/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2022 IBM Corp., Ian Craggs * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. * * The Eclipse Public License is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation * Ian Craggs - correct some compile warnings * Ian Craggs - add binary will message test * Ian Craggs - MQTT V5 updates *******************************************************************************/ /** * @file * Offline buffering and automatic reconnect tests for the Paho Asynchronous MQTT C client * */ #include "MQTTAsync.h" #include #include #include "Thread.h" #if !defined(_WINDOWS) #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif char unique[50]; // unique suffix/prefix to add to clientid/topic etc #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) void usage(void) { printf("help!!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct Options { char* connection; /**< connection to system under test. */ char* proxy_connection; /**< connection to proxy */ int verbose; int test_no; } options = { "localhost:1883", "localhost:1884", 0, 0, }; void getopts(int argc, char** argv) { int count = 1; while (count < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[count], "--test_no") == 0) { if (++count < argc) options.test_no = atoi(argv[count]); else usage(); } else if (strcmp(argv[count], "--connection") == 0) { if (++count < argc) options.connection = argv[count]; else usage(); } else if (strcmp(argv[count], "--proxy_connection") == 0) { if (++count < argc) options.proxy_connection = argv[count]; else usage(); } else if (strcmp(argv[count], "--verbose") == 0) options.verbose = 1; count++; } } #define LOGA_DEBUG 0 #define LOGA_INFO 1 #include #include #include void MyLog(int LOGA_level, char* format, ...) { static char msg_buf[256]; va_list args; struct timeb ts; struct tm *timeinfo; if (LOGA_level == LOGA_DEBUG && options.verbose == 0) return; ftime(&ts); timeinfo = localtime(&ts.time); strftime(msg_buf, 80, "%Y%m%d %H%M%S", timeinfo); sprintf(&msg_buf[strlen(msg_buf)], ".%.3hu ", ts.millitm); va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(&msg_buf[strlen(msg_buf)], sizeof(msg_buf) - strlen(msg_buf), format, args); va_end(args); printf("%s\n", msg_buf); fflush(stdout); } void MySleep(long milliseconds) { #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) Sleep(milliseconds); #else usleep(milliseconds*1000); #endif } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS) #define START_TIME_TYPE DWORD static DWORD start_time = 0; START_TIME_TYPE start_clock(void) { return GetTickCount(); } #elif defined(AIX) #define START_TIME_TYPE struct timespec START_TIME_TYPE start_clock(void) { static struct timespec start; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); return start; } #else #define START_TIME_TYPE struct timeval /* TODO - unused - remove? static struct timeval start_time; */ START_TIME_TYPE start_clock(void) { struct timeval start_time; gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL); return start_time; } #endif #if defined(_WIN32) long elapsed(START_TIME_TYPE start_time) { return GetTickCount() - start_time; } #elif defined(AIX) #define assert(a) long elapsed(struct timespec start) { struct timespec now, res; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); ntimersub(now, start, res); return (res.tv_sec)*1000L + (res.tv_nsec)/1000000L; } #else long elapsed(START_TIME_TYPE start_time) { struct timeval now, res; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); timersub(&now, &start_time, &res); return (res.tv_sec) * 1000 + (res.tv_usec) / 1000; } #endif #define assert(a, b, c, d) myassert(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, b, c, d) #define assert1(a, b, c, d, e) myassert(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, b, c, d, e) #define MAXMSGS 30; int tests = 0; int failures = 0; FILE* xml; START_TIME_TYPE global_start_time; char output[3000]; char* cur_output = output; void write_test_result(void) { long duration = elapsed(global_start_time); fprintf(xml, " time=\"%ld.%.3ld\" >\n", duration / 1000, duration % 1000); if (cur_output != output) { fprintf(xml, "%s", output); cur_output = output; } fprintf(xml, "\n"); } void myassert(char* filename, int lineno, char* description, int value, char* format, ...) { ++tests; if (!value) { va_list args; ++failures; MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Assertion failed, file %s, line %d, description: %s", filename, lineno, description); va_start(args, format); vprintf(format, args); va_end(args); cur_output += sprintf(cur_output, "file %s, line %d \n", description, filename, lineno); } else MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Assertion succeeded, file %s, line %d, description: %s", filename, lineno, description); } void logProperties(MQTTProperties *props) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < props->count; ++i) { int id = props->array[i].identifier; const char* name = MQTTPropertyName(id); char* intformat = "Property name %s value %d"; switch (MQTTProperty_getType(id)) { case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_BYTE: MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, intformat, name, props->array[i].value.byte); break; case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_TWO_BYTE_INTEGER: MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, intformat, name, props->array[i].value.integer2); break; case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_FOUR_BYTE_INTEGER: MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, intformat, name, props->array[i].value.integer4); break; case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_VARIABLE_BYTE_INTEGER: MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, intformat, name, props->array[i].value.integer4); break; case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_BINARY_DATA: case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_UTF_8_ENCODED_STRING: MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Property name %s value len %.*s", name, props->array[i].value.data.len, props->array[i].value.data.data); break; case MQTTPROPERTY_TYPE_UTF_8_STRING_PAIR: MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Property name %s key %.*s value %.*s", name, props->array[i].value.data.len, props->array[i].value.data.data, props->array[i].value.value.len, props->array[i].value.value.data); break; } } } char willTopic[100]; char test_topic[50]; /********************************************************************* Test7: Fill up TCP buffer with QoS 0 messages *********************************************************************/ int test7c_connected = 0; int test7_will_message_received = 0; int test7_messages_received = 0; int test7Finished = 0; int test7OnFailureCalled = 0; int test7_messageArrived(void* context, char* topicName, int topicLen, MQTTAsync_message* message) { MQTTAsync c = (MQTTAsync)context; static int message_count = 0; MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Message received on topic %s, \"%.*s\"", topicName, message->payloadlen, message->payload); if (memcmp(message->payload, "will message", message->payloadlen) == 0) test7_will_message_received = 1; else test7_messages_received++; MQTTAsync_freeMessage(&message); MQTTAsync_free(topicName); return 1; } void test7cConnected(void* context, char* cause) { MQTTAsync c = (MQTTAsync)context; MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "In connected callback for client c, context %p\n", context); test7c_connected = 1; } void test7cOnConnectFailure(void* context, MQTTAsync_failureData5* response) { MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "In c connect onFailure callback, context %p", context); test7OnFailureCalled++; test7Finished = 1; } void test7cOnConnectSuccess(void* context, MQTTAsync_successData5* response) { MQTTAsync c = (MQTTAsync)context; MQTTAsync_message pubmsg = MQTTAsync_message_initializer; MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "In connect onSuccess callback for client c, context %p\n", context); /* send a message to the proxy to break the connection */ pubmsg.payload = "TERMINATE"; pubmsg.payloadlen = (int)strlen(pubmsg.payload); pubmsg.qos = 0; pubmsg.retained = 0; //rc = MQTTAsync_sendMessage(c, "MQTTSAS topic", &pubmsg, NULL); //assert("Good rc from sendMessage", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc); } int test7(struct Options options) { char* testname = "test7"; int subsqos = 2; MQTTAsync c; MQTTAsync_connectOptions opts = MQTTAsync_connectOptions_initializer5; MQTTAsync_willOptions wopts = MQTTAsync_willOptions_initializer; MQTTAsync_createOptions createOpts = MQTTAsync_createOptions_initializer; int rc = 0; int count = 0; char clientidc[50]; int i = 0; test7_will_message_received = 0; test7_messages_received = 0; test7Finished = 0; test7OnFailureCalled = 0; test7c_connected = 0; sprintf(willTopic, "paho-test95-7-%s", unique); sprintf(clientidc, "paho-test9-7-c-%s", "same"); //unique); sprintf(test_topic, "longer paho-test9-7-test topic %s", unique); test7Finished = 0; failures = 0; MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting Offline buffering 7 - many persisted messages"); fprintf(xml, "payload.data = "will message"; opts.will->payload.len = (int)strlen(opts.will->payload.data) + 1; opts.will->qos = 1; opts.will->retained = 0; opts.will->topicName = willTopic; opts.onSuccess5 = test7cOnConnectSuccess; opts.onFailure5 = test7cOnConnectFailure; opts.context = c; opts.cleansession = 0; /*opts.automaticReconnect = 1; opts.minRetryInterval = 3; opts.maxRetryInterval = 6;*/ #if 0 MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting client c"); rc = MQTTAsync_connect(c, &opts); assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc); if (rc != MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS) { failures++; goto exit; } count = 0; while (!test7c_connected && ++count < 10000) MySleep(100); assert("Count should be less than 10000", count < 10000, "count was %d", count); /* wrong */ #endif /* wait for will message */ //while (test7_will_message_received == 0 && ++count < 10000) // MySleep(100); MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Now we can send some messages to be buffered by TCP"); test7c_connected = 0; #define PAYLOAD_LEN 500 char buf[PAYLOAD_LEN]; /* send some messages. Then reconnect (check connected callback), and check that those messages are received */ for (i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) { MQTTAsync_message pubmsg = MQTTAsync_message_initializer; MQTTAsync_responseOptions pubopts = MQTTAsync_responseOptions_initializer; pubmsg.qos = i % 3; sprintf(buf, "QoS %d message", pubmsg.qos); pubmsg.payload = buf; pubmsg.payloadlen = PAYLOAD_LEN; pubmsg.retained = 0; rc = MQTTAsync_sendMessage(c, test_topic, &pubmsg, &pubopts); assert("Good rc from sendMessage", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc); if (rc != MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS) { MySleep(3000); MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting client c"); rc = MQTTAsync_connect(c, &opts); assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc); if (rc != MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS) { failures++; goto exit; } count = 0; while (!test7c_connected && ++count < 10000) MySleep(100); assert("Count should be less than 10000", count < 10000, "count was %d", count); /* wrong */ MySleep(3000); break; } } exit: rc = MQTTAsync_disconnect(c, NULL); assert("Good rc from disconnect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc); /*rc = MQTTAsync_disconnect(d, NULL); assert("Good rc from disconnect", rc == MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS, "rc was %d ", rc);*/ MySleep(200); MQTTAsync_destroy(&c); MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.", (failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures); write_test_result(); return failures; } void handleTrace(enum MQTTASYNC_TRACE_LEVELS level, char* message) { printf("%s\n", message); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int* numtests = &tests; int rc = 0; int (*tests[])() = { NULL, test7 }; time_t randtime; srand((unsigned) time(&randtime)); sprintf(unique, "%u", rand()); MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Random prefix/suffix is %s", unique); xml = fopen("TEST-test9.xml", "w"); fprintf(xml, "\n", (int)(ARRAY_SIZE(tests) - 1)); MQTTAsync_setTraceCallback(handleTrace); getopts(argc, argv); if (options.test_no == 0) { /* run all the tests */ for (options.test_no = 1; options.test_no < ARRAY_SIZE(tests); ++options.test_no) { failures = 0; MQTTAsync_setTraceLevel(MQTTASYNC_TRACE_PROTOCOL); rc += tests[options.test_no](options); /* return number of failures. 0 = test succeeded */ } } else { MQTTAsync_setTraceLevel(MQTTASYNC_TRACE_PROTOCOL); rc = tests[options.test_no](options); /* run just the selected test */ } MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Total tests run: %d", *numtests); if (rc == 0) MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "verdict pass"); else MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "verdict fail"); fprintf(xml, "\n"); fclose(xml); return rc; }