cp_info.lfm 1.4 KB

  1. object ParamsConnectInfo: TParamsConnectInfo
  2. Left = 264
  3. Height = 381
  4. Top = 274
  5. Width = 726
  6. BorderIcons = []
  7. BorderStyle = bsDialog
  8. Caption = 'Info about connection params'
  9. ClientHeight = 381
  10. ClientWidth = 726
  11. Position = poScreenCenter
  12. LCLVersion = ''
  13. object Memo1: TMemo
  14. Cursor = crHelp
  15. Left = 0
  16. Height = 312
  17. Top = 0
  18. Width = 726
  19. Align = alTop
  20. Font.CharSet = ANSI_CHARSET
  21. Font.Height = -15
  22. Font.Name = 'Courier New'
  23. Font.Pitch = fpFixed
  24. Font.Quality = fqDraft
  25. Lines.Strings = (
  26. 'CPU S7 300/400/1200/1500/WinAC - Use Rack/Slot TAB'
  27. ''
  28. '"Connect as" is the Connection Type, [PG/OP/S7 Basic].'
  29. 'Each one is good enough.'
  30. ''
  31. 'S7300 : Rack 0 - Slot 2'
  32. 'S7400 : Depends on the hardware configuration (Rack 0 - Slot 3 should be good)'
  33. 'S71200 : Rack 0 - Slot 0'
  34. 'S71500 : Rack 0 - Slot 0'
  35. 'WinAC : Rack 0 - Slot See the Station Configuration.'
  36. ''
  37. ''
  38. 'CPU S7200/LOGO 0BA7/LOGO 8 - Use TSAP TAB'
  39. ''
  40. 'S7200 : LocTSAP 4D.57 - RemTSAP 4D.57 (or 02.00 - 02.00)'
  41. 'LOGO : Depends on Tools->Ethernet Connections of LOGOComfort.'
  42. )
  43. OnChange = Memo1Change
  44. ParentFont = False
  45. ReadOnly = True
  46. TabOrder = 0
  47. end
  48. object Button1: TButton
  49. Left = 296
  50. Height = 25
  51. Top = 336
  52. Width = 75
  53. Caption = 'OK'
  54. ModalResult = 11
  55. TabOrder = 1
  56. end
  57. end