measurement::DOF }; public: typedef typename state::scalar scalar_type; typedef Matrix cov; typedef Matrix cov_; typedef SparseMatrix spMt; typedef Matrix vectorized_state; typedef Matrix flatted_state; typedef flatted_state processModel(state &, const input &); typedef Eigen::Matrix processMatrix1(state &, const input &); typedef Eigen::Matrix processMatrix2(state &, const input &); typedef Eigen::Matrix processnoisecovariance; typedef measurement measurementModel(state &, bool &); typedef measurement measurementModel_share(state &, share_datastruct &); typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementModel_dyn(state &, bool &); //typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementModel_dyn_share(state &, dyn_share_datastruct &); typedef void measurementModel_dyn_share(state &, dyn_share_datastruct &); typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementMatrix1(state &, bool&); typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementMatrix1_dyn(state &, bool&); typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementMatrix2(state &, bool&); typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementMatrix2_dyn(state &, bool&); typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementnoisecovariance; typedef Eigen::Matrix measurementnoisecovariance_dyn; esekf(const state &x = state(), const cov &P = cov::Identity()): x_(x), P_(P){ #ifdef USE_sparse SparseMatrix ref(n, n); ref.setIdentity(); l_ = ref; f_x_2 = ref; f_x_1 = ref; #endif }; //receive system-specific models and their differentions. //for measurement as a manifold. void init(processModel f_in, processMatrix1 f_x_in, processMatrix2 f_w_in, measurementModel h_in, measurementMatrix1 h_x_in, measurementMatrix2 h_v_in, int maximum_iteration, scalar_type limit_vector[n]) { f = f_in; f_x = f_x_in; f_w = f_w_in; h = h_in; h_x = h_x_in; h_v = h_v_in; maximum_iter = maximum_iteration; for(int i=0; i f_w_ = f_w(x_, i_in); Matrix f_w_final; state x_before = x_; x_.oplus(f_, dt); F_x1 = cov::Identity(); for (std::vector, int> >::iterator it = x_.vect_state.begin(); it != x_.vect_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first.first; int dim = (*it).first.second; int dof = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j=0; j res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = -1 * f_(dim + i) * dt; } MTK::SO3 res; res.w() = MTK::exp(res.vec(), seg_SO3, scalar_type(1/2)); #ifdef USE_sparse res_temp_SO3 = res.toRotationMatrix(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){ f_x_1.coeffRef(idx + i, idx + j) = res_temp_SO3(i, j); } } #else F_x1.template block<3, 3>(idx, idx) = res.toRotationMatrix(); #endif res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ f_x_final. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (f_x_. template block<3, 1>(dim, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < process_noise_dof; i++){ f_w_final. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (f_w_. template block<3, 1>(dim, i)); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; Matrix res_temp_S2_; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_S2(i) = f_(dim + i) * dt; } MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> vec = MTK::vect<2, scalar_type>::Zero(); MTK::SO3 res; res.w() = MTK::exp(res.vec(), seg_S2, scalar_type(1/2)); Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_before.S2_Mx(Mx, vec, idx); #ifdef USE_sparse res_temp_S2_ = Nx * res.toRotationMatrix() * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++){ f_x_1.coeffRef(idx + i, idx + j) = res_temp_S2_(i, j); } } #else F_x1.template block<2, 2>(idx, idx) = Nx * res.toRotationMatrix() * Mx; #endif Eigen::Matrix x_before_hat; x_before.S2_hat(x_before_hat, idx); res_temp_S2 = -Nx * res.toRotationMatrix() * x_before_hat*MTK::A_matrix(seg_S2).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ f_x_final. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (f_x_. template block<3, 1>(dim, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < process_noise_dof; i++){ f_w_final. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (f_w_. template block<3, 1>(dim, i)); } } #ifdef USE_sparse f_x_1.makeCompressed(); spMt f_x2 = f_x_final.sparseView(); spMt f_w1 = f_w_final.sparseView(); spMt xp = f_x_1 + f_x2 * dt; P_ = xp * P_ * xp.transpose() + (f_w1 * dt) * Q * (f_w1 * dt).transpose(); #else F_x1 += f_x_final * dt; P_ = (F_x1) * P_ * (F_x1).transpose() + (dt * f_w_final) * Q * (dt * f_w_final).transpose();//更新协方差矩阵 #endif } //iterated error state EKF update for measurement as a manifold. void update_iterated(measurement& z, measurementnoisecovariance &R) { if(!(is_same())){ std::cerr << "the scalar type of measurment must be the same as the state" << std::endl; std::exit(100); } int t = 0; bool converg = true; bool valid = true; state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; for(int i=-1; i h_x_ = h_x(x_, valid); Matrix h_v_ = h_v(x_, valid); #endif if(! valid) { continue; } P_ = P_propagated; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } Matrix K_; if(n > l) { #ifdef USE_sparse Matrix K_temp = h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose(); spMt R_temp = h_v_ * R_ * h_v_.transpose(); K_temp += R_temp; K_ = P_ * h_x_.transpose() * K_temp.inverse(); #else K_= P_ * h_x_.transpose() * (h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose() + h_v_ * R * h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse measurementnoisecovariance b = measurementnoisecovariance::Identity(); Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; solver.compute(R_); measurementnoisecovariance R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in = R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #else measurementnoisecovariance R_in = (h_v_*R*h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); K_ = (h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_ + P_.inverse()).inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #endif } Matrix innovation; z.boxminus(innovation, h(x_, valid)); cov K_x = K_ * h_x_; Matrix dx_ = K_ * innovation + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); converg = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { converg = false; break; } } if(converg) t++; if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > l) { for(int i = 0; i < l; i++){ K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > l) { for(int i = 0; i < l; i++){ K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } if(n > l) { P_ = L_ - K_ * h_x_ * P_; } else { P_ = L_ - K_x * P_; } return; } } } //iterated error state EKF update for measurement as a manifold. //calculate measurement (z), estimate measurement (h), partial differention matrices (h_x, h_v) and the noise covariance (R) at the same time, by only one function. void update_iterated_share() { if(!(is_same())){ std::cerr << "the scalar type of measurment must be the same as the state" << std::endl; std::exit(100); } int t = 0; share_datastruct _share; _share.valid = true; _share.converge = true; state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; for(int i=-1; i h_x_ = _share.h_x; Matrix h_v_ = _share.h_v; #endif if(! _share.valid) { continue; } P_ = P_propagated; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } Matrix K_; if(n > l) { #ifdef USE_sparse Matrix K_temp = h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose(); spMt R_temp = h_v_ * R_ * h_v_.transpose(); K_temp += R_temp; K_ = P_ * h_x_.transpose() * K_temp.inverse(); #else K_= P_ * h_x_.transpose() * (h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose() + h_v_ * R * h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse measurementnoisecovariance b = measurementnoisecovariance::Identity(); Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; solver.compute(R_); measurementnoisecovariance R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in = R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #else measurementnoisecovariance R_in = (h_v_*R*h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); K_ = (h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_ + P_.inverse()).inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #endif } Matrix innovation; z.boxminus(innovation, h); cov K_x = K_ * h_x_; Matrix dx_ = K_ * innovation + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); _share.converge = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { _share.converge = false; break; } } if(_share.converge) t++; if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > l) { for(int i = 0; i < l; i++){ K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > l) { for(int i = 0; i < l; i++){ K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } if(n > l) { P_ = L_ - K_ * h_x_ * P_; } else { P_ = L_ - K_x * P_; } return; } } } //iterated error state EKF update for measurement as an Eigen matrix whose dimension is changing. void update_iterated_dyn(Eigen::Matrix z, measurementnoisecovariance_dyn R) { int t = 0; bool valid = true; bool converg = true; state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; int dof_Measurement; int dof_Measurement_noise = R.rows(); for(int i=-1; i h_x_ = h_x_dyn(x_, valid); Matrix h_v_ = h_v_dyn(x_, valid); #endif Matrix h_ = h_dyn(x_, valid); dof_Measurement = h_.rows(); vectorized_state dx, dx_new; x_.boxminus(dx, x_propagated); dx_new = dx; if(! valid) { continue; } P_ = P_propagated; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } Matrix K_; if(n > dof_Measurement) { #ifdef USE_sparse Matrix K_temp = h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose(); spMt R_temp = h_v_ * R_ * h_v_.transpose(); K_temp += R_temp; K_ = P_ * h_x_.transpose() * K_temp.inverse(); #else K_= P_ * h_x_.transpose() * (h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose() + h_v_ * R * h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse Eigen::Matrix b = Eigen::Matrix::Identity(dof_Measurement_noise, dof_Measurement_noise); Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; solver.compute(R_); Eigen::Matrix R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in = R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #else Eigen::Matrix R_in = (h_v_*R*h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); K_ = (h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_ + P_.inverse()).inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #endif } cov K_x = K_ * h_x_; Matrix dx_ = K_ * (z - h_) + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); converg = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { converg = false; break; } } if(converg) t++; if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; std::cout << "iteration time:" << t << "," << i << std::endl; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } if(n > dof_Measurement) { P_ = L_ - K_*h_x_*P_; } else { P_ = L_ - K_x * P_; } return; } } } //iterated error state EKF update for measurement as an Eigen matrix whose dimension is changing. //calculate measurement (z), estimate measurement (h), partial differention matrices (h_x, h_v) and the noise covariance (R) at the same time, by only one function. void update_iterated_dyn_share() { int t = 0; dyn_share_datastruct dyn_share; dyn_share.valid = true; dyn_share.converge = true; state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; int dof_Measurement; int dof_Measurement_noise; for(int i=-1; i h = h_dyn_share (x_, dyn_share); Matrix z = dyn_share.z; Matrix h = dyn_share.h; #ifdef USE_sparse spMt h_x = dyn_share.h_x.sparseView(); spMt h_v = dyn_share.h_v.sparseView(); spMt R_ = dyn_share.R.sparseView(); #else Matrix R = dyn_share.R; Matrix h_x = dyn_share.h_x; Matrix h_v = dyn_share.h_v; #endif dof_Measurement = h_x.rows(); dof_Measurement_noise = dyn_share.R.rows(); vectorized_state dx, dx_new; x_.boxminus(dx, x_propagated); dx_new = dx; if(! (dyn_share.valid)) { continue; } P_ = P_propagated; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } Matrix K_; if(n > dof_Measurement) { #ifdef USE_sparse Matrix K_temp = h_x * P_ * h_x.transpose(); spMt R_temp = h_v * R_ * h_v.transpose(); K_temp += R_temp; K_ = P_ * h_x.transpose() * K_temp.inverse(); #else K_= P_ * h_x.transpose() * (h_x * P_ * h_x.transpose() + h_v * R * h_v.transpose()).inverse(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse Eigen::Matrix b = Eigen::Matrix::Identity(dof_Measurement_noise, dof_Measurement_noise); Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; solver.compute(R_); Eigen::Matrix R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in = R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x.transpose() * R_in * h_x; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x.transpose() * R_in; #else Eigen::Matrix R_in = (h_v*R*h_v.transpose()).inverse(); K_ = (h_x.transpose() * R_in * h_x + P_.inverse()).inverse() * h_x.transpose() * R_in; #endif } cov K_x = K_ * h_x; Matrix dx_ = K_ * (z - h) + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); dyn_share.converge = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { dyn_share.converge = false; break; } } if(dyn_share.converge) t++; if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; std::cout << "iteration time:" << t << "," << i << std::endl; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < int(n); i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } if(n > dof_Measurement) { P_ = L_ - K_*h_x*P_; } else { P_ = L_ - K_x * P_; } return; } } } //iterated error state EKF update for measurement as a dynamic manifold, whose dimension or type is changing. //the measurement and the measurement model are received in a dynamic manner. template void update_iterated_dyn_runtime(measurement_runtime z, measurementnoisecovariance_dyn R, measurementModel_runtime h_runtime) { int t = 0; bool valid = true; bool converg = true; state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; int dof_Measurement; int dof_Measurement_noise; for(int i=-1; i h_x_ = h_x_dyn(x_, valid); Matrix h_v_ = h_v_dyn(x_, valid); #endif measurement_runtime h_ = h_runtime(x_, valid); dof_Measurement = measurement_runtime::DOF; dof_Measurement_noise = R.rows(); vectorized_state dx, dx_new; x_.boxminus(dx, x_propagated); dx_new = dx; if(! valid) { continue; } P_ = P_propagated; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } Matrix K_; if(n > dof_Measurement) { #ifdef USE_sparse Matrix K_temp = h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose(); spMt R_temp = h_v_ * R_ * h_v_.transpose(); K_temp += R_temp; K_ = P_ * h_x_.transpose() * K_temp.inverse(); #else K_= P_ * h_x_.transpose() * (h_x_ * P_ * h_x_.transpose() + h_v_ * R * h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse Eigen::Matrix b = Eigen::Matrix::Identity(dof_Measurement_noise, dof_Measurement_noise); Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; solver.compute(R_); Eigen::Matrix R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in = R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #else Eigen::Matrix R_in = (h_v_*R*h_v_.transpose()).inverse(); K_ = (h_x_.transpose() * R_in * h_x_ + P_.inverse()).inverse() * h_x_.transpose() * R_in; #endif } cov K_x = K_ * h_x_; Eigen::Matrix innovation; z.boxminus(innovation, h_); Matrix dx_ = K_ * innovation + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); converg = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { converg = false; break; } } if(converg) t++; if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; std::cout << "iteration time:" << t << "," << i << std::endl; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } if(n > dof_Measurement) { P_ = L_ - K_*h_x_*P_; } else { P_ = L_ - K_x * P_; } return; } } } //iterated error state EKF update for measurement as a dynamic manifold, whose dimension or type is changing. //the measurement and the measurement model are received in a dynamic manner. //calculate measurement (z), estimate measurement (h), partial differention matrices (h_x, h_v) and the noise covariance (R) at the same time, by only one function. template void update_iterated_dyn_runtime_share(measurement_runtime z, measurementModel_dyn_runtime_share h) { int t = 0; dyn_runtime_share_datastruct dyn_share; dyn_share.valid = true; dyn_share.converge = true; state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; int dof_Measurement; int dof_Measurement_noise; for(int i=-1; i R = dyn_share.R; Matrix h_x = dyn_share.h_x; Matrix h_v = dyn_share.h_v; #endif dof_Measurement = measurement_runtime::DOF; dof_Measurement_noise = dyn_share.R.rows(); vectorized_state dx, dx_new; x_.boxminus(dx, x_propagated); dx_new = dx; if(! (dyn_share.valid)) { continue; } P_ = P_propagated; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } Matrix K_; if(n > dof_Measurement) { #ifdef USE_sparse Matrix K_temp = h_x * P_ * h_x.transpose(); spMt R_temp = h_v * R_ * h_v.transpose(); K_temp += R_temp; K_ = P_ * h_x.transpose() * K_temp.inverse(); #else K_= P_ * h_x.transpose() * (h_x * P_ * h_x.transpose() + h_v * R * h_v.transpose()).inverse(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse Eigen::Matrix b = Eigen::Matrix::Identity(dof_Measurement_noise, dof_Measurement_noise); Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; solver.compute(R_); Eigen::Matrix R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in =R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x.transpose() * R_in * h_x; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x.transpose() * R_in; #else Eigen::Matrix R_in = (h_v*R*h_v.transpose()).inverse(); K_ = (h_x.transpose() * R_in * h_x + P_.inverse()).inverse() * h_x.transpose() * R_in; #endif } cov K_x = K_ * h_x; Eigen::Matrix innovation; z.boxminus(innovation, h_); Matrix dx_ = K_ * innovation + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); dyn_share.converge = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { dyn_share.converge = false; break; } } if(dyn_share.converge) t++; if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; std::cout << "iteration time:" << t << "," << i << std::endl; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < int(n); i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } if(n > dof_Measurement) { for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } if(n > dof_Measurement) { P_ = L_ - K_*h_x * P_; } else { P_ = L_ - K_x * P_; } return; } } } //iterated error state EKF update modified for one specific system. bool update_iterated_dyn_share_modified(double R, double &solve_time) { dyn_share_datastruct dyn_share; dyn_share.valid = true; dyn_share.converge = true; int t = 0; //获取上一次的状态和协方差矩阵 state x_propagated = x_; cov P_propagated = P_; int dof_Measurement; Matrix K_h; Matrix K_x; vectorized_state dx_new = vectorized_state::Zero(); for(int i=-1; i h = h_dyn_share(x_, dyn_share); #ifdef USE_sparse spMt h_x_ = dyn_share.h_x.sparseView(); #else Eigen::Matrix h_x_ = dyn_share.h_x; // partial differention matrices #endif double solve_start = omp_get_wtime(); dof_Measurement = h_x_.rows(); // 观测方程个数m vectorized_state dx; x_.boxminus(dx, x_propagated); //获取误差dx dx_new = dx; // 迭代过程不更新协方差矩阵,迭代后更新 P_ = P_propagated; //更新协方差矩阵的传播,更新dx_new Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx(idx+i); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_SO3 * dx_new.template block<3, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) =(P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for (std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; int dim = (*it).second; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx(idx + i); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0) = res_temp_S2 * dx_new.template block<2, 1>(idx, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } // 如果状态量维度大于观测方程 n > m,不满秩 if(n > dof_Measurement) { //#ifdef USE_sparse //Matrix K_temp = h_x * P_ * h_x.transpose(); //spMt R_temp = h_v * R_ * h_v.transpose(); //K_temp += R_temp; Eigen::Matrix h_x_cur = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(dof_Measurement, n); h_x_cur.topLeftCorner(dof_Measurement, 12) = h_x_; /* h_x_cur.col(0) = h_x_.col(0); h_x_cur.col(1) = h_x_.col(1); h_x_cur.col(2) = h_x_.col(2); h_x_cur.col(3) = h_x_.col(3); h_x_cur.col(4) = h_x_.col(4); h_x_cur.col(5) = h_x_.col(5); h_x_cur.col(6) = h_x_.col(6); h_x_cur.col(7) = h_x_.col(7); h_x_cur.col(8) = h_x_.col(8); h_x_cur.col(9) = h_x_.col(9); h_x_cur.col(10) = h_x_.col(10); h_x_cur.col(11) = h_x_.col(11); */ // 重新计算增益矩阵K Matrix K_ = P_ * h_x_cur.transpose() * (h_x_cur * P_ * h_x_cur.transpose()/R + Eigen::Matrix::Identity(dof_Measurement, dof_Measurement)).inverse()/R; K_h = K_ * dyn_share.h; // K × h K_x = K_ * h_x_cur; // K * H //#else // K_= P_ * h_x.transpose() * (h_x * P_ * h_x.transpose() + h_v * R * h_v.transpose()).inverse(); //#endif } else { #ifdef USE_sparse //Eigen::Matrix b = Eigen::Matrix::Identity(); //Eigen::SparseQR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering> solver; spMt A = h_x_.transpose() * h_x_; cov P_temp = (P_/R).inverse(); P_temp. template block<12, 12>(0, 0) += A; P_temp = P_temp.inverse(); /* Eigen::Matrix h_x_cur = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(dof_Measurement, n); h_x_cur.col(0) = h_x_.col(0); h_x_cur.col(1) = h_x_.col(1); h_x_cur.col(2) = h_x_.col(2); h_x_cur.col(3) = h_x_.col(3); h_x_cur.col(4) = h_x_.col(4); h_x_cur.col(5) = h_x_.col(5); h_x_cur.col(6) = h_x_.col(6); h_x_cur.col(7) = h_x_.col(7); h_x_cur.col(8) = h_x_.col(8); h_x_cur.col(9) = h_x_.col(9); h_x_cur.col(10) = h_x_.col(10); h_x_cur.col(11) = h_x_.col(11); */ K_ = P_temp. template block(0, 0) * h_x_.transpose(); K_x = cov::Zero(); K_x. template block(0, 0) = P_inv. template block(0, 0) * HTH; /* solver.compute(R_); Eigen::Matrix R_in_temp = solver.solve(b); spMt R_in =R_in_temp.sparseView(); spMt K_temp = h_x.transpose() * R_in * h_x; cov P_temp = P_.inverse(); P_temp += K_temp; K_ = P_temp.inverse() * h_x.transpose() * R_in; */ #else cov P_temp = (P_/R).inverse(); //P^-1 //Eigen::Matrix h_T = h_x_.transpose(); Eigen::Matrix HTH = h_x_.transpose() * h_x_; P_temp. template block<12, 12>(0, 0) += HTH; /* Eigen::Matrix h_x_cur = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(dof_Measurement, n); //std::cout << "line 1767" << std::endl; h_x_cur.col(0) = h_x_.col(0); h_x_cur.col(1) = h_x_.col(1); h_x_cur.col(2) = h_x_.col(2); h_x_cur.col(3) = h_x_.col(3); h_x_cur.col(4) = h_x_.col(4); h_x_cur.col(5) = h_x_.col(5); h_x_cur.col(6) = h_x_.col(6); h_x_cur.col(7) = h_x_.col(7); h_x_cur.col(8) = h_x_.col(8); h_x_cur.col(9) = h_x_.col(9); h_x_cur.col(10) = h_x_.col(10); h_x_cur.col(11) = h_x_.col(11); */ cov P_inv = P_temp.inverse(); // (H_T_H + P^-1)^-1 //std::cout << "line 1781" << std::endl; K_h = P_inv. template block(0, 0) * h_x_.transpose() * dyn_share.h; // (H_T_H + P^-1)^-1 * H^T * h(残差) = K * h //std::cout << "line 1780" << std::endl; //cov HTH_cur = cov::Zero(); //HTH_cur. template block<12, 12>(0, 0) = HTH; K_x.setZero(); // = cov::Zero(); K_x. template block(0, 0) = P_inv. template block(0, 0) * HTH; //(H_T_H + P^-1)^-1 * H_T_H = KH //K_= (h_x_.transpose() * h_x_ + (P_/R).inverse()).inverse()*h_x_.transpose(); #endif } //K_x = K_ * h_x_; Matrix dx_ = K_h + (K_x - Matrix::Identity()) * dx_new; //误差增量后验 K*h + (K*H - I) dx state x_before = x_; x_.boxplus(dx_); //根据计算得到的误差增量后验,更新状态量 dyn_share.converge = true; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { if(std::fabs(dx_[i]) > limit[i]) { dyn_share.converge = false; break; } } if(dyn_share.converge) t++; if(!t && i == maximum_iter - 2) { dyn_share.converge = true; } // 最后一次迭代更新协方差矩阵 if(t > 1 || i == maximum_iter - 1) { L_ = P_; //std::cout << "iteration time" << t << "," << i << std::endl; Matrix res_temp_SO3; MTK::vect<3, scalar_type> seg_SO3; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.SO3_state.begin(); it != x_.SO3_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ seg_SO3(i) = dx_(i + idx); } res_temp_SO3 = MTK::A_matrix(seg_SO3).transpose(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (P_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } // if(n > dof_Measurement) // { // for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ // K_.template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); // } // } // else // { for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_SO3 * (K_x. template block<3, 1>(idx, i)); } //} for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 3>(i, idx)) * res_temp_SO3.transpose(); } } Matrix res_temp_S2; MTK::vect<2, scalar_type> seg_S2; for(typename std::vector >::iterator it = x_.S2_state.begin(); it != x_.S2_state.end(); it++) { int idx = (*it).first; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ seg_S2(i) = dx_(i + idx); } Eigen::Matrix Nx; Eigen::Matrix Mx; x_.S2_Nx_yy(Nx, idx); x_propagated.S2_Mx(Mx, seg_S2, idx); res_temp_S2 = Nx * Mx; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (P_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } // if(n > dof_Measurement) // { // for(int i = 0; i < dof_Measurement; i++){ // K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); // } // } // else // { for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i) = res_temp_S2 * (K_x. template block<2, 1>(idx, i)); } //} for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (L_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx) = (P_. template block<1, 2>(i, idx)) * res_temp_S2.transpose(); } } P_ = L_ - K_x.template block(0, 0) * P_.template block<12, n>(0, 0); solve_time += omp_get_wtime() - solve_start; return dyn_share.converge; } solve_time += omp_get_wtime() - solve_start; } return dyn_share.converge; } void change_x(state &input_state) { x_ = input_state; if((!x_.vect_state.size())&&(!x_.SO3_state.size())&&(!x_.S2_state.size())) { x_.build_S2_state(); x_.build_SO3_state(); x_.build_vect_state(); } } void change_P(cov &input_cov) { P_ = input_cov; } const state& get_x() const { return x_; } const cov& get_P() const { return P_; } private: state x_; measurement m_; cov P_; spMt l_; spMt f_x_1; spMt f_x_2; cov F_x1 = cov::Identity(); cov F_x2 = cov::Identity(); cov L_ = cov::Identity(); processModel *f; processMatrix1 *f_x; processMatrix2 *f_w; measurementModel *h; measurementMatrix1 *h_x; measurementMatrix2 *h_v; measurementModel_dyn *h_dyn; measurementMatrix1_dyn *h_x_dyn; measurementMatrix2_dyn *h_v_dyn; measurementModel_share *h_share; measurementModel_dyn_share *h_dyn_share; int maximum_iter = 0; scalar_type limit[n]; template T check_safe_update( T _temp_vec ) { T temp_vec = _temp_vec; if ( std::isnan( temp_vec(0, 0) ) ) { temp_vec.setZero(); return temp_vec; } double angular_dis = temp_vec.block( 0, 0, 3, 1 ).norm() * 57.3; double pos_dis = temp_vec.block( 3, 0, 3, 1 ).norm(); if ( angular_dis >= 20 || pos_dis > 1 ) { printf( "Angular dis = %.2f, pos dis = %.2f\r\n", angular_dis, pos_dis ); temp_vec.setZero(); } return temp_vec; } public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW }; } // namespace esekfom #endif // ESEKFOM_EKF_HPP