/* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Point Cloud Library (PCL) - www.pointclouds.org * Copyright (c) 2010, Willow Garage, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2012-, Open Perception, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holder(s) nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $Id$ * */ #ifndef PCL_REGISTRATION_IMPL_GICP_OMP_HPP_ #define PCL_REGISTRATION_IMPL_GICP_OMP_HPP_ #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::setInputCloud ( const typename pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::PointCloudSourceConstPtr &cloud) { setInputSource (cloud); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template template void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::computeCovariances(typename pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr cloud, const typename pcl::search::KdTree::ConstPtr kdtree, MatricesVector& cloud_covariances) { if (k_correspondences_ > int (cloud->size ())) { PCL_ERROR ("[pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::computeCovariances] Number or points in cloud (%lu) is less than k_correspondences_ (%lu)!\n", cloud->size (), k_correspondences_); return; } // We should never get there but who knows if(cloud_covariances.size () < cloud->size ()) cloud_covariances.resize (cloud->size ()); std::vector> nn_indecies_array(omp_get_max_threads()); std::vector> nn_dist_sq_array(omp_get_max_threads()); #pragma omp parallel for for(int i=0; isize(); i++) { auto& nn_indecies = nn_indecies_array[omp_get_thread_num()]; auto& nn_dist_sq = nn_dist_sq_array[omp_get_thread_num()]; const PointT &query_point = cloud->at(i); Eigen::Vector3d mean = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(); Eigen::Matrix3d &cov = cloud_covariances[i]; // Zero out the cov and mean cov.setZero (); // Search for the K nearest neighbours kdtree->nearestKSearch(query_point, k_correspondences_, nn_indecies, nn_dist_sq); // Find the covariance matrix for(int j = 0; j < k_correspondences_; j++) { const PointT &pt = (*cloud)[nn_indecies[j]]; mean[0] += pt.x; mean[1] += pt.y; mean[2] += pt.z; cov(0,0) += pt.x*pt.x; cov(1,0) += pt.y*pt.x; cov(1,1) += pt.y*pt.y; cov(2,0) += pt.z*pt.x; cov(2,1) += pt.z*pt.y; cov(2,2) += pt.z*pt.z; } mean /= static_cast (k_correspondences_); // Get the actual covariance for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) for (int l = 0; l <= k; l++) { cov(k,l) /= static_cast (k_correspondences_); cov(k,l) -= mean[k]*mean[l]; cov(l,k) = cov(k,l); } // Compute the SVD (covariance matrix is symmetric so U = V') Eigen::JacobiSVD svd(cov, Eigen::ComputeFullU); cov.setZero (); Eigen::Matrix3d U = svd.matrixU (); // Reconstitute the covariance matrix with modified singular values using the column // vectors in V. for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { Eigen::Vector3d col = U.col(k); double v = 1.; // biggest 2 singular values replaced by 1 if(k == 2) // smallest singular value replaced by gicp_epsilon v = gicp_epsilon_; cov+= v * col * col.transpose(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::computeRDerivative(const Vector6d &x, const Eigen::Matrix3d &R, Vector6d& g) const { Eigen::Matrix3d dR_dPhi; Eigen::Matrix3d dR_dTheta; Eigen::Matrix3d dR_dPsi; double phi = x[3], theta = x[4], psi = x[5]; double cphi = cos(phi), sphi = sin(phi); double ctheta = cos(theta), stheta = sin(theta); double cpsi = cos(psi), spsi = sin(psi); dR_dPhi(0,0) = 0.; dR_dPhi(1,0) = 0.; dR_dPhi(2,0) = 0.; dR_dPhi(0,1) = sphi*spsi + cphi*cpsi*stheta; dR_dPhi(1,1) = -cpsi*sphi + cphi*spsi*stheta; dR_dPhi(2,1) = cphi*ctheta; dR_dPhi(0,2) = cphi*spsi - cpsi*sphi*stheta; dR_dPhi(1,2) = -cphi*cpsi - sphi*spsi*stheta; dR_dPhi(2,2) = -ctheta*sphi; dR_dTheta(0,0) = -cpsi*stheta; dR_dTheta(1,0) = -spsi*stheta; dR_dTheta(2,0) = -ctheta; dR_dTheta(0,1) = cpsi*ctheta*sphi; dR_dTheta(1,1) = ctheta*sphi*spsi; dR_dTheta(2,1) = -sphi*stheta; dR_dTheta(0,2) = cphi*cpsi*ctheta; dR_dTheta(1,2) = cphi*ctheta*spsi; dR_dTheta(2,2) = -cphi*stheta; dR_dPsi(0,0) = -ctheta*spsi; dR_dPsi(1,0) = cpsi*ctheta; dR_dPsi(2,0) = 0.; dR_dPsi(0,1) = -cphi*cpsi - sphi*spsi*stheta; dR_dPsi(1,1) = -cphi*spsi + cpsi*sphi*stheta; dR_dPsi(2,1) = 0.; dR_dPsi(0,2) = cpsi*sphi - cphi*spsi*stheta; dR_dPsi(1,2) = sphi*spsi + cphi*cpsi*stheta; dR_dPsi(2,2) = 0.; g[3] = matricesInnerProd(dR_dPhi, R); g[4] = matricesInnerProd(dR_dTheta, R); g[5] = matricesInnerProd(dR_dPsi, R); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::estimateRigidTransformationBFGS (const PointCloudSource &cloud_src, const std::vector &indices_src, const PointCloudTarget &cloud_tgt, const std::vector &indices_tgt, Eigen::Matrix4f &transformation_matrix) { if (indices_src.size () < 4) // need at least 4 samples { PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::NotEnoughPointsException, "[pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::estimateRigidTransformationBFGS] Need at least 4 points to estimate a transform! Source and target have " << indices_src.size () << " points!"); return; } // Set the initial solution Vector6d x = Vector6d::Zero (); x[0] = transformation_matrix (0,3); x[1] = transformation_matrix (1,3); x[2] = transformation_matrix (2,3); x[3] = atan2 (transformation_matrix (2,1), transformation_matrix (2,2)); x[4] = asin (-transformation_matrix (2,0)); x[5] = atan2 (transformation_matrix (1,0), transformation_matrix (0,0)); // Set temporary pointers tmp_src_ = &cloud_src; tmp_tgt_ = &cloud_tgt; tmp_idx_src_ = &indices_src; tmp_idx_tgt_ = &indices_tgt; // Optimize using forward-difference approximation LM const double gradient_tol = 1e-2; OptimizationFunctorWithIndices functor(this); BFGS bfgs (functor); bfgs.parameters.sigma = 0.01; bfgs.parameters.rho = 0.01; bfgs.parameters.tau1 = 9; bfgs.parameters.tau2 = 0.05; bfgs.parameters.tau3 = 0.5; bfgs.parameters.order = 3; int inner_iterations_ = 0; int result = bfgs.minimizeInit (x); result = BFGSSpace::Running; do { inner_iterations_++; result = bfgs.minimizeOneStep (x); if(result) { break; } result = bfgs.testGradient(gradient_tol); } while(result == BFGSSpace::Running && inner_iterations_ < max_inner_iterations_); if(result == BFGSSpace::NoProgress || result == BFGSSpace::Success || inner_iterations_ == max_inner_iterations_) { PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationBFGS::estimateRigidTransformation]"); PCL_DEBUG ("BFGS solver finished with exit code %i \n", result); transformation_matrix.setIdentity(); applyState(transformation_matrix, x); } else PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION(pcl::SolverDidntConvergeException, "[pcl::" << getClassName () << "::TransformationEstimationBFGS::estimateRigidTransformation] BFGS solver didn't converge!"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template inline double pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::OptimizationFunctorWithIndices::operator() (const Vector6d& x) { Eigen::Matrix4f transformation_matrix = gicp_->base_transformation_; gicp_->applyState(transformation_matrix, x); double f = 0; std::vector f_array(omp_get_max_threads(), 0.0); int m = static_cast (gicp_->tmp_idx_src_->size ()); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { // The last coordinate, p_src[3] is guaranteed to be set to 1.0 in registration.hpp pcl::Vector4fMapConst p_src = gicp_->tmp_src_->points[(*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]].getVector4fMap (); // The last coordinate, p_tgt[3] is guaranteed to be set to 1.0 in registration.hpp pcl::Vector4fMapConst p_tgt = gicp_->tmp_tgt_->points[(*gicp_->tmp_idx_tgt_)[i]].getVector4fMap (); Eigen::Vector4f pp (transformation_matrix * p_src); // Estimate the distance (cost function) // The last coordiante is still guaranteed to be set to 1.0 // Eigen::AlignedVector3 res(pp[0] - p_tgt[0], pp[1] - p_tgt[1], pp[2] - p_tgt[2]); // Eigen::AlignedVector3 temp(gicp_->mahalanobis((*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]) * res); Eigen::Vector4d res(pp[0] - p_tgt[0], pp[1] - p_tgt[1], pp[2] - p_tgt[2], 0.0); Eigen::Matrix4d maha = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero(); maha.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = gicp_->mahalanobis((*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]); Eigen::Vector4d temp (maha * res); //increment= res'*temp/num_matches = temp'*M*temp/num_matches (we postpone 1/num_matches after the loop closes) double ret = double(res.transpose() * temp); f_array[omp_get_thread_num()] += ret; } f = std::accumulate(f_array.begin(), f_array.end(), 0.0); return f/m; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template inline void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::OptimizationFunctorWithIndices::df (const Vector6d& x, Vector6d& g) { Eigen::Matrix4f transformation_matrix = gicp_->base_transformation_; gicp_->applyState(transformation_matrix, x); //Eigen::Vector3d g_t = g.head<3> (); std::vector> R_array(omp_get_max_threads()); std::vector> g_array(omp_get_max_threads()); for (int i = 0; i < R_array.size(); i++) { R_array[i].setZero(); g_array[i].setZero(); } int m = static_cast (gicp_->tmp_idx_src_->size ()); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { // The last coordinate, p_src[3] is guaranteed to be set to 1.0 in registration.hpp pcl::Vector4fMapConst p_src = gicp_->tmp_src_->points[(*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]].getVector4fMap (); // The last coordinate, p_tgt[3] is guaranteed to be set to 1.0 in registration.hpp pcl::Vector4fMapConst p_tgt = gicp_->tmp_tgt_->points[(*gicp_->tmp_idx_tgt_)[i]].getVector4fMap (); Eigen::Vector4f pp (transformation_matrix * p_src); // The last coordiante is still guaranteed to be set to 1.0 Eigen::Vector4d res (pp[0] - p_tgt[0], pp[1] - p_tgt[1], pp[2] - p_tgt[2], 0.0); // temp = M*res Eigen::Matrix4d maha = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero(); maha.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = gicp_->mahalanobis((*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]); Eigen::Vector4d temp (maha * res); // Increment translation gradient // g.head<3> ()+= 2*M*res/num_matches (we postpone 2/num_matches after the loop closes) // Increment rotation gradient pp = gicp_->base_transformation_ * p_src; Eigen::Vector4d p_src3 (pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], 0.0); g_array[omp_get_thread_num()] += temp; R_array[omp_get_thread_num()] += p_src3 * temp.transpose(); } g.setZero(); Eigen::Matrix4d R = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < R_array.size(); i++) { R += R_array[i]; g.head<3>() += g_array[i].head<3>(); } g.head<3>() *= 2.0 / m; R *= 2.0 / m; gicp_->computeRDerivative(x, R.block<3, 3>(0, 0), g); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template inline void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::OptimizationFunctorWithIndices::fdf (const Vector6d& x, double& f, Vector6d& g) { Eigen::Matrix4f transformation_matrix = gicp_->base_transformation_; gicp_->applyState(transformation_matrix, x); f = 0; g.setZero (); Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero (); const int m = static_cast (gicp_->tmp_idx_src_->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { // The last coordinate, p_src[3] is guaranteed to be set to 1.0 in registration.hpp pcl::Vector4fMapConst p_src = gicp_->tmp_src_->points[(*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]].getVector4fMap (); // The last coordinate, p_tgt[3] is guaranteed to be set to 1.0 in registration.hpp pcl::Vector4fMapConst p_tgt = gicp_->tmp_tgt_->points[(*gicp_->tmp_idx_tgt_)[i]].getVector4fMap (); Eigen::Vector4f pp (transformation_matrix * p_src); // The last coordiante is still guaranteed to be set to 1.0 Eigen::Vector3d res (pp[0] - p_tgt[0], pp[1] - p_tgt[1], pp[2] - p_tgt[2]); // temp = M*res Eigen::Vector3d temp (gicp_->mahalanobis((*gicp_->tmp_idx_src_)[i]) * res); // Increment total error f+= double(res.transpose() * temp); // Increment translation gradient // g.head<3> ()+= 2*M*res/num_matches (we postpone 2/num_matches after the loop closes) g.head<3> ()+= temp; pp = gicp_->base_transformation_ * p_src; Eigen::Vector3d p_src3 (pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]); // Increment rotation gradient R+= p_src3 * temp.transpose(); } f/= double(m); g.head<3> ()*= double(2.0/m); R*= 2.0/m; gicp_->computeRDerivative(x, R, g); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template inline void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::computeTransformation (PointCloudSource &output, const Eigen::Matrix4f& guess) { pcl::IterativeClosestPoint::initComputeReciprocal (); using namespace std; // Difference between consecutive transforms double delta = 0; // Get the size of the target const size_t N = indices_->size (); // Set the mahalanobis matrices to identity mahalanobis_.resize (N, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity ()); // Compute target cloud covariance matrices if ((!target_covariances_) || (target_covariances_->empty ())) { target_covariances_.reset (new MatricesVector); computeCovariances (target_, tree_, *target_covariances_); } // Compute input cloud covariance matrices if ((!input_covariances_) || (input_covariances_->empty ())) { input_covariances_.reset (new MatricesVector); computeCovariances (input_, tree_reciprocal_, *input_covariances_); } base_transformation_ = guess; nr_iterations_ = 0; converged_ = false; double dist_threshold = corr_dist_threshold_ * corr_dist_threshold_; std::vector> nn_indices_array(omp_get_max_threads()); std::vector> nn_dists_array(omp_get_max_threads()); for (auto& nn_indices : nn_indices_array) { nn_indices.resize(1); } for (auto& nn_dists : nn_dists_array) { nn_dists.resize(1); } while(!converged_) { std::atomic cnt; cnt = 0; std::vector source_indices (indices_->size ()); std::vector target_indices (indices_->size ()); // guess corresponds to base_t and transformation_ to t Eigen::Matrix4d transform_R = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero (); for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) for(size_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) for(size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) transform_R(i,j)+= double(transformation_(i,k)) * double(guess(k,j)); const Eigen::Matrix3d R = transform_R.topLeftCorner<3,3> (); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { auto& nn_indices = nn_indices_array[omp_get_thread_num()]; auto& nn_dists = nn_dists_array[omp_get_thread_num()]; PointSource query = output[i]; query.getVector4fMap () = guess * query.getVector4fMap (); query.getVector4fMap () = transformation_ * query.getVector4fMap (); if (!searchForNeighbors (query, nn_indices, nn_dists)) { PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Unable to find a nearest neighbor in the target dataset for point %d in the source!\n", getClassName ().c_str (), (*indices_)[i]); continue; } // Check if the distance to the nearest neighbor is smaller than the user imposed threshold if (nn_dists[0] < dist_threshold) { const Eigen::Matrix3d &C1 = (*input_covariances_)[i]; const Eigen::Matrix3d &C2 = (*target_covariances_)[nn_indices[0]]; Eigen::Matrix3d &M = mahalanobis_[i]; // M = R*C1 M = R * C1; // temp = M*R' + C2 = R*C1*R' + C2 Eigen::Matrix3d temp = M * R.transpose(); temp+= C2; // M = temp^-1 M = temp.inverse (); int c = cnt++; source_indices[c] = static_cast (i); target_indices[c] = nn_indices[0]; } } // Resize to the actual number of valid correspondences source_indices.resize(cnt); target_indices.resize(cnt); /* optimize transformation using the current assignment and Mahalanobis metrics*/ previous_transformation_ = transformation_; //optimization right here try { rigid_transformation_estimation_(output, source_indices, *target_, target_indices, transformation_); /* compute the delta from this iteration */ delta = 0.; for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for(int l = 0; l < 4; l++) { double ratio = 1; if(k < 3 && l < 3) // rotation part of the transform ratio = 1./rotation_epsilon_; else ratio = 1./transformation_epsilon_; double c_delta = ratio*fabs(previous_transformation_(k,l) - transformation_(k,l)); if(c_delta > delta) delta = c_delta; } } } catch (pcl::PCLException &e) { PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Optimization issue %s\n", getClassName ().c_str (), e.what ()); break; } nr_iterations_++; // Check for convergence if (nr_iterations_ >= max_iterations_ || delta < 1) { converged_ = true; previous_transformation_ = transformation_; PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Convergence reached. Number of iterations: %d out of %d. Transformation difference: %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), nr_iterations_, max_iterations_, (transformation_ - previous_transformation_).array ().abs ().sum ()); } else PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Convergence failed\n", getClassName ().c_str ()); } //for some reason the static equivalent methode raises an error // final_transformation_.block<3,3> (0,0) = (transformation_.block<3,3> (0,0)) * (guess.block<3,3> (0,0)); // final_transformation_.block <3, 1> (0, 3) = transformation_.block <3, 1> (0, 3) + guess.rightCols<1>.block <3, 1> (0, 3); final_transformation_.topLeftCorner (3,3) = previous_transformation_.topLeftCorner (3,3) * guess.topLeftCorner (3,3); final_transformation_(0,3) = previous_transformation_(0,3) + guess(0,3); final_transformation_(1,3) = previous_transformation_(1,3) + guess(1,3); final_transformation_(2,3) = previous_transformation_(2,3) + guess(2,3); // Transform the point cloud pcl::transformPointCloud (*input_, output, final_transformation_); } template void pclomp::GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint::applyState(Eigen::Matrix4f &t, const Vector6d& x) const { // !!! CAUTION Stanford GICP uses the Z Y X euler angles convention Eigen::Matrix3f R; R = Eigen::AngleAxisf (static_cast (x[5]), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ ()) * Eigen::AngleAxisf (static_cast (x[4]), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ()) * Eigen::AngleAxisf (static_cast (x[3]), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()); t.topLeftCorner<3,3> ().matrix () = R * t.topLeftCorner<3,3> ().matrix (); Eigen::Vector4f T (static_cast (x[0]), static_cast (x[1]), static_cast (x[2]), 0.0f); t.col (3) += T; } #endif //PCL_REGISTRATION_IMPL_GICP_HPP_