123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209 |
- .. Copyright 2018 The Cartographer Authors
- .. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- .. cartographer SHA: aba4575d937df4c9697f61529200c084f2562584
- .. cartographer_ros SHA: 99c23b6ac7874f7974e9ed808ace841da6f2c8b0
- .. TODO(hrapp): mention insert_free_space somewhere
- Tuning methodology
- ==================
- Tuning Cartographer is unfortunately really difficult.
- The system has many parameters many of which affect each other.
- This tuning guide tries to explain a principled approach on concrete examples.
- Built-in tools
- --------------
- Cartographer provides built-in tools for SLAM evaluation that can be particularly useful for measuring the local SLAM quality.
- They are stand-alone executables that ship with the core ``cartographer`` library and are hence independent, but compatible with ``cartographer_ros``.
- Therefore, please head to the `Cartographer Read the Docs Evaluation site`_ for a conceptual overview and a guide on how to use the tools in practice.
- These tools assume that you have serialized the SLAM state to a ``.pbstream`` file.
- With ``cartographer_ros``, you can invoke the ``assets_writer`` to serialize the state - see the :ref:`assets_writer` section for more information.
- .. _Cartographer Read the Docs Evaluation site: https://google-cartographer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/evaluation.html
- Example: tuning local SLAM
- --------------------------
- For this example we'll start at ``cartographer`` commit `aba4575`_ and ``cartographer_ros`` commit `99c23b6`_ and look at the bag ``b2-2016-04-27-12-31-41.bag`` from our test data set.
- At our starting configuration, we see some slipping pretty early in the bag.
- The backpack passed over a ramp in the Deutsches Museum which violates the 2D assumption of a flat floor.
- It is visible in the laser scan data that contradicting information is passed to the SLAM.
- But the slipping also indicates that we trust the point cloud matching too much and disregard the other sensors quite strongly.
- Our aim is to improve the situation through tuning.
- .. _aba4575: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer/commit/aba4575d937df4c9697f61529200c084f2562584
- .. _99c23b6: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros/commit/99c23b6ac7874f7974e9ed808ace841da6f2c8b0
- If we only look at this particular submap, that the error is fully contained in one submap.
- We also see that over time, global SLAM figures out that something weird happened and partially corrects for it.
- The broken submap is broken forever though.
- .. TODO(hrapp): VIDEO
- Since the problem here is slippage inside a submap, it is a local SLAM issue.
- So let's turn off global SLAM to not mess with our tuning.
- .. code-block:: lua
- POSE_GRAPH.optimize_every_n_nodes = 0
- Correct size of submaps
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- The size of submaps is configured through ``TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.submaps.num_range_data``.
- Looking at the individual submaps for this example they already fit the two constraints rather well, so we assume this parameter is well tuned.
- Tuning the ``CeresScanMatcher``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- In our case, the scan matcher can freely move the match forward and backwards without impacting the score.
- We'd like to penalize this situation by making the scan matcher pay more for deviating from the prior that it got.
- The two parameters controlling this are ``TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.ceres_scan_matcher.translation_weight`` and ``rotation_weight``.
- The higher, the more expensive it is to move the result away from the prior, or in other words: scan matching has to generate a higher score in another position to be accepted.
- For instructional purposes, let's make deviating from the prior really expensive:
- .. code-block:: lua
- TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.ceres_scan_matcher.translation_weight = 1e3
- .. TODO(hrapp): video
- This allows the optimizer to pretty liberally overwrite the scan matcher results.
- This results in poses close to the prior, but inconsistent with the depth sensor and clearly broken.
- Experimenting with this value yields a better result at ``2e2``.
- .. TODO(hrapp): VIDEO with translation_weight = 2e2
- Here, the scan matcher used rotation to still slightly mess up the result though.
- Setting the ``rotation_weight`` to ``4e2`` leaves us with a reasonable result.
- Verification
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
- To make sure that we did not overtune for this particular issue, we need to run the configuration against other collected data.
- In this case, the new parameters did reveal slipping, for example at the beginning of ``b2-2016-04-05-14-44-52.bag``, so we had to lower the ``translation_weight`` to ``1e2``.
- This setting is worse for the case we wanted to fix, but no longer slips.
- Before checking them in, we normalize all weights, since they only have relative meaning.
- The result of this tuning was `PR 428`_.
- In general, always try to tune for a platform, not a particular bag.
- .. _PR 428: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer/pull/428
- Special Cases
- -------------
- The default configuration and the above tuning steps are focused on quality.
- Only after we have achieved good quality, we can further consider special cases.
- Low Latency
- ^^^^^^^^^^^
- By low latency, we mean that an optimized local pose becomes available shortly after sensor input was received,
- usually within a second, and that global optimization has no backlog.
- Low latency is required for online algorithms, such as robot localization.
- Local SLAM, which operates in the foreground, directly affects latency.
- Global SLAM builds up a queue of background tasks.
- When global SLAM cannot keep up the queue, drift can accumulate indefinitely,
- so global SLAM should be tuned to work in real time.
- There are many options to tune the different components for speed, and we list them ordered from
- the recommended, straightforward ones to the those that are more intrusive.
- It is recommended to only explore one option at a time, starting with the first.
- Configuration parameters are documented in the `Cartographer documentation`_.
- .. _Cartographer documentation: https://google-cartographer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html
- To tune global SLAM for lower latency, we reduce its computational load
- until is consistently keeps up with real-time input.
- Below this threshold, we do not reduce it further, but try to achieve the best possible quality.
- To reduce global SLAM latency, we can
- - decrease ``optimize_every_n_nodes``
- - increase ``MAP_BUILDER.num_background_threads`` up to the number of cores
- - decrease ``global_sampling_ratio``
- - decrease ``constraint_builder.sampling_ratio``
- - increase ``constraint_builder.min_score``
- - for the adaptive voxel filter(s), decrease ``.min_num_points``, ``.max_range``, increase ``.max_length``
- - increase ``voxel_filter_size``, ``submaps.resolution``, decrease ``submaps.num_range_data``
- - decrease search windows sizes, ``.linear_xy_search_window``, ``.linear_z_search_window``, ``.angular_search_window``
- - increase ``global_constraint_search_after_n_seconds``
- - decrease ``max_num_iterations``
- To tune local SLAM for lower latency, we can
- - increase ``voxel_filter_size``
- - increase ``submaps.resolution``
- - for the adaptive voxel filter(s), decrease ``.min_num_points``, ``.max_range``, increase ``.max_length``
- - decrease ``max_range`` (especially if data is noisy)
- - decrease ``submaps.num_range_data``
- Note that larger voxels will slightly increase scan matching scores as a side effect,
- so score thresholds should be increased accordingly.
- Pure Localization in a Given Map
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Pure localization is different from mapping.
- First, we expect a lower latency of both local and global SLAM.
- Second, global SLAM will usually find a very large number of inter constraints between the frozen trajectory
- that serves as a map and the current trajectory.
- To tune for pure localization, we should first enable ``TRAJECTORY_BUILDER.pure_localization = true`` and
- strongly decrease ``POSE_GRAPH.optimize_every_n_nodes`` to receive frequent results.
- With these settings, global SLAM will usually be too slow and cannot keep up.
- As a next step, we strongly decrease ``global_sampling_ratio`` and ``constraint_builder.sampling_ratio``
- to compensate for the large number of constraints.
- We then tune for lower latency as explained above until the system reliably works in real time.
- If you run in ``pure_localization``, ``submaps.resolution`` **should be matching** with the resolution of the submaps in the ``.pbstream`` you are running on.
- Using different resolutions is currently untested and may not work as expected.
- Odometry in Global Optimization
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- If a separate odometry source is used as an input for local SLAM (``use_odometry = true``), we can also tune the global SLAM to benefit from this additional information.
- There are in total four parameters that allow us to tune the individual weights of local SLAM and odometry in the optimization:
- .. code-block:: lua
- POSE_GRAPH.optimization_problem.local_slam_pose_translation_weight
- POSE_GRAPH.optimization_problem.local_slam_pose_rotation_weight
- POSE_GRAPH.optimization_problem.odometry_translation_weight
- POSE_GRAPH.optimization_problem.odometry_rotation_weight
- We can set these weights depending on how much we trust either local SLAM or the odometry.
- By default, odometry is weighted into global optimization similar to local slam (scan matching) poses.
- However, odometry from wheel encoders often has a high uncertainty in rotation.
- In this case, the rotation weight can be reduced, even down to zero.
- Still have a problem ?
- ----------------------
- If you can't get Cartographer to work reliably on your data, you can open a `GitHub issue`_ asking for help.
- Developers are keen to help, but they can only be helpful if you follow `an issue template`_ containing the result of ``rosbag_validate``, a link to a fork of ``cartographer_ros`` with your config and a link to a ``.bag`` file reproducing your problem.
- .. note::
- There are already lots of GitHub issues with all sorts of problems solved by the developers. Going through `the closed issues of cartographer_ros`_ and `of cartographer`_ is a great way to learn more about Cartographer and maybe find a solution to your problem !
- .. _GitHub issue: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros/issues
- .. _an issue template: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros/issues/new?labels=question
- .. _the closed issues of cartographer_ros: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed
- .. _of cartographer: https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed