trustregion.lyx 16 KB

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  176. \end_layout
  177. \begin_layout Section
  178. Overview of Trust-region Methods
  179. \end_layout
  180. \begin_layout Standard
  181. For nice figures, see
  182. \begin_inset space ~
  183. \end_inset
  184. \begin_inset CommandInset citation
  185. LatexCommand cite
  186. key "Hauser06lecture"
  187. \end_inset
  188. .
  189. \end_layout
  190. \begin_layout Standard
  191. We just deal here with a small subset of trust-region methods, specifically
  192. approximating the cost function as quadratic using Newton's method, and
  193. using the Dogleg method and later to include Steihaug's method.
  194. \end_layout
  195. \begin_layout Standard
  196. The overall goal of a nonlinear optimization method is to iteratively find
  197. a local minimum of a nonlinear function
  198. \begin_inset Formula
  199. \[
  200. \hat{x}=\arg\min_{x}f\left(x\right)
  201. \]
  202. \end_inset
  203. where
  204. \begin_inset Formula $f\left(x\right)\to\mathbb{R}$
  205. \end_inset
  206. is a scalar function.
  207. In GTSAM, the variables
  208. \begin_inset Formula $x$
  209. \end_inset
  210. could be manifold or Lie group elements, so in this document we only work
  211. with
  212. \emph on
  213. increments
  214. \emph default
  215. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x\in\R n$
  216. \end_inset
  217. in the tangent space.
  218. In this document we specifically deal with
  219. \emph on
  220. trust-region
  221. \emph default
  222. methods, which at every iteration attempt to find a good increment
  223. \begin_inset Formula $\norm{\delta x}\leq\Delta$
  224. \end_inset
  225. within the
  226. \begin_inset Quotes eld
  227. \end_inset
  228. trust radius
  229. \begin_inset Quotes erd
  230. \end_inset
  231. \begin_inset Formula $\Delta$
  232. \end_inset
  233. .
  234. \end_layout
  235. \begin_layout Standard
  236. Further, most nonlinear optimization methods, including trust region methods,
  237. deal with an approximate problem at every iteration.
  238. Although there are other choices (such as quasi-Newton), the Newton's method
  239. approximation is, given an estimate
  240. \begin_inset Formula $x^{\left(k\right)}$
  241. \end_inset
  242. of the variables
  243. \begin_inset Formula $x$
  244. \end_inset
  245. ,
  246. \begin_inset Formula
  247. \begin{equation}
  248. f\left(x^{\left(k\right)}\oplus\delta x\right)\approx M^{\left(k\right)}\left(\delta x\right)=f^{\left(k\right)}+g^{\left(k\right)\t}\delta x+\frac{1}{2}\delta x^{\t}G^{\left(k\right)}\delta x\text{,}\label{eq:M-approx}
  249. \end{equation}
  250. \end_inset
  251. where
  252. \begin_inset Formula $f^{\left(k\right)}=f\left(x^{\left(k\right)}\right)$
  253. \end_inset
  254. is the function at
  255. \begin_inset Formula $x^{\left(k\right)}$
  256. \end_inset
  257. ,
  258. \begin_inset Formula $g^{\left(x\right)}=\left.\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\right|_{x^{\left(k\right)}}$
  259. \end_inset
  260. is its gradient, and
  261. \begin_inset Formula $G^{\left(k\right)}=\left.\frac{\partial^{2}f}{\partial x^{2}}\right|_{x^{\left(k\right)}}$
  262. \end_inset
  263. is its Hessian (or an approximation of the Hessian).
  264. \end_layout
  265. \begin_layout Standard
  266. Trust-region methods adaptively adjust the trust radius
  267. \begin_inset Formula $\Delta$
  268. \end_inset
  269. so that within it,
  270. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  271. \end_inset
  272. is a good approximation of
  273. \begin_inset Formula $f$
  274. \end_inset
  275. , and then never step beyond the trust radius in each iteration.
  276. When the true minimum is within the trust region, they converge quadratically
  277. like Newton's method.
  278. At each iteration
  279. \begin_inset Formula $k$
  280. \end_inset
  281. , they solve the
  282. \emph on
  283. trust-region subproblem
  284. \emph default
  285. to find a proposed update
  286. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x$
  287. \end_inset
  288. inside the trust radius
  289. \begin_inset Formula $\Delta$
  290. \end_inset
  291. , which decreases the approximate function
  292. \begin_inset Formula $M^{\left(k\right)}$
  293. \end_inset
  294. as much as possible.
  295. The proposed update is only accepted if the true function
  296. \begin_inset Formula $f$
  297. \end_inset
  298. decreases as well.
  299. If the decrease of
  300. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  301. \end_inset
  302. matches the decrease of
  303. \begin_inset Formula $f$
  304. \end_inset
  305. well, the size of the trust region is increased, while if the match is
  306. not close the trust region size is decreased.
  307. \end_layout
  308. \begin_layout Standard
  309. Minimizing Eq.
  310. \begin_inset space ~
  311. \end_inset
  312. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  313. LatexCommand ref
  314. reference "eq:M-approx"
  315. \end_inset
  316. is itself a nonlinear optimization problem, so there are various methods
  317. for approximating it, including Dogleg and Steihaug's method.
  318. \end_layout
  319. \begin_layout Section
  320. Adapting the Trust Region Size
  321. \end_layout
  322. \begin_layout Standard
  323. As mentioned in the previous section, we increase the trust region size
  324. if the decrease in the model function
  325. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  326. \end_inset
  327. matches the decrease in the true cost function
  328. \begin_inset Formula $S$
  329. \end_inset
  330. very closely, and decrease it if they do not match closely.
  331. The closeness of this match is measured with the
  332. \emph on
  333. gain ratio
  334. \emph default
  335. ,
  336. \begin_inset Formula
  337. \[
  338. \rho=\frac{f\left(x\right)-f\left(x\oplus\delta x_{d}\right)}{M\left(0\right)-M\left(\delta x_{d}\right)}\text{,}
  339. \]
  340. \end_inset
  341. where
  342. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{d}$
  343. \end_inset
  344. is the proposed dogleg step to be introduced next.
  345. The decrease in the model function is always non-negative, and as the decrease
  346. in
  347. \begin_inset Formula $f$
  348. \end_inset
  349. approaches it,
  350. \begin_inset Formula $\rho$
  351. \end_inset
  352. approaches
  353. \begin_inset Formula $1$
  354. \end_inset
  355. .
  356. If the true cost function increases,
  357. \begin_inset Formula $\rho$
  358. \end_inset
  359. will be negative, and if the true cost function decreases even more than
  360. predicted by
  361. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  362. \end_inset
  363. , then
  364. \begin_inset Formula $\rho$
  365. \end_inset
  366. will be greater than
  367. \begin_inset Formula $1$
  368. \end_inset
  369. .
  370. A typical update rule, as per Lec.
  371. 7-1.2 of
  372. \begin_inset CommandInset citation
  373. LatexCommand cite
  374. key "Hauser06lecture"
  375. \end_inset
  376. is:
  377. \begin_inset Formula
  378. \[
  379. \Delta_{k+1}\leftarrow\begin{cases}
  380. \Delta_{k}/4 & \rho<0.25\\
  381. \min\left(2\Delta_{k},\Delta_{max}\right)\text{,} & \rho>0.75\\
  382. \Delta_{k} & 0.75>\rho>0.25
  383. \end{cases}
  384. \]
  385. \end_inset
  386. where
  387. \begin_inset Formula $\Delta_{k}\triangleq\norm{\delta x_{d}}$
  388. \end_inset
  389. .
  390. Note that the rule is designed to ensure that
  391. \begin_inset Formula $\Delta_{k}$
  392. \end_inset
  393. never exceeds the maximum trust region size
  394. \begin_inset Formula $\Delta_{max}.$
  395. \end_inset
  396. \end_layout
  397. \begin_layout Section
  398. Dogleg
  399. \end_layout
  400. \begin_layout Standard
  401. Dogleg minimizes an approximation of Eq.
  402. \begin_inset space ~
  403. \end_inset
  404. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  405. LatexCommand ref
  406. reference "eq:M-approx"
  407. \end_inset
  408. by considering three possibilities using two points - the minimizer
  409. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}$
  410. \end_inset
  411. of
  412. \begin_inset Formula $M^{\left(k\right)}$
  413. \end_inset
  414. along the negative gradient direction
  415. \begin_inset Formula $-g^{\left(k\right)}$
  416. \end_inset
  417. , and the overall Newton's method minimizer
  418. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}$
  419. \end_inset
  420. of
  421. \begin_inset Formula $M^{\left(k\right)}$
  422. \end_inset
  423. .
  424. When the Hessian
  425. \begin_inset Formula $G^{\left(k\right)}$
  426. \end_inset
  427. is positive, the magnitude of
  428. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}$
  429. \end_inset
  430. is always less than that of
  431. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}$
  432. \end_inset
  433. , meaning that the Newton's method step is
  434. \begin_inset Quotes eld
  435. \end_inset
  436. more adventurous
  437. \begin_inset Quotes erd
  438. \end_inset
  439. .
  440. How much we step towards the Newton's method point depends on the trust
  441. region size:
  442. \end_layout
  443. \begin_layout Enumerate
  444. If the trust region is smaller than
  445. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}$
  446. \end_inset
  447. , we step in the negative gradient direction but only by the trust radius.
  448. \end_layout
  449. \begin_layout Enumerate
  450. If the trust region boundary is between
  451. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}$
  452. \end_inset
  453. and
  454. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}$
  455. \end_inset
  456. , we step to the linearly-interpolated point between these two points that
  457. intersects the trust region boundary.
  458. \end_layout
  459. \begin_layout Enumerate
  460. If the trust region boundary is larger than
  461. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}$
  462. \end_inset
  463. , we step to
  464. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}$
  465. \end_inset
  466. .
  467. \end_layout
  468. \begin_layout Standard
  469. To find the intersection of the line between
  470. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}$
  471. \end_inset
  472. and
  473. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}$
  474. \end_inset
  475. with the trust region boundary, we solve a quadratic roots problem,
  476. \begin_inset Formula
  477. \begin{align*}
  478. \Delta & =\norm{\left(1-\tau\right)\delta x_{u}+\tau\delta x_{n}}\\
  479. \Delta^{2} & =\left(1-\tau\right)^{2}\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}+2\tau\left(1-\tau\right)\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}+\tau^{2}\delta x_{n}^{\t}\delta x_{n}\\
  480. 0 & =\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}-2\tau\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}+\tau^{2}\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}+2\tau\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}-2\tau^{2}\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}+\tau^{2}\delta x_{n}^{\t}\delta x_{n}-\Delta^{2}\\
  481. 0 & =\left(\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}-2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}+\delta x_{n}^{\t}\delta x_{n}\right)\tau^{2}+\left(2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}-2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}\right)\tau-\Delta^{2}+\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}\\
  482. \tau & =\frac{-\left(2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}-2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}\right)\pm\sqrt{\left(2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}-2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}\right)^{2}-4\left(\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}-2\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}+\delta x_{n}^{\t}\delta x_{n}\right)\left(\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}-\Delta^{2}\right)}}{2\left(\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{u}-\delta x_{u}^{\t}\delta x_{n}+\delta x_{n}^{\t}\delta x_{n}\right)}
  483. \end{align*}
  484. \end_inset
  485. From this we take whichever possibility for
  486. \begin_inset Formula $\tau$
  487. \end_inset
  488. such that
  489. \begin_inset Formula $0<\tau<1$
  490. \end_inset
  491. .
  492. \end_layout
  493. \begin_layout Standard
  494. To find the steepest-descent minimizer
  495. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}$
  496. \end_inset
  497. , we perform line search in the gradient direction on the approximate function
  498. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  499. \end_inset
  500. ,
  501. \begin_inset Formula
  502. \begin{equation}
  503. \delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}=\frac{-g^{\left(k\right)\t}g^{\left(k\right)}}{g^{\left(k\right)\t}G^{\left(k\right)}g^{\left(k\right)}}g^{\left(k\right)}\label{eq:steepest-descent-point}
  504. \end{equation}
  505. \end_inset
  506. \end_layout
  507. \begin_layout Standard
  508. Thus, mathematically, we can write the dogleg update
  509. \begin_inset Formula $\delta x_{d}^{\left(k\right)}$
  510. \end_inset
  511. as
  512. \begin_inset Formula
  513. \[
  514. \delta x_{d}^{\left(k\right)}=\begin{cases}
  515. -\frac{\Delta}{\norm{\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}}}\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}\text{,} & \Delta<\norm{\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}}\\
  516. \left(1-\tau^{\left(k\right)}\right)\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}+\tau^{\left(k\right)}\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}\text{,} & \norm{\delta x_{u}^{\left(k\right)}}<\Delta<\norm{\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}}\\
  517. \delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}\text{,} & \norm{\delta x_{n}^{\left(k\right)}}<\Delta
  518. \end{cases}
  519. \]
  520. \end_inset
  521. \end_layout
  522. \begin_layout Section
  523. Working with
  524. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  525. \end_inset
  526. as a Bayes' Net
  527. \end_layout
  528. \begin_layout Standard
  529. When we have already eliminated a factor graph into a Bayes' Net, we have
  530. the same quadratic error function
  531. \begin_inset Formula $M^{\left(k\right)}\left(\delta x\right)$
  532. \end_inset
  533. , but it is in a different form:
  534. \begin_inset Formula
  535. \[
  536. M^{\left(k\right)}\left(\delta x\right)=\frac{1}{2}\norm{Rx-d}^{2}\text{,}
  537. \]
  538. \end_inset
  539. where
  540. \begin_inset Formula $R$
  541. \end_inset
  542. is an upper-triangular matrix (stored as a set of sparse block Gaussian
  543. conditionals in GTSAM), and
  544. \begin_inset Formula $d$
  545. \end_inset
  546. is the r.h.s.
  547. vector.
  548. The gradient and Hessian of
  549. \begin_inset Formula $M$
  550. \end_inset
  551. are then
  552. \begin_inset Formula
  553. \begin{align*}
  554. g^{\left(k\right)} & =R^{\t}\left(Rx-d\right)\\
  555. G^{\left(k\right)} & =R^{\t}R
  556. \end{align*}
  557. \end_inset
  558. \end_layout
  559. \begin_layout Standard
  560. In GTSAM, because the Bayes' Net is not dense, we evaluate Eq.
  561. \begin_inset space ~
  562. \end_inset
  563. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  564. LatexCommand ref
  565. reference "eq:steepest-descent-point"
  566. \end_inset
  567. in an efficient way.
  568. Rewriting the denominator (leaving out the
  569. \begin_inset Formula $\left(k\right)$
  570. \end_inset
  571. superscript) as
  572. \begin_inset Formula
  573. \[
  574. g^{\t}Gg=\sum_{i}\left(R_{i}g\right)^{\t}\left(R_{i}g\right)\text{,}
  575. \]
  576. \end_inset
  577. where
  578. \begin_inset Formula $i$
  579. \end_inset
  580. indexes over the conditionals in the Bayes' Net (corresponding to blocks
  581. of rows of
  582. \begin_inset Formula $R$
  583. \end_inset
  584. ) exploits the sparse structure of the Bayes' Net, because it is easy to
  585. only include the variables involved in each
  586. \begin_inset Formula $i^{\text{th}}$
  587. \end_inset
  588. conditional when multiplying them by the corresponding elements of
  589. \begin_inset Formula $g$
  590. \end_inset
  591. .
  592. \end_layout
  593. \begin_layout Standard
  594. \begin_inset CommandInset bibtex
  595. LatexCommand bibtex
  596. bibfiles "trustregion"
  597. options "plain"
  598. \end_inset
  599. \end_layout
  600. \end_body
  601. \end_document