/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : Source Server Version : 50638 Source Host : Source Database : zxpark_local Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50638 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2018-12-03 09:56:33 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for garageproperties -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `garageproperties`; CREATE TABLE `garageproperties` ( `garageID` int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `paymentSchemeID` int(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '收费策略', `totalBookableSpace` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '可预约车位总数', `currentBookableSpace` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '当前可预约车位数', `garageCapacity` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '车库容量', `garageFreeSpace` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '当前剩余车位数', PRIMARY KEY (`garageID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of garageproperties -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `garageproperties` VALUES ('1', '1', '20', '19', '200', '180'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for manager -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `manager`; CREATE TABLE `manager` ( `managerID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `managerPassword` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `managerTel` varchar(11) NOT NULL, `managerName` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `roleID` int(8) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`managerID`), KEY `manager_ibfk_1` (`roleID`), CONSTRAINT `manager_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`roleID`) REFERENCES `role` (`roleID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of manager -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for monthcardrecords -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `monthcardrecords`; CREATE TABLE `monthcardrecords` ( `monthCardRecordsID` int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `monthCardType` int(1) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL COMMENT '月卡类型,0无,1体验,2月,3季度,4半年,5年', `numberPlate` char(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '车牌号', `garageID` int(4) NOT NULL, `monthCardDetail` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `startTime` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `endTime` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`monthCardRecordsID`), KEY `monthCardRecords_ibfk_1` (`numberPlate`), KEY `monthCardRecords_ibfk_2` (`garageID`), CONSTRAINT `monthcardrecords_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`numberPlate`) REFERENCES `vehicle` (`numberPlate`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of monthcardrecords -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for numberplatemapping -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `numberplatemapping`; CREATE TABLE `numberplatemapping` ( `numberPlateHeader` varchar(5) NOT NULL, `mappedString` char(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`numberPlateHeader`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of numberplatemapping -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('云', '07'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('京', '01'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('使', '32'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('冀', '05'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('吉', '23'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('学', '35'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('宁', '30'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('川', '29'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('挂', '34'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('新', '13'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('晋', '21'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('桂', '18'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('沪', '03'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('津', '02'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('浙', '15'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('渝', '04'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('港', '37'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('湘', '10'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('澳', '38'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('琼', '31'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('甘', '19'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('皖', '11'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('粤', '26'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('苏', '14'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('蒙', '20'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('藏', '28'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('警', '36'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('豫', '06'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('贵', '25'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('赣', '16'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('辽', '08'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('鄂', '17'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('闽', '24'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('陕', '22'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('青', '27'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('领', '33'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('鲁', '12'); INSERT INTO `numberplatemapping` VALUES ('黑', '09'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for orderrecords -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `orderrecords`; CREATE TABLE `orderrecords` ( `orderRecordsID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '预约记录id', `userID` int(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户id', `numberPlate` char(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '车牌号', `garageID` int(4) NOT NULL, `bookParkTime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '预约时间', `cancelBookTime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '取消预约时间', `bookFetchTime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `bookHour` int(2) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '预约时长', `bookPrice` int(11) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '价格', `bookState` int(1) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL COMMENT '是否超过预约时间,默认0预停开始,1预停超时,2预取开始,3预取超时,4订单支付完成', PRIMARY KEY (`orderRecordsID`), KEY `orderRecords_ibfk_3` (`garageID`), KEY `orderRecords_ibfk_1` (`userID`), KEY `orderRecords_ibfk_2` (`numberPlate`), CONSTRAINT `orderrecords_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`numberPlate`) REFERENCES `vehicle` (`numberPlate`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=50 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of orderrecords -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('1', '1', '鄂A12345', '1', '2018-11-07 16:21:02', null, null, '1', '00000000003', '4'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('2', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-14 23:30:22', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('3', '8', '鄂A12345', '1', '2018-11-14 23:36:19', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('4', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-15 00:51:07', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('5', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-15 01:08:10', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('6', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-13 17:42:49', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('7', '8', '鄂A12345', '1', '2018-11-13 17:59:43', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('8', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-13 18:14:30', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('9', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-13 18:16:21', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('10', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-13 18:21:36', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('11', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-15 09:15:08', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('12', '8', '鄂A12345', '1', '2018-11-21 08:46:55', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('13', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-21 14:00:52', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('14', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 14:08:14', null, null, '2', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('15', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 15:23:22', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('16', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:16:24', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('17', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:19:06', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('18', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:28:13', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('19', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:31:15', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('20', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:40:05', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('21', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:42:51', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('22', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-23 16:49:59', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('23', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-27 13:51:44', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('24', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-27 13:56:21', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('25', '8', '鄂A12345', '1', '2018-11-27 13:57:18', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('30', '8', '鄂A19999', '1', '2018-11-27 14:31:47', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('31', '8', '鄂A19999', '1', '2018-11-27 14:34:30', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('32', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-27 14:37:32', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('33', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 14:56:13', null, null, '2', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('34', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 15:52:04', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('35', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 15:57:23', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('36', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 15:59:19', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('37', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 16:05:15', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('38', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 16:08:34', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('39', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 17:01:32', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('40', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 17:16:23', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('41', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 17:32:59', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('42', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-28 18:05:59', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('43', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-29 10:28:43', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('44', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-29 10:42:13', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('45', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-29 11:01:50', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('46', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '2018-11-29 11:43:52', null, null, '3', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('47', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-29 14:31:49', null, null, '1', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('48', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-11-29 14:55:50', null, null, '1', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `orderrecords` VALUES ('49', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '2018-12-01 16:04:59', null, null, '3', null, '0'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for parkingrecords -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `parkingrecords`; CREATE TABLE `parkingrecords` ( `parkingRecordsID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '订单ID', `userID` int(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID', `numberPlate` char(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '车牌号', `parkingSpaceID` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '车位ID', `garageID` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '车库ID', `parkingRecordsState` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单状态', `realParkTime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '实际停车时间', `realGetTime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '实际取车时间', `receiptNum` int(8) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '流水号', `parkingPrice` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '价格', `paymentStatus` int(4) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '支付状态', PRIMARY KEY (`parkingRecordsID`), KEY `r_userID` (`userID`) USING BTREE, KEY `r_parkingSpaceID` (`parkingSpaceID`) USING BTREE, KEY `r_garageID` (`garageID`) USING BTREE, KEY `r_numberPlate` (`numberPlate`) USING BTREE, CONSTRAINT `parkingrecords_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parkingSpaceID`) REFERENCES `parkingspace` (`parkingSpaceID`), CONSTRAINT `parkingrecords_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`numberPlate`) REFERENCES `vehicle` (`numberPlate`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=97 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='停车记录表\r\n订单状态 :1表示预约,2表示预约订单被取消,3表示正在停车(车已入库),4表示预约取车,5表示付款没有取车,6表示取车并付款'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of parkingrecords -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('2', '1', '鄂A12233', '1', '1', '6', '2018-05-18 10:48:22', '2018-09-21 13:58:44', '11221122', '233', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('5', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 11:56:23', null, '1622026', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('8', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 12:10:37', null, '1622026', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('9', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 13:44:25', null, '1622026', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('10', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 13:47:00', null, '1622026', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('11', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 14:00:08', null, '1624203', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('12', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 14:58:34', null, '1494417', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('13', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 16:21:05', null, '1345361', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('14', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-26 16:26:00', null, '1180161', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('15', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-26 16:29:16', '2018-09-27 10:18:59', '1527193', '40', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('16', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-27 10:44:45', '2018-09-27 11:12:34', '1002214', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('17', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-27 13:57:59', '2018-09-27 15:02:42', '1472774', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('18', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-27 16:17:24', '2018-09-27 16:40:34', '1044488', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('19', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-28 09:36:49', '2018-09-28 09:43:40', '1145362', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('20', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-28 10:01:09', '2018-09-28 10:17:07', '1732795', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('21', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-28 13:44:43', null, '1508983', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('22', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 10:13:48', '2018-09-30 10:50:41', '1313380', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('25', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-30 10:59:45', null, '1542033', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('26', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 11:10:01', '2018-09-30 11:11:22', '1789265', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('27', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 13:54:21', '2018-09-30 13:56:10', '1303863', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('28', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 14:09:12', '2018-09-30 14:10:11', '1791456', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('29', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 15:03:59', '2018-09-30 15:04:54', '1363018', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('30', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 15:15:41', '2018-09-30 15:16:19', '1713154', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('31', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 15:23:53', '2018-09-30 15:24:34', '1073471', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('32', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 15:29:57', '2018-09-30 15:30:30', '1787452', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('33', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 15:40:31', '2018-09-30 15:41:13', '1905061', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('34', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 16:02:56', '2018-09-30 16:06:32', '1615494', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('35', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-09-30 16:09:23', null, '1195242', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('36', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-09-30 17:48:30', '2018-09-30 17:49:34', '1266260', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('37', '8', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-18 18:10:04', '2018-10-18 18:12:07', '1112262', '3', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('38', '1', '苏B56789', '1', '1', '3', '2018-10-24 15:23:58', null, '1228329', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('39', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-10-26 19:18:14', null, '1742459', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('40', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-29 16:27:45', '2018-10-29 16:59:21', '1203521', '3', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('41', '28', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '3', '2018-10-29 17:44:41', null, '0', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('42', '28', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-29 18:03:01', '2018-10-29 18:09:18', '1128960', '3', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('43', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-30 09:54:11', '2018-10-30 10:04:06', '1841507', '3', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('44', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-10-30 10:55:06', null, '0', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('45', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-30 14:28:56', '2018-10-30 14:34:01', '1403530', '3', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('46', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-30 15:17:07', '2018-10-30 15:17:34', '1668397', '3', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('47', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-30 16:45:56', '2018-12-01 15:45:17', '1809574', '1440', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('48', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-30 16:59:00', '2018-10-31 12:15:34', '1424288', '30', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('49', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-31 12:22:27', '2018-10-31 14:36:03', '1417303', '9', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('50', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-31 15:03:34', '2018-10-31 15:04:30', '1908614', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('51', '28', '桂K888S8', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-31 16:36:14', '2018-11-02 14:51:49', '1803570', '30', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('52', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-10-31 16:45:57', '2018-10-31 16:48:50', '1403631', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('53', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-01 12:01:37', null, '0', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('54', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-01 18:22:49', '2018-11-02 14:43:36', '1357863', '30', '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('55', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 11:13:44', '2018-11-02 13:53:12', '1542039', '9', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('56', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 13:46:50', '2018-11-02 13:51:40', '1512420', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('57', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 16:28:57', '2018-12-01 15:45:17', '1809574', '1440', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('58', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 17:05:20', '2018-11-02 17:37:32', '1319356', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('59', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-02 17:05:38', null, '0', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('60', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-02 17:17:05', null, '0', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('61', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 17:31:17', '2018-11-02 17:55:24', '1014233', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('62', '1', '冀E5942Z', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 17:33:28', '2018-11-02 17:37:32', '1319356', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('63', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-02 17:33:35', '2018-11-02 17:37:54', '1697756', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('64', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-06 16:21:23', null, '0', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('65', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-06 16:38:38', '2018-11-06 16:49:22', '1323758', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('66', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-07 16:21:02', null, '1143459', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('67', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-19 16:44:46', '2018-11-19 16:56:16', '1681655', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('68', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-20 17:34:10', null, '1875784', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('69', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-20 17:57:53', '2018-11-21 18:05:33', '1934622', '45', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('70', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-20 18:19:34', '2018-11-22 16:47:29', '1406008', '55', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('71', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-21 16:31:34', null, '1855999', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('72', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-21 16:54:53', '2018-11-22 17:05:35', '1949669', '40', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('73', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-21 17:34:32', '2018-11-22 17:16:48', '1460653', '40', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('74', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-21 17:42:08', '2018-11-22 17:56:27', '1831761', '45', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('75', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-21 17:43:48', null, '1735393', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('76', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-23 14:24:08', null, '1243846', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('77', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-28 15:02:29', '2018-11-28 15:46:07', '19904197', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('78', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-28 16:36:06', '2018-11-29 09:25:59', '11693929', '45', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('79', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-28 17:14:34', '2018-11-29 09:28:05', '13000056', '45', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('80', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-28 17:29:54', '2018-11-30 17:26:45', '11353354', '90', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('81', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-28 18:03:08', '2018-11-30 17:26:45', '11353354', '90', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('82', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-28 18:26:03', null, '13286054', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('83', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 11:05:18', null, '11080629', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('84', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-29 11:11:55', '2018-11-29 11:29:02', '18217415', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('85', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 11:33:24', null, '16495655', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('86', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 14:36:16', null, '18009734', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('87', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 14:45:24', null, '11726712', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('88', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 14:47:29', null, '17828365', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('89', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 14:49:02', null, '14255689', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('90', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 14:53:02', null, '19620689', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('91', '28', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-29 14:58:19', null, '10596443', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('92', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-11-30 16:43:12', '2018-11-30 17:23:57', '19137507', '0', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('93', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-30 17:08:29', null, '16495655', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('94', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '3', '2018-11-30 17:11:20', null, '17211871', null, '0'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('95', '1', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-12-01 15:41:59', '2018-12-01 15:45:17', '1809574', '1440', '2'); INSERT INTO `parkingrecords` VALUES ('96', '8', '桂K88888', '1', '1', '6', '2018-12-01 16:07:43', '2018-12-01 16:18:09', '10744640', '0', '2'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for parkingspace -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `parkingspace`; CREATE TABLE `parkingspace` ( `parkingSpaceID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '车位ID', `parkingSpaceName` varchar(8) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '车位编号', `parkingSpaceX` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '车位坐标X', `parkingSpaceY` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '车位坐标Y', `parkingSpaceZ` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '车位坐标Z', `parkingSpaceState` int(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '车位状态。0空闲,1占用,2已预约', PRIMARY KEY (`parkingSpaceID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5407 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='车位信息表\r\n车位状态0表示空闲,1表示占用'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of parkingspace -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `parkingspace` VALUES ('1', 'a1', '0', '0', '0', '0'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for paymentscheme -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `paymentscheme`; CREATE TABLE `paymentscheme` ( `paymentSchemeID` int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `schemeType` int(2) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '策略类型。1按时,2按天,3按时间段', `freeTime` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '单位:分钟', `firstChargeTime` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '首段收费时间,单位:分钟', `firstCharge` int(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '首段费用', `chargeInterval` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '间隔收费时间,单位:分钟', `intervalCharge` int(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '间隔收费单价', `upperBound` int(5) NOT NULL COMMENT '每日停车收费上限', `eachCharge` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '按次收费,每次费用', `overnightCharge` int(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '按次收费,加收过夜费', `startChargeTime` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '按时间段收费,起始时间', `endChargeTime` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '按时间段收费,终止时间', `chargeStandard` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '按时间段收费,每小时费用', `monthCardCharge` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '月卡办理价格', `seasonCardCharge` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '季卡办理价格', `halfYearCardCharge` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '半年卡办理价格', `yearCardCharge` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '年卡办理价格', `bookCharge` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '预约小时费用', PRIMARY KEY (`paymentSchemeID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of paymentscheme -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `paymentscheme` VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '1', '3', '1', '3', '45', '25', '15', '8:30:00', '23:30:00', '6', '288', '588', '888', '1288', '4'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for permission -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `permission`; CREATE TABLE `permission` ( `permissionID` int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `permissionName` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`permissionID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of permission -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for role -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `role`; CREATE TABLE `role` ( `roleID` int(8) NOT NULL, `roleName` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色名', PRIMARY KEY (`roleID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of role -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for rolepermissionrelation -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rolepermissionrelation`; CREATE TABLE `rolepermissionrelation` ( `roleID` int(8) NOT NULL, `permissionID` int(8) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`roleID`), KEY `rolePermissionRelation` (`permissionID`), CONSTRAINT `rolepermissionrelation_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`permissionID`) REFERENCES `permission` (`permissionID`), CONSTRAINT `rolepermissionrelation_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`roleID`) REFERENCES `role` (`roleID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of rolepermissionrelation -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for vehicle -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vehicle`; CREATE TABLE `vehicle` ( `numberPlate` char(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '车牌号', `vehicleTypeID` int(8) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '车型ID', `vehicleTypeConfirm` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '车型确认状态', `vehicleTypeChange` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '5' COMMENT '车型可修改次数', `parkingSpaceID` int(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '车位ID', `garageID` int(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '车库ID', `vehiclepParkState` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '车辆停车状态,0未停入,1停入,2停车中,3取车中,4停车预约,5预约取车', `orderRecordsID` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '预约记录id', `parkingRecordsID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '停车记录ID', `frontwheelbase` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '前轮轮距', `rearwheelbase` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '后轮轮距', `monthCardType` int(1) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '月卡类型,0无,1体验,2月,3季度,4半年,5年', `monthCardTime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '月卡到期时间', PRIMARY KEY (`numberPlate`), KEY `vehicleTypeID` (`vehicleTypeID`) USING BTREE, KEY `parkingSpaceID` (`parkingSpaceID`) USING BTREE, KEY `parkingRecordsID` (`parkingRecordsID`) USING BTREE, KEY `v_garageID` (`garageID`) USING BTREE, KEY `vehicle_ibfk_5` (`orderRecordsID`), CONSTRAINT `vehicle_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parkingRecordsID`) REFERENCES `parkingrecords` (`parkingRecordsID`), CONSTRAINT `vehicle_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`parkingSpaceID`) REFERENCES `parkingspace` (`parkingSpaceID`), CONSTRAINT `vehicle_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (`orderRecordsID`) REFERENCES `orderrecords` (`orderRecordsID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='车辆信息表\r\n停车状态:0表示未停车,1表示已停车,2表示用户已经发送停车指令但系统还未处理,3表示用户已经发送取车指令但系统还未处理,4表示用户已经发送预约停车指令,5表示用户已经发送预约取车指令\r\n车型确认状态:0表示未确认,1表示已确认。'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of vehicle -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('冀E5942Z', null, '0', '5', null, null, '0', null, '58', '0', '0', '0', null); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('桂K88888', null, '0', '5', null, null, '0', '49', '96', '0', '0', '0', null); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('桂K888S8', null, '0', '5', null, null, '0', null, '51', '0', '0', '0', null); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('苏B56789', null, '0', '5', null, null, '4', '46', '38', '0', '0', '0', null); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('鄂A11111', '3', '0', '5', null, null, '0', null, null, '0', '0', '0', ''); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('鄂A12233', null, '0', '5', null, null, '1', null, null, '0', '0', '0', ''); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('鄂A12345', '2', '0', '5', null, null, '4', '25', null, '0', '0', '0', ''); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('鄂A19999', '0', '0', '5', null, null, '4', '31', null, '0', '0', '0', null); INSERT INTO `vehicle` VALUES ('鄂A22222', null, '0', '5', null, null, '0', null, null, '0', '0', '0', null);