03_thread_model.md 3.2 KB

3 Thread Model

3.1 Overview

This document is to describe the rs_driver's API.

However, it seems to be useful and necessary to describe its components first. Why?

  • the caller implemented callbacks are running in rs_driver's threads. They may block the threads with bad design.
  • Caller is supposed to manage the point cloud queue, to avoid copy of point cloud, and repeat allocation and release. This is just how rs_driver manages the MSOP/DIFOP packet queue.

3.2 Components and Threads

rs_driver consists of three parts: Input, Decoder, and LidarDriverImpl.

  • Input gets MSOP/DIFOP packets from network sockets, PCAP file, etc. Its implementation classes have their own threads recv_thread.
  • Decoder parses MSOP/DIFOP packets and constructs point cloud. Decoder has no threads. It runs in LidarDriverImpl's MSOP/DIFOP packet handling threads handle_thread.
  • LidarDriverImpl combines Input and Decoder. It gets MSOP/DIFOP packets and dispatches them to Decoder by their type. After getting point cloud from Decoder, LidarDriverImpl returns it to caller via the callback function.

There are two details here.

  • LidarDriverImpl manages a free MSOP/DIFOP packet queue free_pkt_queue, and a stuffed packet queue pkt_queue. Input first get free packet instance, stuffs it, and return it to pkt_queue. This is done with LidarDriverImpl's callbacks.
  • LidarDriverImpl's callbacks runs in Input's thread recv_thread. They fetch packet instance from queue, and return it to queue. This is simple work and will not block recv_thread.

Apply this design to point cloud queue.

  • Caller manage point cloud instances. rs_driver requests two callbacks. One is to get free point cloud, and the other is to return stuffed point cloud. Caller is encouraged to adopt the design of packet queue.
  • Caller's callbacks runs in rs_driver's thread handle_thread. It parses MSOP/DIFOP packets. If it is slow, the packet queue will overflow. rs_driver then reports ERRCODE_PKTBUFOVERFLOW and discards packets. To avoid this, caller should NOT do any time-consuming task in the callbacks.

3.3 Interface

Now rs_driver's design objectives is clear.

  • Avoid to copy point cloud, and avoid to malloc/free point cloud repeatedly.
  • Parallel the construction and the process of point cloud.

Below is the supposed interaction between rs_driver and user's code. Most detail of rs_driver is omitted except the thread handle_thread. And it is renamed as construct_thread since we are focusing on point cloud.

rs_driver runs in its thread construct_thread. It

  • Gets free point cloud from user. User fetches it from a free cloud queue free_point_cloud_queue. If the queue is empty, then create a new one.
  • Parses packets and constructs point cloud.
  • Returns stuffed point cloud to user.
  • User's code is supposed to shift it to the queue stuffed_point_cloud_queue.

User's code runs in its thread process_thread. It

  • Fetches stuffed point cloud from the queue stuffed_point_cloud_queue
  • Process the point cloud
  • Return the point cloud back to the queue free_point_cloud_queue. rs_driver will use it again.