/* * @Description: lidar calib tools * @Author: yct * @Date: 2021-09-02 11:02:00 * @LastEditTime: 2022-01-25 12:15:07 * @LastEditors: yct */ #include "../tool/point_tool.h" #include #include /** * @description: used to find vlp16 intrinsic * @param {*} * @return {*} * @param {Quaterniond} ground_quat quaternion to align lidar coords with ground plane * @param {double} angle_z_axis rotation angle along z axis to align lidar coords with PLC coords */ void find_intrinsic(Eigen::Vector3d ground_norm, Eigen::Vector3d y_axis) { Eigen::Quaterniond ground_quat = Eigen::Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors(ground_norm, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()); Eigen::Quaterniond xy_plane_quat = Eigen::Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors(y_axis, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()); // std::cout << "y euler: " << xy_plane_quat.toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0).transpose() << std::endl; Eigen::Matrix3d combined_rotation = ground_quat.toRotationMatrix() * xy_plane_quat.toRotationMatrix(); Eigen::Vector3d euler_angles = combined_rotation.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < euler_angles.rows(); i++) { if(fabs(euler_angles[i]) > M_PI_2) { if(euler_angles[i] > 0) { euler_angles[i] = euler_angles[i] - M_PI; }else{ euler_angles[i] = M_PI + euler_angles[i]; } } } if(euler_angles[0]<0) { euler_angles[0] = euler_angles[0] + M_PI; } std::cout << "lidar intrinsic y p r: " << euler_angles.transpose()*180.0/M_PI << std::endl; } /** * @description: fit ground norm from two poles, then find y axis direction from front to back * @return {*} * @param {Ptr} front_barrier * @param {Ptr} back_barrier */ void find_rotation_from_points(pcl::PointCloud::Ptr front_barrier, pcl::PointCloud::Ptr back_barrier, Eigen::Vector3d &front_direction, Eigen::Vector3d &back_direction, Eigen::Vector3d &y_direction) { pcl::PointCloud::Ptr direction_cloud = pcl::PointCloud::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud); Eigen::Vector3d point_front, point_back; // 根据点云拟合直线 //创建一个模型参数对象,用于记录拟合结果 pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients(new pcl::ModelCoefficients); //inliers通过点云序号来记录模型内点 pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices); //创建一个分割对象 pcl::SACSegmentation seg; //Optional,设置结果直线展示的点是分割掉的点还是分割剩下的点 seg.setOptimizeCoefficients(true);//flase 展示的是分割剩下的点 //Mandatory-设置目标几何形状 seg.setModelType(pcl::SACMODEL_LINE); //分割方法:随机采样法 seg.setMethodType(pcl::SAC_RANSAC); //设置误差容忍范围,也就是阈值 seg.setDistanceThreshold(0.01); //输入点云 seg.setInputCloud(front_barrier); //分割点云 seg.segment(*inliers, *coefficients); if(coefficients->values.size() < 6) { std::cout << "fatal, front line coeff size not enough." << std::endl; return; } else { point_front << coefficients->values[0], coefficients->values[1], coefficients->values[2]; front_direction << coefficients->values[3], coefficients->values[4], coefficients->values[5]; std::cout << "front direction: " << front_direction.transpose() << std::endl; } // 保存前杆方向点云,调试用 for (size_t i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Eigen::Vector3d t_point = point_front + front_direction * 0.01 * i; direction_cloud->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(t_point.x(), t_point.y(), t_point.z())); } seg.setInputCloud(back_barrier); seg.segment(*inliers, *coefficients); if(coefficients->values.size() < 6) { std::cout << "fatal, back line coeff size not enough." << std::endl; return; } else { point_back << coefficients->values[0], coefficients->values[1], coefficients->values[2]; back_direction << coefficients->values[3], coefficients->values[4], coefficients->values[5]; std::cout << "back direction: " << back_direction.transpose() << std::endl; } // 保存后杆方向点云,调试用 for (size_t i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Eigen::Vector3d t_point = point_back + back_direction * 0.01 * i; direction_cloud->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(t_point.x(), t_point.y(), t_point.z())); } std::cout << "point front to back : " << point_front.transpose() << " -----> " << point_back.transpose() << std::endl; // 注意y方向需要清除z分量 y_direction = point_front - point_back; y_direction.z() = 0.0; std::cout << "y direction: " << y_direction.transpose() << std::endl; // 保存y方向点云,调试用 for (size_t i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Eigen::Vector3d t_point = point_back + y_direction * 0.01 * i; direction_cloud->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(t_point.x(), t_point.y(), t_point.z())); } save_cloud_txt(direction_cloud, "./direction_cloud.txt"); } // passthrough and fit plane #include "pcl/filters/passthrough.h" void find_ground(pcl::PointCloud::Ptr ground_cloud, Eigen::Vector4d ¶ms, double avg_z=0.03) { if(ground_cloud->size()<=0) { std::cout<<"empty ground cloud"<::Ptr t_cloud = pcl::PointCloud::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud); // 直通滤波 double min_x = -2.6, max_x = 2.3, min_y = -3.0, max_y = 3.0, max_z = 0.1; for (size_t i = 0; i < ground_cloud->size(); i++) { pcl::PointXYZ pt = ground_cloud->points[i]; if (pt.x > min_x && pt.x < max_x && pt.y > min_y && pt.y < max_y && pt.z < max_z) { t_cloud->push_back(pt); } } // 平面拟合 if(t_cloud->size()<1) { std::cout<<"ground cloud not enough"< seg; seg.setOptimizeCoefficients(true); seg.setModelType(pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE); seg.setMethodType(pcl::SAC_RANSAC); seg.setDistanceThreshold(avg_z); seg.setInputCloud(t_cloud); seg.segment(*inliers, *coefficients); if(coefficients->values.size()<4) { std::cout<<"fit plane coeff size not enough"<values[0], coefficients->values[1], coefficients->values[2], coefficients->values[3]; } void matrix_trans() { // 921 A left Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix0; rot_matrix0.setIdentity(); // rot_matrix0 << 0.3967, -0.9023, -0.1686, // -0.8619, -0.4293, 0.2698, // -0.3159, 0.03827, -0.948; // 671 B left // rot_matrix0 << 0.095394842327, -0.995411992073, 0.007405274082, // -0.901792705059, -0.083268046379, 0.42407116293, // -0.421508878469, -0.047132223845, -0.9055985808; // 211 B out left // rot_matrix0 << 0.083884611726, 0.990452945232, -0.109390966594, // 0.894117712975, -0.123275801539, -0.430530607700, // -0.439905554056, -0.061693508178, -0.89592242240; // 541 // rot_matrix0 << 0.127279058099, -0.989588797092, -0.067186594009, // -0.888444364071, -0.143861815333, 0.435855954885, // -0.440983742476, 0.004216216505, -0.897505164146; //621 rot_matrix0 << -0.154493823647, 0.987829446793, 0.018017675728, 0.905054211617, 0.148814871907, -0.398410588503, -0.396243005991, -0.045244999230, -0.91703021526; Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix1; rot_matrix1.setIdentity(); // rot_matrix1 << 0.9993, 0.03618, 0.0, // -0.03618, 0.9993, 0.0, // 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; Eigen::Vector3d euler = (rot_matrix1 * rot_matrix0).eulerAngles(2, 1, 0); std::cout << "mat to euler left (z y x): " << euler[0]*180.0/M_PI << ", " << euler[1]*180.0/M_PI << ", " << euler[2]*180.0/M_PI << std::endl; // 541 A right Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix2; rot_matrix2.setIdentity(); // rot_matrix2 << 0.0812, 0.997, 0.0185, // 0.8787, -0.0628, -0.4731, // -0.4703, 0.0547, -0.8808; // 091 B right // rot_matrix2 << -0.089172042906, -0.994127452374, 0.06131035462, // -0.912935018539, 0.106191061437, 0.394047111273, // -0.398243665695, -0.020834382623, -0.9170430302; // 051 B out right // rot_matrix2 << -0.097560293972, 0.995089590549, 0.016694894060, // 0.888557076454, 0.094646930695, -0.448896795511, // -0.448272645473, -0.028960136697, -0.89342767000; // 001 // rot_matrix2 << -0.077520310879, -0.990943193436, 0.109645560384, // -0.916525423527, 0.114115700126, 0.383352011442, // -0.392392337322, -0.070775382221, -0.91707092523; //131 rot_matrix2 << 0.144158020616, 0.987975895405, -0.055875182152, 0.896719515324, -0.154303416610, -0.414830744267, -0.418464511633, 0.009696813300, -0.908181369305; Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix3; rot_matrix3.setIdentity(); // rot_matrix3 << 0.97486, 0.2228, 0.0, // -0.2228, 0.97486, 0.0, // 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; euler = (rot_matrix3 * rot_matrix2).eulerAngles(2, 1, 0); std::cout << "mat to euler right (z y x): " << euler[0]*180.0/M_PI << ", " << euler[1]*180.0/M_PI << ", " << euler[2]*180.0/M_PI << std::endl; //541: 98.1528, 153.833, -0.269157 //001: 85.1654, 156.897, 4.41308 // 921----- -2.31 161.58 -64 2.512 // 541----- 176.45 28.05 71.85 euler << -2.31, 161.58, -64; Eigen::Matrix3d euler2mat = Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler[2]*M_PI/180.0, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix() * Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler[1]*M_PI/180.0, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()).toRotationMatrix() * Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler[0]*M_PI/180.0, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()).toRotationMatrix(); std::cout << "921 euler mat: \n" << euler2mat << std::endl; // -0.415912 0.892481 0.174631 // 0.852745 0.449462 -0.266101 // -0.31598 0.0382411 -0.947995 euler << 176.45, 28.05, 71.85; euler2mat = Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler[2]*M_PI/180.0, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix() * Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler[1]*M_PI/180.0, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()).toRotationMatrix() * Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler[0]*M_PI/180.0, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()).toRotationMatrix(); std::cout << "541 euler mat: \n" << euler2mat << std::endl; // 0.274916 0.957491 -0.0873633 // 0.838626 -0.28324 -0.465276 // -0.470242 0.0546463 -0.880844 } int main() { matrix_trans(); return 0; // calib process: // 1. cc cut and fit ground, get normal and z // 2. get front and back pole txt // 3. run this calib func to get rpy and z std::cout << "------------------------ start calib lidar 0 ----------------------" << std::endl; // lidar 0 normal [09:22:54] - normal: (-0.000392,-0.011935,0.999929) z -0.07697 // 90.6538 0.68354 0.0302616 // lidar 1 normal 0.000297,-0.001893,0.999998 z -0.0686 // 91.3879 0.108841 -0.0143847 // lidar 2 normal [10:43:07] - normal: (0.001131,-0.024040,0.999710) z -0.0461051 // 86.3796 1.37069 -0.15165 // lidar 3 normal [11:18:44] - normal: (0.000833,0.010742,0.999942) z -0.071 // 91.4077 -0.614125 -0.0628335 // pitch 1.1 ---- 0.485875 pcl::PointCloud::Ptr t_front, t_back; t_front = pcl::PointCloud::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud); t_back = pcl::PointCloud::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud); if (!read_pointcloud("/home/zx/yct/chutian_measure_2021/setting/calib/3front_pole.txt", t_front)) { std::cout << "read front failed." << std::endl; return -1; } if(!read_pointcloud("/home/zx/yct/chutian_measure_2021/setting/calib/3back_pole.txt", t_back)) { std::cout << "read back failed." << std::endl; return -1; } Eigen::Vector3d front_direction, back_direction, y_direction; find_rotation_from_points(t_front, t_back, front_direction, back_direction, y_direction); // 经过测试,地面法向量不适宜使用杆子获取,还是使用地面环点云拟合获得 // find_intrinsic((front_direction + back_direction) / 2.0, y_direction); // find_intrinsic(Eigen::Vector3d(-0.000392,-0.011935,0.999929), y_direction); // find_intrinsic(Eigen::Vector3d(0.001131,-0.024040,0.999710), y_direction); find_intrinsic(Eigen::Vector3d(0.000833,0.010742,0.999942), y_direction); return 0; std::cout << "------------------------ start calib lidar 1 ----------------------" << std::endl; // cloud 1 if (!read_pointcloud("/home/youchen/extra_space/chutian/fence_wj/front_pole2.txt", t_front)) { std::cout << "read front failed." << std::endl; return -1; } if(!read_pointcloud("/home/youchen/extra_space/chutian/fence_wj/back_pole2.txt", t_back)) { std::cout << "read back failed." << std::endl; return -1; } find_rotation_from_points(t_front, t_back, front_direction, back_direction, y_direction); // -0.00566995 0-0.0233422 0000.999712 000.0949598 find_intrinsic(Eigen::Vector3d(-0.00566995,-0.0233422,0.999712), y_direction); return 0; }