sc_info.lfm 1.4 KB

  1. object SmartConnectInfo: TSmartConnectInfo
  2. Left = 280
  3. Height = 381
  4. Top = 273
  5. Width = 671
  6. BorderIcons = []
  7. BorderStyle = bsDialog
  8. Caption = 'Info about smartconnect'
  9. ClientHeight = 381
  10. ClientWidth = 671
  11. Position = poScreenCenter
  12. LCLVersion = ''
  13. object Memo1: TMemo
  14. Cursor = crHelp
  15. Left = 0
  16. Height = 312
  17. Top = 0
  18. Width = 671
  19. Align = alTop
  20. Alignment = taCenter
  21. Font.Height = -15
  22. Font.Name = 'Sans'
  23. Lines.Strings = (
  24. 'Snap7Client uses "smart connect" feature to avoid the TCP connection timeout when a PLC is off or unwired.'
  25. 'First the PLC is pinged. Then, if the ping result is ok, the TCP connection is performed.'
  26. ''
  27. 'Under Windows this is accomplished using the system library "iphlpapi.dll", if it is not available (very '
  28. 'rare case) a raw socket is created, and, in this case, under Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 you need administrative priviledges.'
  29. ''
  30. 'During the initialization, the library checks if the ping can be performed trying the above methods.'
  31. 'If all they fail, the ping will not be performed by any client created, and they will try to connect directly.'
  32. )
  33. OnChange = Memo1Change
  34. ParentFont = False
  35. ReadOnly = True
  36. TabOrder = 0
  37. end
  38. object Button1: TButton
  39. Left = 296
  40. Height = 25
  41. Top = 336
  42. Width = 75
  43. Caption = 'OK'
  44. ModalResult = 11
  45. TabOrder = 1
  46. end
  47. end