#include "ndt_omp.h" /* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Point Cloud Library (PCL) - www.pointclouds.org * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Willow Garage, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2012-, Open Perception, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holder(s) nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $Id$ * */ #ifndef PCL_REGISTRATION_NDT_OMP_IMPL_H_ #define PCL_REGISTRATION_NDT_OMP_IMPL_H_ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::NormalDistributionsTransform () : target_cells_ () , resolution_ (1.0f) , step_size_ (0.1) , outlier_ratio_ (0.55) , gauss_d1_ () , gauss_d2_ () , gauss_d3_ () , trans_probability_ () , j_ang_a_ (), j_ang_b_ (), j_ang_c_ (), j_ang_d_ (), j_ang_e_ (), j_ang_f_ (), j_ang_g_ (), j_ang_h_ () , h_ang_a2_ (), h_ang_a3_ (), h_ang_b2_ (), h_ang_b3_ (), h_ang_c2_ (), h_ang_c3_ (), h_ang_d1_ (), h_ang_d2_ () , h_ang_d3_ (), h_ang_e1_ (), h_ang_e2_ (), h_ang_e3_ (), h_ang_f1_ (), h_ang_f2_ (), h_ang_f3_ () { reg_name_ = "NormalDistributionsTransform"; double gauss_c1, gauss_c2; // Initializes the guassian fitting parameters (eq. 6.8) [Magnusson 2009] gauss_c1 = 10.0 * (1 - outlier_ratio_); gauss_c2 = outlier_ratio_ / pow (resolution_, 3); gauss_d3_ = -log (gauss_c2); gauss_d1_ = -log ( gauss_c1 + gauss_c2 ) - gauss_d3_; gauss_d2_ = -2 * log ((-log ( gauss_c1 * exp ( -0.5 ) + gauss_c2 ) - gauss_d3_) / gauss_d1_); transformation_epsilon_ = 0.1; max_iterations_ = 35; search_method = DIRECT7; num_threads_ = omp_get_max_threads(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computeTransformation (PointCloudSource &output, const Eigen::Matrix4f &guess) { nr_iterations_ = 0; converged_ = false; double gauss_c1, gauss_c2; // Initializes the guassian fitting parameters (eq. 6.8) [Magnusson 2009] gauss_c1 = 10 * (1 - outlier_ratio_); gauss_c2 = outlier_ratio_ / pow (resolution_, 3); gauss_d3_ = -log (gauss_c2); gauss_d1_ = -log ( gauss_c1 + gauss_c2 ) - gauss_d3_; gauss_d2_ = -2 * log ((-log ( gauss_c1 * exp ( -0.5 ) + gauss_c2 ) - gauss_d3_) / gauss_d1_); if (guess != Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity ()) { // Initialise final transformation to the guessed one final_transformation_ = guess; // Apply guessed transformation prior to search for neighbours transformPointCloud (output, output, guess); } Eigen::Transform eig_transformation; eig_transformation.matrix () = final_transformation_; // Convert initial guess matrix to 6 element transformation vector Eigen::Matrix p, delta_p, score_gradient; Eigen::Vector3f init_translation = eig_transformation.translation (); Eigen::Vector3f init_rotation = eig_transformation.rotation ().eulerAngles (0, 1, 2); p << init_translation (0), init_translation (1), init_translation (2), init_rotation (0), init_rotation (1), init_rotation (2); Eigen::Matrix hessian; double score = 0; double delta_p_norm; // Calculate derivates of initial transform vector, subsequent derivative calculations are done in the step length determination. score = computeDerivatives (score_gradient, hessian, output, p); while (!converged_) { // Store previous transformation previous_transformation_ = transformation_; // Solve for decent direction using newton method, line 23 in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009] Eigen::JacobiSVD > sv (hessian, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV); // Negative for maximization as opposed to minimization delta_p = sv.solve (-score_gradient); //Calculate step length with guarnteed sufficient decrease [More, Thuente 1994] delta_p_norm = delta_p.norm (); if (delta_p_norm == 0 || delta_p_norm != delta_p_norm) { trans_probability_ = score / static_cast (input_->points.size ()); converged_ = delta_p_norm == delta_p_norm; return; } delta_p.normalize (); delta_p_norm = computeStepLengthMT (p, delta_p, delta_p_norm, step_size_, transformation_epsilon_ / 2, score, score_gradient, hessian, output); delta_p *= delta_p_norm; transformation_ = (Eigen::Translation (static_cast (delta_p (0)), static_cast (delta_p (1)), static_cast (delta_p (2))) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (delta_p (3)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (delta_p (4)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ()) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (delta_p (5)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ ())).matrix (); p = p + delta_p; // Update Visualizer (untested) if (update_visualizer_ != 0) update_visualizer_ (output, std::vector(), *target_, std::vector() ); if (nr_iterations_ > max_iterations_ || (nr_iterations_ && (std::fabs (delta_p_norm) < transformation_epsilon_))) { converged_ = true; } nr_iterations_++; } // Store transformation probability. The realtive differences within each scan registration are accurate // but the normalization constants need to be modified for it to be globally accurate trans_probability_ = score / static_cast (input_->points.size ()); } #ifndef _OPENMP int omp_get_max_threads() { return 1; } int omp_get_thread_num() { return 0; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computeDerivatives(Eigen::Matrix &score_gradient, Eigen::Matrix &hessian, PointCloudSource &trans_cloud, Eigen::Matrix &p, bool compute_hessian) { score_gradient.setZero(); hessian.setZero(); double score = 0; std::vector scores(num_threads_); std::vector, Eigen::aligned_allocator>> score_gradients(num_threads_); std::vector, Eigen::aligned_allocator>> hessians(num_threads_); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads_; i++) { scores[i] = 0; score_gradients[i].setZero(); hessians[i].setZero(); } // Precompute Angular Derivatives (eq. 6.19 and 6.21)[Magnusson 2009] computeAngleDerivatives(p); std::vector> neighborhoods(num_threads_); std::vector> distancess(num_threads_); // Update gradient and hessian for each point, line 17 in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009] #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(num_threads_) schedule(guided, 8) for (int idx = 0; idx < input_->points.size(); idx++) { int thread_n = omp_get_thread_num(); // Original Point and Transformed Point PointSource x_pt, x_trans_pt; // Original Point and Transformed Point (for math) Eigen::Vector3d x, x_trans; // Occupied Voxel TargetGridLeafConstPtr cell; // Inverse Covariance of Occupied Voxel Eigen::Matrix3d c_inv; // Initialize Point Gradient and Hessian Eigen::Matrix point_gradient_; Eigen::Matrix point_hessian_; point_gradient_.setZero(); point_gradient_.block<3, 3>(0, 0).setIdentity(); point_hessian_.setZero(); x_trans_pt = trans_cloud.points[idx]; auto& neighborhood = neighborhoods[thread_n]; auto& distances = distancess[thread_n]; // Find nieghbors (Radius search has been experimentally faster than direct neighbor checking. switch (search_method) { case KDTREE: target_cells_.radiusSearch(x_trans_pt, resolution_, neighborhood, distances); break; case DIRECT26: target_cells_.getNeighborhoodAtPoint(x_trans_pt, neighborhood); break; default: case DIRECT7: target_cells_.getNeighborhoodAtPoint7(x_trans_pt, neighborhood); break; case DIRECT1: target_cells_.getNeighborhoodAtPoint1(x_trans_pt, neighborhood); break; } double score_pt = 0; Eigen::Matrix score_gradient_pt = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(); Eigen::Matrix hessian_pt = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(); for (typename std::vector::iterator neighborhood_it = neighborhood.begin(); neighborhood_it != neighborhood.end(); neighborhood_it++) { cell = *neighborhood_it; x_pt = input_->points[idx]; x = Eigen::Vector3d(x_pt.x, x_pt.y, x_pt.z); x_trans = Eigen::Vector3d(x_trans_pt.x, x_trans_pt.y, x_trans_pt.z); // Denorm point, x_k' in Equations 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] x_trans -= cell->getMean(); // Uses precomputed covariance for speed. c_inv = cell->getInverseCov(); // Compute derivative of transform function w.r.t. transform vector, J_E and H_E in Equations 6.18 and 6.20 [Magnusson 2009] computePointDerivatives(x, point_gradient_, point_hessian_); // Update score, gradient and hessian, lines 19-21 in Algorithm 2, according to Equations 6.10, 6.12 and 6.13, respectively [Magnusson 2009] score_pt += updateDerivatives(score_gradient_pt, hessian_pt, point_gradient_, point_hessian_, x_trans, c_inv, compute_hessian); } scores[thread_n] += score_pt; score_gradients[thread_n].noalias() += score_gradient_pt; hessians[thread_n].noalias() += hessian_pt; } for (int i = 0; i < num_threads_; i++) { score += scores[i]; score_gradient += score_gradients[i]; hessian += hessians[i]; } return (score); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computeAngleDerivatives(Eigen::Matrix &p, bool compute_hessian) { // Simplified math for near 0 angles double cx, cy, cz, sx, sy, sz; if (fabs(p(3)) < 10e-5) { //p(3) = 0; cx = 1.0; sx = 0.0; } else { cx = cos(p(3)); sx = sin(p(3)); } if (fabs(p(4)) < 10e-5) { //p(4) = 0; cy = 1.0; sy = 0.0; } else { cy = cos(p(4)); sy = sin(p(4)); } if (fabs(p(5)) < 10e-5) { //p(5) = 0; cz = 1.0; sz = 0.0; } else { cz = cos(p(5)); sz = sin(p(5)); } // Precomputed angular gradiant components. Letters correspond to Equation 6.19 [Magnusson 2009] j_ang_a_ << (-sx * sz + cx * sy * cz), (-sx * cz - cx * sy * sz), (-cx * cy); j_ang_b_ << (cx * sz + sx * sy * cz), (cx * cz - sx * sy * sz), (-sx * cy); j_ang_c_ << (-sy * cz), sy * sz, cy; j_ang_d_ << sx * cy * cz, (-sx * cy * sz), sx * sy; j_ang_e_ << (-cx * cy * cz), cx * cy * sz, (-cx * sy); j_ang_f_ << (-cy * sz), (-cy * cz), 0; j_ang_g_ << (cx * cz - sx * sy * sz), (-cx * sz - sx * sy * cz), 0; j_ang_h_ << (sx * cz + cx * sy * sz), (cx * sy * cz - sx * sz), 0; j_ang.setZero(); j_ang.row(0).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-sx * sz + cx * sy * cz), (-sx * cz - cx * sy * sz), (-cx * cy), 0.0f); j_ang.row(1).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((cx * sz + sx * sy * cz), (cx * cz - sx * sy * sz), (-sx * cy), 0.0f); j_ang.row(2).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-sy * cz), sy * sz, cy, 0.0f); j_ang.row(3).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f(sx * cy * cz, (-sx * cy * sz), sx * sy, 0.0f); j_ang.row(4).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-cx * cy * cz), cx * cy * sz, (-cx * sy), 0.0f); j_ang.row(5).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-cy * sz), (-cy * cz), 0, 0.0f); j_ang.row(6).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((cx * cz - sx * sy * sz), (-cx * sz - sx * sy * cz), 0, 0.0f); j_ang.row(7).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((sx * cz + cx * sy * sz), (cx * sy * cz - sx * sz), 0, 0.0f); if (compute_hessian) { // Precomputed angular hessian components. Letters correspond to Equation 6.21 and numbers correspond to row index [Magnusson 2009] h_ang_a2_ << (-cx * sz - sx * sy * cz), (-cx * cz + sx * sy * sz), sx * cy; h_ang_a3_ << (-sx * sz + cx * sy * cz), (-cx * sy * sz - sx * cz), (-cx * cy); h_ang_b2_ << (cx * cy * cz), (-cx * cy * sz), (cx * sy); h_ang_b3_ << (sx * cy * cz), (-sx * cy * sz), (sx * sy); h_ang_c2_ << (-sx * cz - cx * sy * sz), (sx * sz - cx * sy * cz), 0; h_ang_c3_ << (cx * cz - sx * sy * sz), (-sx * sy * cz - cx * sz), 0; h_ang_d1_ << (-cy * cz), (cy * sz), (sy); h_ang_d2_ << (-sx * sy * cz), (sx * sy * sz), (sx * cy); h_ang_d3_ << (cx * sy * cz), (-cx * sy * sz), (-cx * cy); h_ang_e1_ << (sy * sz), (sy * cz), 0; h_ang_e2_ << (-sx * cy * sz), (-sx * cy * cz), 0; h_ang_e3_ << (cx * cy * sz), (cx * cy * cz), 0; h_ang_f1_ << (-cy * cz), (cy * sz), 0; h_ang_f2_ << (-cx * sz - sx * sy * cz), (-cx * cz + sx * sy * sz), 0; h_ang_f3_ << (-sx * sz + cx * sy * cz), (-cx * sy * sz - sx * cz), 0; h_ang.setZero(); h_ang.row(0).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-cx * sz - sx * sy * cz), (-cx * cz + sx * sy * sz), sx * cy, 0.0f); // a2 h_ang.row(1).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-sx * sz + cx * sy * cz), (-cx * sy * sz - sx * cz), (-cx * cy), 0.0f); // a3 h_ang.row(2).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((cx * cy * cz), (-cx * cy * sz), (cx * sy), 0.0f); // b2 h_ang.row(3).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((sx * cy * cz), (-sx * cy * sz), (sx * sy), 0.0f); // b3 h_ang.row(4).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-sx * cz - cx * sy * sz), (sx * sz - cx * sy * cz), 0, 0.0f); // c2 h_ang.row(5).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((cx * cz - sx * sy * sz), (-sx * sy * cz - cx * sz), 0, 0.0f); // c3 h_ang.row(6).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-cy * cz), (cy * sz), (sy), 0.0f); // d1 h_ang.row(7).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((-sx * sy * cz), (sx * sy * sz), (sx * cy), 0.0f); // d2 h_ang.row(8).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((cx * sy * cz), (-cx * sy * sz), (-cx * cy), 0.0f); // d3 h_ang.row(9).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f((sy * sz), (sy * cz), 0, 0.0f); // e1 h_ang.row(10).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f ((-sx * cy * sz), (-sx * cy * cz), 0, 0.0f); // e2 h_ang.row(11).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f ((cx * cy * sz), (cx * cy * cz), 0, 0.0f); // e3 h_ang.row(12).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f ((-cy * cz), (cy * sz), 0, 0.0f); // f1 h_ang.row(13).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f ((-cx * sz - sx * sy * cz), (-cx * cz + sx * sy * sz), 0, 0.0f); // f2 h_ang.row(14).noalias() = Eigen::Vector4f ((-sx * sz + cx * sy * cz), (-cx * sy * sz - sx * cz), 0, 0.0f); // f3 } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computePointDerivatives(Eigen::Vector3d &x, Eigen::Matrix& point_gradient_, Eigen::Matrix& point_hessian_, bool compute_hessian) const { Eigen::Vector4f x4(x[0], x[1], x[2], 0.0f); // Calculate first derivative of Transformation Equation 6.17 w.r.t. transform vector p. // Derivative w.r.t. ith element of transform vector corresponds to column i, Equation 6.18 and 6.19 [Magnusson 2009] Eigen::Matrix x_j_ang = j_ang * x4; point_gradient_(1, 3) = x_j_ang[0]; point_gradient_(2, 3) = x_j_ang[1]; point_gradient_(0, 4) = x_j_ang[2]; point_gradient_(1, 4) = x_j_ang[3]; point_gradient_(2, 4) = x_j_ang[4]; point_gradient_(0, 5) = x_j_ang[5]; point_gradient_(1, 5) = x_j_ang[6]; point_gradient_(2, 5) = x_j_ang[7]; if (compute_hessian) { Eigen::Matrix x_h_ang = h_ang * x4; // Vectors from Equation 6.21 [Magnusson 2009] Eigen::Vector4f a (0, x_h_ang[0], x_h_ang[1], 0.0f); Eigen::Vector4f b (0, x_h_ang[2], x_h_ang[3], 0.0f); Eigen::Vector4f c (0, x_h_ang[4], x_h_ang[5], 0.0f); Eigen::Vector4f d (x_h_ang[6], x_h_ang[7], x_h_ang[8], 0.0f); Eigen::Vector4f e (x_h_ang[9], x_h_ang[10], x_h_ang[11], 0.0f); Eigen::Vector4f f (x_h_ang[12], x_h_ang[13], x_h_ang[14], 0.0f); // Calculate second derivative of Transformation Equation 6.17 w.r.t. transform vector p. // Derivative w.r.t. ith and jth elements of transform vector corresponds to the 3x1 block matrix starting at (3i,j), Equation 6.20 and 6.21 [Magnusson 2009] point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((9/3)*4, 3) = a; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((12/3)*4, 3) = b; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((15/3)*4, 3) = c; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((9/3)*4, 4) = b; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((12/3)*4, 4) = d; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((15/3)*4, 4) = e; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((9/3)*4, 5) = c; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((12/3)*4, 5) = e; point_hessian_.block<4, 1>((15/3)*4, 5) = f; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computePointDerivatives(Eigen::Vector3d &x, Eigen::Matrix& point_gradient_, Eigen::Matrix& point_hessian_, bool compute_hessian) const { // Calculate first derivative of Transformation Equation 6.17 w.r.t. transform vector p. // Derivative w.r.t. ith element of transform vector corresponds to column i, Equation 6.18 and 6.19 [Magnusson 2009] point_gradient_(1, 3) = x.dot(j_ang_a_); point_gradient_(2, 3) = x.dot(j_ang_b_); point_gradient_(0, 4) = x.dot(j_ang_c_); point_gradient_(1, 4) = x.dot(j_ang_d_); point_gradient_(2, 4) = x.dot(j_ang_e_); point_gradient_(0, 5) = x.dot(j_ang_f_); point_gradient_(1, 5) = x.dot(j_ang_g_); point_gradient_(2, 5) = x.dot(j_ang_h_); if (compute_hessian) { // Vectors from Equation 6.21 [Magnusson 2009] Eigen::Vector3d a, b, c, d, e, f; a << 0, x.dot(h_ang_a2_), x.dot(h_ang_a3_); b << 0, x.dot(h_ang_b2_), x.dot(h_ang_b3_); c << 0, x.dot(h_ang_c2_), x.dot(h_ang_c3_); d << x.dot(h_ang_d1_), x.dot(h_ang_d2_), x.dot(h_ang_d3_); e << x.dot(h_ang_e1_), x.dot(h_ang_e2_), x.dot(h_ang_e3_); f << x.dot(h_ang_f1_), x.dot(h_ang_f2_), x.dot(h_ang_f3_); // Calculate second derivative of Transformation Equation 6.17 w.r.t. transform vector p. // Derivative w.r.t. ith and jth elements of transform vector corresponds to the 3x1 block matrix starting at (3i,j), Equation 6.20 and 6.21 [Magnusson 2009] point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(9, 3) = a; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(12, 3) = b; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(15, 3) = c; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(9, 4) = b; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(12, 4) = d; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(15, 4) = e; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(9, 5) = c; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(12, 5) = e; point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(15, 5) = f; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::updateDerivatives(Eigen::Matrix &score_gradient, Eigen::Matrix &hessian, const Eigen::Matrix &point_gradient4, const Eigen::Matrix &point_hessian_, const Eigen::Vector3d &x_trans, const Eigen::Matrix3d &c_inv, bool compute_hessian) const { Eigen::Matrix x_trans4( x_trans[0], x_trans[1], x_trans[2], 0.0f ); Eigen::Matrix4f c_inv4 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Zero(); c_inv4.topLeftCorner(3, 3) = c_inv.cast(); float gauss_d2 = gauss_d2_; // e^(-d_2/2 * (x_k - mu_k)^T Sigma_k^-1 (x_k - mu_k)) Equation 6.9 [Magnusson 2009] float e_x_cov_x = exp(-gauss_d2 * x_trans4.dot(x_trans4 * c_inv4) * 0.5f); // Calculate probability of transtormed points existance, Equation 6.9 [Magnusson 2009] float score_inc = -gauss_d1_ * e_x_cov_x; e_x_cov_x = gauss_d2 * e_x_cov_x; // Error checking for invalid values. if (e_x_cov_x > 1 || e_x_cov_x < 0 || e_x_cov_x != e_x_cov_x) return (0); // Reusable portion of Equation 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] e_x_cov_x *= gauss_d1_; Eigen::Matrix c_inv4_x_point_gradient4 = c_inv4 * point_gradient4; Eigen::Matrix x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_point_gradient4 = x_trans4 * c_inv4_x_point_gradient4; score_gradient.noalias() += (e_x_cov_x * x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_point_gradient4).cast(); if (compute_hessian) { Eigen::Matrix x_trans4_x_c_inv4 = x_trans4 * c_inv4; Eigen::Matrix point_gradient4_colj_dot_c_inv4_x_point_gradient4_col_i = point_gradient4.transpose() * c_inv4_x_point_gradient4; Eigen::Matrix x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_ext_point_hessian_4ij; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // Sigma_k^-1 d(T(x,p))/dpi, Reusable portion of Equation 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] // Update gradient, Equation 6.12 [Magnusson 2009] x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_ext_point_hessian_4ij.noalias() = x_trans4_x_c_inv4 * point_hessian_.block<4, 6>(i * 4, 0); for (int j = 0; j < hessian.cols(); j++) { // Update hessian, Equation 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] hessian(i, j) += e_x_cov_x * (-gauss_d2 * x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_point_gradient4(i) * x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_point_gradient4(j) + x_trans4_dot_c_inv4_x_ext_point_hessian_4ij(j) + point_gradient4_colj_dot_c_inv4_x_point_gradient4_col_i(j, i)); } } } return (score_inc); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computeHessian (Eigen::Matrix &hessian, PointCloudSource &trans_cloud, Eigen::Matrix &) { // Original Point and Transformed Point PointSource x_pt, x_trans_pt; // Original Point and Transformed Point (for math) Eigen::Vector3d x, x_trans; // Occupied Voxel TargetGridLeafConstPtr cell; // Inverse Covariance of Occupied Voxel Eigen::Matrix3d c_inv; // Initialize Point Gradient and Hessian Eigen::Matrix point_gradient_; Eigen::Matrix point_hessian_; point_gradient_.setZero(); point_gradient_.block<3, 3>(0, 0).setIdentity(); point_hessian_.setZero(); hessian.setZero (); // Precompute Angular Derivatives unessisary because only used after regular derivative calculation // Update hessian for each point, line 17 in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009] for (size_t idx = 0; idx < input_->points.size (); idx++) { x_trans_pt = trans_cloud.points[idx]; // Find nieghbors (Radius search has been experimentally faster than direct neighbor checking. std::vector neighborhood; std::vector distances; target_cells_.radiusSearch (x_trans_pt, resolution_, neighborhood, distances); for (typename std::vector::iterator neighborhood_it = neighborhood.begin (); neighborhood_it != neighborhood.end (); neighborhood_it++) { cell = *neighborhood_it; { x_pt = input_->points[idx]; x = Eigen::Vector3d (x_pt.x, x_pt.y, x_pt.z); x_trans = Eigen::Vector3d (x_trans_pt.x, x_trans_pt.y, x_trans_pt.z); // Denorm point, x_k' in Equations 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] x_trans -= cell->getMean (); // Uses precomputed covariance for speed. c_inv = cell->getInverseCov (); // Compute derivative of transform function w.r.t. transform vector, J_E and H_E in Equations 6.18 and 6.20 [Magnusson 2009] computePointDerivatives (x, point_gradient_, point_hessian_); // Update hessian, lines 21 in Algorithm 2, according to Equations 6.10, 6.12 and 6.13, respectively [Magnusson 2009] updateHessian (hessian, point_gradient_, point_hessian_, x_trans, c_inv); } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::updateHessian (Eigen::Matrix &hessian, const Eigen::Matrix &point_gradient_, const Eigen::Matrix &point_hessian_, const Eigen::Vector3d &x_trans, const Eigen::Matrix3d &c_inv) const { Eigen::Vector3d cov_dxd_pi; // e^(-d_2/2 * (x_k - mu_k)^T Sigma_k^-1 (x_k - mu_k)) Equation 6.9 [Magnusson 2009] double e_x_cov_x = gauss_d2_ * exp (-gauss_d2_ * x_trans.dot (c_inv * x_trans) / 2); // Error checking for invalid values. if (e_x_cov_x > 1 || e_x_cov_x < 0 || e_x_cov_x != e_x_cov_x) return; // Reusable portion of Equation 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] e_x_cov_x *= gauss_d1_; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // Sigma_k^-1 d(T(x,p))/dpi, Reusable portion of Equation 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] cov_dxd_pi = c_inv * point_gradient_.col (i); for (int j = 0; j < hessian.cols (); j++) { // Update hessian, Equation 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] hessian (i, j) += e_x_cov_x * (-gauss_d2_ * x_trans.dot (cov_dxd_pi) * x_trans.dot (c_inv * point_gradient_.col (j)) + x_trans.dot (c_inv * point_hessian_.block<3, 1>(3 * i, j)) + point_gradient_.col (j).dot (cov_dxd_pi) ); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template bool pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::updateIntervalMT (double &a_l, double &f_l, double &g_l, double &a_u, double &f_u, double &g_u, double a_t, double f_t, double g_t) { // Case U1 in Update Algorithm and Case a in Modified Update Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994] if (f_t > f_l) { a_u = a_t; f_u = f_t; g_u = g_t; return (false); } // Case U2 in Update Algorithm and Case b in Modified Update Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994] else if (g_t * (a_l - a_t) > 0) { a_l = a_t; f_l = f_t; g_l = g_t; return (false); } // Case U3 in Update Algorithm and Case c in Modified Update Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994] else if (g_t * (a_l - a_t) < 0) { a_u = a_l; f_u = f_l; g_u = g_l; a_l = a_t; f_l = f_t; g_l = g_t; return (false); } // Interval Converged else return (true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::trialValueSelectionMT (double a_l, double f_l, double g_l, double a_u, double f_u, double g_u, double a_t, double f_t, double g_t) { // Case 1 in Trial Value Selection [More, Thuente 1994] if (f_t > f_l) { // Calculate the minimizer of the cubic that interpolates f_l, f_t, g_l and g_t // Equation 2.4.52 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double z = 3 * (f_t - f_l) / (a_t - a_l) - g_t - g_l; double w = std::sqrt (z * z - g_t * g_l); // Equation 2.4.56 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double a_c = a_l + (a_t - a_l) * (w - g_l - z) / (g_t - g_l + 2 * w); // Calculate the minimizer of the quadratic that interpolates f_l, f_t and g_l // Equation 2.4.2 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double a_q = a_l - 0.5 * (a_l - a_t) * g_l / (g_l - (f_l - f_t) / (a_l - a_t)); if (std::fabs (a_c - a_l) < std::fabs (a_q - a_l)) return (a_c); else return (0.5 * (a_q + a_c)); } // Case 2 in Trial Value Selection [More, Thuente 1994] else if (g_t * g_l < 0) { // Calculate the minimizer of the cubic that interpolates f_l, f_t, g_l and g_t // Equation 2.4.52 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double z = 3 * (f_t - f_l) / (a_t - a_l) - g_t - g_l; double w = std::sqrt (z * z - g_t * g_l); // Equation 2.4.56 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double a_c = a_l + (a_t - a_l) * (w - g_l - z) / (g_t - g_l + 2 * w); // Calculate the minimizer of the quadratic that interpolates f_l, g_l and g_t // Equation 2.4.5 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double a_s = a_l - (a_l - a_t) / (g_l - g_t) * g_l; if (std::fabs (a_c - a_t) >= std::fabs (a_s - a_t)) return (a_c); else return (a_s); } // Case 3 in Trial Value Selection [More, Thuente 1994] else if (std::fabs (g_t) <= std::fabs (g_l)) { // Calculate the minimizer of the cubic that interpolates f_l, f_t, g_l and g_t // Equation 2.4.52 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double z = 3 * (f_t - f_l) / (a_t - a_l) - g_t - g_l; double w = std::sqrt (z * z - g_t * g_l); double a_c = a_l + (a_t - a_l) * (w - g_l - z) / (g_t - g_l + 2 * w); // Calculate the minimizer of the quadratic that interpolates g_l and g_t // Equation 2.4.5 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double a_s = a_l - (a_l - a_t) / (g_l - g_t) * g_l; double a_t_next; if (std::fabs (a_c - a_t) < std::fabs (a_s - a_t)) a_t_next = a_c; else a_t_next = a_s; if (a_t > a_l) return (std::min (a_t + 0.66 * (a_u - a_t), a_t_next)); else return (std::max (a_t + 0.66 * (a_u - a_t), a_t_next)); } // Case 4 in Trial Value Selection [More, Thuente 1994] else { // Calculate the minimizer of the cubic that interpolates f_u, f_t, g_u and g_t // Equation 2.4.52 [Sun, Yuan 2006] double z = 3 * (f_t - f_u) / (a_t - a_u) - g_t - g_u; double w = std::sqrt (z * z - g_t * g_u); // Equation 2.4.56 [Sun, Yuan 2006] return (a_u + (a_t - a_u) * (w - g_u - z) / (g_t - g_u + 2 * w)); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::computeStepLengthMT (const Eigen::Matrix &x, Eigen::Matrix &step_dir, double step_init, double step_max, double step_min, double &score, Eigen::Matrix &score_gradient, Eigen::Matrix &hessian, PointCloudSource &trans_cloud) { // Set the value of phi(0), Equation 1.3 [More, Thuente 1994] double phi_0 = -score; // Set the value of phi'(0), Equation 1.3 [More, Thuente 1994] double d_phi_0 = -(score_gradient.dot (step_dir)); Eigen::Matrix x_t; if (d_phi_0 >= 0) { // Not a decent direction if (d_phi_0 == 0) return 0; else { // Reverse step direction and calculate optimal step. d_phi_0 *= -1; step_dir *= -1; } } // The Search Algorithm for T(mu) [More, Thuente 1994] int max_step_iterations = 10; int step_iterations = 0; // Sufficient decreace constant, Equation 1.1 [More, Thuete 1994] double mu = 1.e-4; // Curvature condition constant, Equation 1.2 [More, Thuete 1994] double nu = 0.9; // Initial endpoints of Interval I, double a_l = 0, a_u = 0; // Auxiliary function psi is used until I is determined ot be a closed interval, Equation 2.1 [More, Thuente 1994] double f_l = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_l, phi_0, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu); double g_l = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_0, d_phi_0, mu); double f_u = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_u, phi_0, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu); double g_u = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_0, d_phi_0, mu); // Check used to allow More-Thuente step length calculation to be skipped by making step_min == step_max bool interval_converged = (step_max - step_min) > 0, open_interval = true; double a_t = step_init; a_t = std::min (a_t, step_max); a_t = std::max (a_t, step_min); x_t = x + step_dir * a_t; final_transformation_ = (Eigen::Translation(static_cast (x_t (0)), static_cast (x_t (1)), static_cast (x_t (2))) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (x_t (3)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (x_t (4)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ()) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (x_t (5)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ ())).matrix (); // New transformed point cloud transformPointCloud (*input_, trans_cloud, final_transformation_); // Updates score, gradient and hessian. Hessian calculation is unessisary but testing showed that most step calculations use the // initial step suggestion and recalculation the reusable portions of the hessian would intail more computation time. score = computeDerivatives (score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud, x_t, true); // Calculate phi(alpha_t) double phi_t = -score; // Calculate phi'(alpha_t) double d_phi_t = -(score_gradient.dot (step_dir)); // Calculate psi(alpha_t) double psi_t = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_t, phi_t, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu); // Calculate psi'(alpha_t) double d_psi_t = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_t, d_phi_0, mu); // Iterate until max number of iterations, interval convergance or a value satisfies the sufficient decrease, Equation 1.1, and curvature condition, Equation 1.2 [More, Thuente 1994] while (!interval_converged && step_iterations < max_step_iterations && !(psi_t <= 0 /*Sufficient Decrease*/ && d_phi_t <= -nu * d_phi_0 /*Curvature Condition*/)) { // Use auxilary function if interval I is not closed if (open_interval) { a_t = trialValueSelectionMT (a_l, f_l, g_l, a_u, f_u, g_u, a_t, psi_t, d_psi_t); } else { a_t = trialValueSelectionMT (a_l, f_l, g_l, a_u, f_u, g_u, a_t, phi_t, d_phi_t); } a_t = std::min (a_t, step_max); a_t = std::max (a_t, step_min); x_t = x + step_dir * a_t; final_transformation_ = (Eigen::Translation (static_cast (x_t (0)), static_cast (x_t (1)), static_cast (x_t (2))) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (x_t (3)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (x_t (4)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ()) * Eigen::AngleAxis (static_cast (x_t (5)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ ())).matrix (); // New transformed point cloud // Done on final cloud to prevent wasted computation transformPointCloud (*input_, trans_cloud, final_transformation_); // Updates score, gradient. Values stored to prevent wasted computation. score = computeDerivatives (score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud, x_t, false); // Calculate phi(alpha_t+) phi_t = -score; // Calculate phi'(alpha_t+) d_phi_t = -(score_gradient.dot (step_dir)); // Calculate psi(alpha_t+) psi_t = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_t, phi_t, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu); // Calculate psi'(alpha_t+) d_psi_t = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_t, d_phi_0, mu); // Check if I is now a closed interval if (open_interval && (psi_t <= 0 && d_psi_t >= 0)) { open_interval = false; // Converts f_l and g_l from psi to phi f_l = f_l + phi_0 - mu * d_phi_0 * a_l; g_l = g_l + mu * d_phi_0; // Converts f_u and g_u from psi to phi f_u = f_u + phi_0 - mu * d_phi_0 * a_u; g_u = g_u + mu * d_phi_0; } if (open_interval) { // Update interval end points using Updating Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994] interval_converged = updateIntervalMT (a_l, f_l, g_l, a_u, f_u, g_u, a_t, psi_t, d_psi_t); } else { // Update interval end points using Modified Updating Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994] interval_converged = updateIntervalMT (a_l, f_l, g_l, a_u, f_u, g_u, a_t, phi_t, d_phi_t); } step_iterations++; } // If inner loop was run then hessian needs to be calculated. // Hessian is unnessisary for step length determination but gradients are required // so derivative and transform data is stored for the next iteration. if (step_iterations) computeHessian (hessian, trans_cloud, x_t); return (a_t); } template double pclomp::NormalDistributionsTransform::calculateScore(const PointCloudSource & trans_cloud) const { double score = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < trans_cloud.points.size(); idx++) { PointSource x_trans_pt = trans_cloud.points[idx]; // Find nieghbors (Radius search has been experimentally faster than direct neighbor checking. std::vector neighborhood; std::vector distances; target_cells_.radiusSearch(x_trans_pt, resolution_, neighborhood, distances); for (typename std::vector::iterator neighborhood_it = neighborhood.begin(); neighborhood_it != neighborhood.end(); neighborhood_it++) { TargetGridLeafConstPtr cell = *neighborhood_it; Eigen::Vector3d x_trans = Eigen::Vector3d(x_trans_pt.x, x_trans_pt.y, x_trans_pt.z); // Denorm point, x_k' in Equations 6.12 and 6.13 [Magnusson 2009] x_trans -= cell->getMean(); // Uses precomputed covariance for speed. Eigen::Matrix3d c_inv = cell->getInverseCov(); // e^(-d_2/2 * (x_k - mu_k)^T Sigma_k^-1 (x_k - mu_k)) Equation 6.9 [Magnusson 2009] double e_x_cov_x = exp(-gauss_d2_ * x_trans.dot(c_inv * x_trans) / 2); // Calculate probability of transtormed points existance, Equation 6.9 [Magnusson 2009] double score_inc = -gauss_d1_ * e_x_cov_x - gauss_d3_; score += score_inc / neighborhood.size(); } } return (score) / static_cast (trans_cloud.size()); } #endif // PCL_REGISTRATION_NDT_IMPL_H_