// // Created by zx on 2019/12/6. // #include "fence_controller.h" int Fence_controller::S_RETRY_TIMES=3; /** * 配置读取函数,暂未使用 * */ bool Fence_controller::read_proto_param(std::string path) { int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return false; FileInputStream *input = new FileInputStream(fd); bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(input, &m_wj_manager_param); // std::cout<::Ptr pCloud) { std::ofstream os; os.open(txt, std::ios::out); for (int i = 0; i < pCloud->points.size(); i++) { pcl::PointXYZ point = pCloud->points[i]; char buf[255]; memset(buf, 0, 255); sprintf(buf, "%f %f %f\n", point.x, point.y, point.z); os.write(buf, strlen(buf)); } os.close(); } /** * 初始化函数,根据配置生成日志与数据保存路径,创建雷达,区域与plc句柄以及更新,消息接收与处理线程 * */ Error_manager Fence_controller::initialize(wj::wjManagerParams params) { mp_merged_cloud = pcl::PointCloud::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud); // get current working directory char curr_dir[100]; getcwd(curr_dir, sizeof(curr_dir)); m_wj_manager_param.CopyFrom(params); // create data path if (m_wj_manager_param.has_fence_data_path() && m_wj_manager_param.fence_data_path() != "") { PathCreator path_creator; path_creator.Mkdir(m_wj_manager_param.fence_data_path()); } mp_plc_data = Plc_data::get_instance(m_wj_manager_param.plc_ip_address()); if (mp_plc_data != 0 && mp_plc_data->get_plc_status()) { LOG(INFO) << "created plc data handler" << mp_plc_data; } else { // LOG(ERROR) << "create plc data handler error"; return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_UNINITIALIZED,NORMAL,"万集plc连接失败"); } // init lidar instances for (int i = 0; i < m_wj_manager_param.wj_lidar_size(); ++i) { m_lidars_vector.push_back(new Wj_lidar_encapsulation()); Error_manager code = m_lidars_vector[i]->initialize(m_wj_manager_param.wj_lidar(i)); // 错误码信息已在内部打印 if (code != SUCCESS) { return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_UNINITIALIZED,NORMAL,"万集雷达连接失败"); } } // init region_detector instances for (int j = 0; j < m_wj_manager_param.regions_size(); ++j) { m_region_workers_vector.push_back(new Region_worker(j, m_wj_manager_param.regions(j), mp_verify_result_tool)); } LOG(INFO) << "created wj lidars and region workers"; // init wheel handling thread m_cond_wheel_exit.Notify(false); if (m_wheel_soc) { m_wheel_soc.bind(CONNECTSTRING); } m_wheel_send_thread = new std::thread(wheel_msg_handling_thread, this); m_wheel_send_thread->detach(); m_wheel_recv_thread = new std::thread(wheel_msg_recv_thread, this); m_wheel_recv_thread->detach(); LOG(INFO) << "created wheel msg receiving and sending threads"; m_cond_exit.Notify(false); m_update_thread = new std::thread(cloud_merge_update, this); m_update_thread->detach(); LOG(INFO) << "created cloud merge thread"; LOG(INFO) << "fence this: "<< this; mb_initialized = true; return Error_manager(Error_code::SUCCESS); } /** * 无参构造 * */ Fence_controller::Fence_controller(Verify_result* verify_handle) : mb_initialized(0), m_update_thread(0), m_wheel_recv_thread(0), m_wheel_send_thread(0), mp_verify_result_tool(0) { m_lidars_vector.clear(); m_region_workers_vector.clear(); if(verify_handle!=0) mp_verify_result_tool = verify_handle; } /** * 析构函数 * */ Fence_controller::~Fence_controller() { m_cond_exit.Notify(true); m_cond_wheel_exit.Notify(true); if (m_update_thread) { if (m_update_thread->joinable()) { m_update_thread->join(); } delete m_update_thread; m_update_thread = 0; } LOG(INFO) << "exit update cloud thread"; if (m_wheel_recv_thread) { if (m_wheel_recv_thread->joinable()) { m_wheel_recv_thread->join(); } delete m_wheel_recv_thread; m_wheel_recv_thread = 0; } LOG(INFO) << "exit receive wheel msg thread"; if (m_wheel_send_thread) { if (m_wheel_send_thread->joinable()) { m_wheel_send_thread->join(); } delete m_wheel_send_thread; m_wheel_send_thread = 0; } LOG(INFO) << "exit send wheel result thread"; // delete lidar instances for (int i = 0; i < m_lidars_vector.size(); ++i) { if (m_lidars_vector[i]) { delete m_lidars_vector[i]; m_lidars_vector[i] = 0; } } LOG(INFO) << "exit lidar handlers"; // delete region_detector instances for (int j = 0; j < m_region_workers_vector.size(); ++j) { if (m_region_workers_vector[j]) { delete m_region_workers_vector[j]; m_region_workers_vector[j] = 0; } } LOG(INFO) << "exit region worker handles"; //PlcData::Release(); LOG(INFO) << "exit plc communicator"; } /** * 外部获取点云 * */ Error_manager Fence_controller::get_cloud(pcl::PointCloud::Ptr &cloud_out) { // LOG(INFO) << "try to get cloud"; if (!mb_initialized) return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_UNINITIALIZED); std::lock_guard t_lck(m_cloud_mutex); // LOG(INFO) << "get cloud check cloud size"; if (mp_merged_cloud->size() <= 0){ return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_EMPTY_CLOUD); } // LOG(INFO) << "get cloud push new cloud "; cloud_out->clear(); cloud_out->operator+=(*mp_merged_cloud); LOG(INFO) << "cloud size: " << mp_merged_cloud->size() << ", " << cloud_out->size(); return Error_manager(Error_code::SUCCESS); } /** * 获取当前软件整体状态,包括雷达、与plc连接状态 * */ Error_manager Fence_controller::get_current_status() { Error_manager code; // 1.检查初始化状态 if (!mb_initialized) return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_UNINITIALIZED); bool disconnected_lidar_exist = false; char buf[50]; memset(buf, 0, 50); sprintf(buf, "lidar disconnected: "); // 2.检查雷达初始化与连接状态 for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lidars_vector.size(); i++) { if (m_lidars_vector[i] == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << i << "号雷达检测到空雷达指针"; return Error_manager(Error_code::POINTER_IS_NULL); } else if (!m_lidars_vector[i]->get_initialize_status()) { LOG(WARNING) << i << "号雷达初始化未完成"; return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_UNINITIALIZED); } else if (!m_lidars_vector[i]->get_connection_status()) { LOG(ERROR) << i << "号雷达检测到连接断开"; sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%d ", i); disconnected_lidar_exist = true; } } if (disconnected_lidar_exist) { LOG(WARNING) << buf; return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_LIDAR_DISCONNECTED); } // 3.检查plc状态 if (mp_plc_data == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "检测plc为空指针"; return Error_manager(Error_code::POINTER_IS_NULL); } else if (!mp_plc_data->get_plc_status()) { LOG(WARNING) << "检测到plc掉线"; return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_MANAGER_PLC_DISCONNECTED); } else { return Error_manager(Error_code::SUCCESS); } } /** * 获取controller初始化状态 * */ bool Fence_controller::get_initialize_status() { return mb_initialized; } /** * 执行任务单 * */ Error_manager Fence_controller::execute_task(Task_Base* task) { // 参数合法性判断 if(task == 0) return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_LIDAR_TASK_EMPTY_TASK); if (task->get_task_type() != Task_type::WJ_TASK) { return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_LIDAR_TASK_WRONG_TYPE,NORMAL,"电子围栏接收到非万集任务"); } Wj_lidar_Task* task_temp = (Wj_lidar_Task*)task; wj_command command_temp; Error_manager code = task_temp->get_command(command_temp); if(code != SUCCESS) return code; int terminal_id = command_temp.terminal_id; if(terminal_id < 0) { return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_LIDAR_TASK_INVALID_TASK,NORMAL,"电子围栏接收到错误万集任务,id异常"); } // 初始化重试次数 int count = S_RETRY_TIMES > 0 ? S_RETRY_TIMES : 1; // 创建保存结果容器 wj_measure_result wj_measure_temp; wj_measure_temp.terminal_id = terminal_id; wj_measure_temp.correctness = false; std::lock_guard t_lck(m_cloud_mutex); while(count-->0 && !task_temp->get_result_flag()){ for (int i = 0; i < m_region_workers_vector.size(); ++i) { if (m_region_workers_vector[i]->get_id() == terminal_id) { char cloud_txt_filename[255]; memset(cloud_txt_filename, 0, 255); char whole_filename[255]; memset(whole_filename, 0, 255); bool correctness = false; LOG(INFO) << "--------callback find terminal------" << terminal_id; double x = 0, y = 0, c = 0, wheelbase = 0, width = 0; // 获取最新点云并保存到total_cloud中 pcl::PointCloud::Ptr total_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud); for (int i = 0; i < m_lidars_vector.size(); ++i) { pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud); if (m_lidars_vector[i]->get_cloud(cloud, command_temp.command_time, command_temp.timeout_in_milliseconds) == SUCCESS) { total_cloud->operator+=(*cloud); } } LOG(INFO) << "--------callback get cloud, size: " << total_cloud->size(); // 获取检测结果 Error_manager code = m_region_workers_vector[i]->get_wheel_result(total_cloud, x, y, c, wheelbase, width); time_t tt = time(0); struct tm *tc = localtime(&tt); char buf[255] = {0}; memset(buf, 0, 255); sprintf(buf, "%d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d", tc->tm_year + 1900, tc->tm_mon + 1, tc->tm_mday, tc->tm_hour, tc->tm_min, tc->tm_sec); // 根据是否成功生成对应文件名 if (code == SUCCESS) { correctness = true; sprintf(cloud_txt_filename, "/%s.txt", buf); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "get wheel result failed: " << code.to_string(); correctness = false; sprintf(cloud_txt_filename, "/%s%s.txt", buf, "_failed"); } // save cloud txt if (m_wj_manager_param.has_fence_data_path() && m_wj_manager_param.fence_data_path() != "") { PathCreator path_creator; path_creator.CreateDatePath(m_wj_manager_param.fence_data_path(), false); sprintf(whole_filename, "%s%s", path_creator.GetCurPath().c_str(), cloud_txt_filename); save_cloud_txt(whole_filename, total_cloud); } wj_measure_temp.x = x * 1000.0; wj_measure_temp.y = y * 1000.0; wj_measure_temp.angle = c; wj_measure_temp.wheel_base = wheelbase*1000.0; wj_measure_temp.width = width * 1000.0; wj_measure_temp.correctness = correctness; if (wj_measure_temp.correctness){ task_temp->set_result(wj_measure_temp); char description[255]={0}; sprintf(description,"WJ center(%.1f, %.1f) size:(%.1f, %.1f) angle:%.2f", x*1000.0,y*1000.0,wheelbase*1000.0,width*1000.0,c); LOG(INFO)<set_result(wj_measure_temp); return Error_manager(Error_code::WJ_LIDAR_TASK_MEASURE_FAILED); } /** * 点云拼接与区域状态更新线程函数 * 默认点云获取超时时间为1秒 * */ void Fence_controller::cloud_merge_update(Fence_controller *fc) { // 句柄判空 if (fc == 0) return; while (!fc->m_cond_exit.WaitFor(1)) { // LOG(INFO) << "------- trying to update cloud "; // 加锁,依次获取最新点云并依次更新各区域状态 // fc->m_cloud_mutex.lock(); std::lock_guard t_lck(fc->m_cloud_mutex); fc->mp_merged_cloud->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < fc->m_lidars_vector.size(); ++i) { if(fc->m_lidars_vector[i] == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "No " << i << " wj lidar, null pointer"; continue; } if(!fc->m_lidars_vector[i]->get_initialize_status()) { // LOG(WARNING) << "No " << i << " wj lidar, uninitialized"; continue; } if(!fc->m_lidars_vector[i]->get_connection_status()) { // LOG(WARNING) << "No " << i << " wj lidar, disconnected"; continue; } pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud); Error_manager code = fc->m_lidars_vector[i]->get_cloud(cloud, std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), 1000); if (code == SUCCESS) { fc->mp_merged_cloud->operator+=(*cloud); // LOG(INFO) << "No " << i << " wj lidar, get cloud size: " << fc->mp_merged_cloud->size(); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "No " << i << " wj lidar, get cloud failed. " << code.to_string(); } } if (fc->mp_merged_cloud->size() > 0) { // LOG(INFO) << "trying to update cloud in region"; for (int i = 0; i < fc->m_region_workers_vector.size(); ++i) { fc->m_region_workers_vector[i]->update_cloud(fc->mp_merged_cloud); } } // fc->m_cloud_mutex.unlock(); } } /** * 轮距计算任务消息接收线程函数 * */ void Fence_controller::wheel_msg_recv_thread(Fence_controller *fc) { // 句柄判空 if (fc == 0) return; while (!fc->m_cond_wheel_exit.WaitFor(1)) { if (fc->m_wheel_soc) { // LOG(INFO) << "------- trying to recv msg "; nnxx::message_control *c1 = new nnxx::message_control(); fc->m_mutex_wheel_handling.lock(); auto m1 = fc->m_wheel_soc.recv(1, *c1); fc->m_mutex_wheel_handling.unlock(); // 接收到消息则放入任务队列 if (!m1.empty()) { MsgTask task; task.cmd = nnxx::to_string(m1); task.sock_controller = c1; fc->m_msg_queue.push(task); LOG(INFO) << "-------recv msg " << task.cmd.c_str() << "-------"; } } } LOG(INFO) << "任务消息接收线程退出"; } // /** // * 电子围栏主动测量函数 // * */ // Error_manager Fence_controller::wj_fence_measure() // { // } /** * 轮距计算任务处理线程 * */ #include "globalmsg.pb.h" void Fence_controller::wheel_msg_handling_thread(Fence_controller *fc) { // 句柄判空 if (fc == 0) return; while (!fc->m_cond_wheel_exit.WaitFor(1)) { // LOG(INFO) << "------- trying to handle msg "; // 初始化当前允许重测次数 int count = fc->S_RETRY_TIMES > 0 ? fc->S_RETRY_TIMES : 1; MsgTask task; // 从队列中获取任务 if (fc->m_msg_queue.try_pop(task)) { // 初始化测量结果消息 globalmsg::resultInfo result; time_t tt = time(0); struct tm *tc = localtime(&tt); char buf[255] = {0}; memset(buf, 0, 255); sprintf(buf, "%d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d", tc->tm_year + 1900, tc->tm_mon + 1, tc->tm_mday, tc->tm_hour, tc->tm_min, tc->tm_sec); result.set_time(buf); result.set_correctness(false); // 解析任务指令 if (task.cmd.size() > 8 && task.cmd.substr(0, 8) == "Terminal") { int terminal_id = -1; try { terminal_id = std::stoi(task.cmd.substr(8, task.cmd.length() - 8).c_str()); } catch (std::exception const &e) { LOG(WARNING) << e.what() << ", 消息解析失败,无法找到对应id号"; continue; } LOG(INFO) << "handling msg from terminal id: " << terminal_id; std::lock_guard t_lck(fc->m_cloud_mutex); while (count-- >= 0 && !result.correctness()) { LOG(INFO) << "times :" << count; // 寻找到对应区域 for (int i = 0; i < fc->m_region_workers_vector.size(); ++i) { if (terminal_id >= 0 && fc->m_region_workers_vector[i]->get_id() == terminal_id) { LOG(INFO) << "--------callback find terminal------" << terminal_id; double x = 0, y = 0, c = 0, wheelbase = 0, width = 0; // 获取最新点云并保存到total_cloud中 // fc->m_cloud_mutex.lock(); pcl::PointCloud::Ptr total_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud); for (int i = 0; i < fc->m_lidars_vector.size(); ++i) { pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud); if (fc->m_lidars_vector[i]->get_cloud(cloud, std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) == SUCCESS) { total_cloud->operator+=(*cloud); } } // fc->m_cloud_mutex.unlock(); LOG(INFO) << "--------callback get cloud, size: " << total_cloud->size(); char cloud_txt_filename[255]; memset(cloud_txt_filename, 0, 255); char whole_filename[255]; memset(whole_filename, 0, 255); // 获取检测结果 Error_manager code = fc->m_region_workers_vector[i]->get_wheel_result(total_cloud, x, y, c, wheelbase, width); // 根据是否成功生成对应文件名 if (code == SUCCESS) { result.set_correctness(true); sprintf(cloud_txt_filename, "/%s.txt", result.time().c_str()); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "get wheel result failed: " << code.to_string(); result.set_correctness(false); sprintf(cloud_txt_filename, "/%s%s.txt", result.time().c_str(), "_failed"); } // save cloud txt if (fc->m_wj_manager_param.has_fence_data_path() && fc->m_wj_manager_param.fence_data_path() != "") { PathCreator path_creator; path_creator.CreateDatePath(fc->m_wj_manager_param.fence_data_path(), false); sprintf(whole_filename, "%s%s", path_creator.GetCurPath().c_str(), cloud_txt_filename); fc->save_cloud_txt(whole_filename, total_cloud); LOG(INFO) << " save cloud " << whole_filename; } LOG(INFO) << "--------callback get result------"; result.set_x(x * 1000.0); result.set_y(y * 1000.0); result.set_c(c); result.set_wheel_base(wheelbase * 1000.0); result.set_width(width * 1000.0); if (result.correctness()) break; } } } } std::string result_str = result.SerializeAsString(); LOG(INFO) << "--------callback serialized: \n" << result.DebugString() << "------"; fc->m_mutex_wheel_handling.lock(); if (fc->m_wheel_soc) { fc->m_wheel_soc.send(result_str.data(), result_str.length(), 0, std::move(*task.sock_controller)); LOG(INFO) << "------- callback msg sent -------"; } fc->m_mutex_wheel_handling.unlock(); delete task.sock_controller; } } }