nnxx.3.ronn 4.0 KB

  1. nnxx(3) -- main nanomsgxx namespace
  2. ===================================
  3. ## SYNOPSIS
  4. **#include <nnxx/nn.h>**
  5. using namespace nnxx;
  7. The **nnxx** namespace is used as top-level namespace, it contains all types and
  8. symbols of the nanomsgxx library.
  9. ## TYPES
  10. **message**
  11. Message abstraction for zero-copy
  12. **message_control**
  13. Protocol dependant control data
  14. **message_istream**
  15. Parse messages using standard input streams
  16. **message_ostream**
  17. Format messages using standard input streams
  18. **message_streambuf**
  19. Stream buffer for message input and output streams
  20. **poll_entry**
  21. Objects used to poll events on sockets
  22. **poll_vector**
  23. Vector of poll_entry objects
  24. **ready_iterator**
  25. Iterate over poll events marked as ready for reading or writing
  26. **ready_sequence**
  27. Proxy object generating a begin and end ready_iterator
  28. **signal_error**
  29. Exception thrown when an operation is interrupted by a signal
  30. **socket**
  31. Abstraction of nanomsg sockets
  32. **symbol_properties**
  33. Representation of a nanomsg symbol
  34. **term_error**
  35. Exception thrown when the nanomsg library is terminating
  36. **timeout_error**
  37. Exception thrown when an operation times out
  38. **with_linger**
  39. Scope-based linger timeout setter
  40. **with_recv_timeout**
  41. Scope-based receive timeout setter
  42. **with_send_timeout**
  43. Scope-based send timeout setter
  44. ## FUNCTIONS
  45. *const char \** **c_str**(*string*)
  46. Convert types to c-string representations
  47. *void* **device**(*socket*, *socket*)
  48. Sets up a proxy routing messages from a socket to another
  49. *milliseconds* **get_linger**(*socket*)
  50. Gets the linger timeout on a socket
  51. *milliseconds* **get_recv_timeout**(*socket*)
  52. Gets the receive timeout on a socket
  53. *milliseconds* **get_resend_interval**(*socket*)
  54. Gets the resend timeout on a socket
  55. *milliseconds* **get_send_timeout**(*socket*)
  56. Gets the send timeout on a socket
  57. *milliseconds* **get_surveyor_deadline**(*socket*)
  58. Gets the surveyor timeout on a socket
  59. *void* **poll**(*poll_vector*, *milliseconds*, *flags*)
  60. Polls for events available on sockets
  61. *recv_ready_sequence* **recv_ready**(*poll_vector*)
  62. Get a sequence of poll entries ready for receive operations
  63. *send_ready_sequence* **send_ready**(*poll_vector*)
  64. Get a sequence of poll entries ready for send operations
  65. *void* **set_linger**(*socket*, *milliseconds*)
  66. Sets the linger timeout on a socket
  67. *void* **set_recv_timeout**(*socket*, *milliseconds*)
  68. Sets the receive timeout on a socket
  69. *void* **set_resend_interval**(*socket*, *milliseconds*)
  70. Sets the resend timeout on a socket
  71. *void* **set_send_timeout**(*socket*, *milliseconds*)
  72. Sets the send timeout on a socket
  73. *void* **set_surveyor_deadline**(*socket*, *milliseconds*)
  74. Sets the surveyor timeout on a socket
  75. *const char \** **strerror**(*code*)
  76. Returns a human-readable representation of an error code
  77. *void* **subscribe**(*socket*, *topic*)
  78. Subscribe a SUB socket to a topic
  79. *symbol_properties* **symbol**(*index*)
  80. Returns informations on a nanomsg symbol
  81. *void* **term**()
  82. Force all ongoing and future nanomsg operations to abort
  83. *void* **unsubscribe**(*socket*, *topic*)
  84. Gets the current error status on the calling thread
  85. ## SEE ALSO
  86. nnxx::message(3)
  87. nnxx::message_control(3)
  88. nnxx::message_istream(3)
  89. nnxx::message_ostream(3)
  90. nnxx::message_streambuf(3)
  91. nnxx::poll_entry(3)
  92. nnxx::poll_vector(3)
  93. nnxx::ready_iterator(3)
  94. nnxx::ready_sequence(3)
  95. nnxx::signal_error(3)
  96. nnxx::socket(3)
  97. nnxx::symbol_properties(3)
  98. nnxx::term_error(3)
  99. nnxx::timeout_error(3)
  100. nnxx::with_linger(3)
  101. nnxx::with_recv_timeout(3)
  102. nnxx::with_send_timeout(3)
  103. nnxx::c_str(3)
  104. nnxx::device(3)
  105. nnxx::get_linger(3)
  106. nnxx::get_send_timeout(3)
  107. nnxx::get_surveyor_deadline(3)
  108. nnxx::poll(3)
  109. nnxx::recv_ready(3)
  110. nnxx::send_ready(3)
  111. nnxx::set_linger(3)
  112. nnxx::set_recv_timeout(3)
  113. nnxx::set_resend_interval(3)
  114. nnxx::set_send_timeout(3)
  115. nnxx::set_surveyor_deadline(3)
  116. nnxx::strerror(3)
  117. nnxx::subscribe(3)
  118. nnxx::symbol(3)
  119. nnxx::term(3)
  120. nnxx::unsubscribe(3)
  121. nnxx::this_thread(3)
  122. nanomsgxx(7)
  123. ## AUTHORS
  124. Achille Roussel