bind_info.lfm 1.2 KB

  1. object BindErrortInfo: TBindErrortInfo
  2. Left = 467
  3. Height = 381
  4. Top = 267
  5. Width = 671
  6. BorderIcons = []
  7. BorderStyle = bsDialog
  8. Caption = 'Info about server start error'
  9. ClientHeight = 381
  10. ClientWidth = 671
  11. Position = poScreenCenter
  12. LCLVersion = ''
  13. object Memo1: TMemo
  14. Cursor = crHelp
  15. Left = 0
  16. Height = 312
  17. Top = 0
  18. Width = 671
  19. Align = alTop
  20. Font.Height = -15
  21. Font.Name = 'Sans'
  22. Lines.Strings = (
  23. 'If you got a start error, most likely :'
  24. ''
  25. '-Windows'
  26. 'In this computer is installed Step 7 which has a service listening on port 102 (the IsoTCP port).'
  27. 'You can temporarily disable this service, to run this demo.'
  28. ''
  29. 'Open a command prompt and type'
  30. 'net stop fsf (in win32)'
  31. 'or'
  32. 'net stop 424 (in win64)'
  33. ''
  34. 'To re enable it run net start....'
  35. ''
  36. '-Unix'
  37. 'You need root rights to bind a socket to the port 102'
  38. ''
  39. 'try '
  40. 'sudo ./clientdemo'
  41. )
  42. OnChange = Memo1Change
  43. ParentFont = False
  44. ReadOnly = True
  45. TabOrder = 0
  46. end
  47. object Button1: TButton
  48. Left = 296
  49. Height = 25
  50. Top = 336
  51. Width = 75
  52. Caption = 'OK'
  53. ModalResult = 11
  54. TabOrder = 1
  55. end
  56. end