#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace cv; struct Pix { Point next_point; double cost; bool operator > (const Pix &b) const { return cost > b.cost; } }; struct Parameters { Mat img, img_pre_render, img_render; Point end; std::vector > contours; std::vector tmp_contour; Mat zero_crossing, gradient_magnitude, Ix, Iy, hit_map_x, hit_map_y; }; static float local_cost(const Point& p, const Point& q, const Mat& gradient_magnitude, const Mat& Iy, const Mat& Ix, const Mat& zero_crossing) { float fG = gradient_magnitude.at(q.y, q.x); float dp; float dq; const float WEIGHT_LAP_ZERO_CROSS = 0.43f; const float WEIGHT_GRADIENT_MAGNITUDE = 0.14f; const float WEIGHT_GRADIENT_DIRECTION = 0.43f; bool isDiag = (p.x != q.x) && (p.y != q.y); if ((Iy.at(p) * (q.x - p.x) - Ix.at(p) * (q.y - p.y)) >= 0) { dp = Iy.at(p) * (q.x - p.x) - Ix.at(p) * (q.y - p.y); dq = Iy.at(q) * (q.x - p.x) - Ix.at(q) * (q.y - p.y); } else { dp = Iy.at(p) * (p.x - q.x) + (-Ix.at(p)) * (p.y - q.y); dq = Iy.at(q) * (p.x - q.x) + (-Ix.at(q)) * (p.y - q.y); } if (isDiag) { dp /= sqrtf(2); dq /= sqrtf(2); } else { fG /= sqrtf(2); } return WEIGHT_LAP_ZERO_CROSS * zero_crossing.at(q) + WEIGHT_GRADIENT_DIRECTION * (acosf(dp) + acosf(dq)) / static_cast(CV_PI) + WEIGHT_GRADIENT_MAGNITUDE * fG; } static void find_min_path(const Point& start, Parameters* param) { Pix begin; Mat &img = param->img; Mat cost_map(img.size(), CV_32F, Scalar(FLT_MAX)); Mat expand(img.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); Mat processed(img.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); Mat removed(img.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); std::priority_queue < Pix, std::vector, std::greater > L; cost_map.at(start) = 0; processed.at(start) = 1; begin.cost = 0; begin.next_point = start; L.push(begin); while (!L.empty()) { Pix P = L.top(); L.pop(); Point p = P.next_point; processed.at(p) = 0; if (removed.at(p) == 0) { expand.at(p) = 1; for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for(int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { int tx = p.x + i; int ty = p.y + j; if (tx < 0 || tx >= img.cols || ty < 0 || ty >= img.rows) continue; if (expand.at(ty, tx) == 0) { Point q = Point(tx, ty); float cost = cost_map.at(p) + local_cost(p, q, param->gradient_magnitude, param->Iy, param->Ix, param->zero_crossing); if (processed.at(q) == 1 && cost < cost_map.at(q)) { removed.at(q) = 1; } if (processed.at(q) == 0) { cost_map.at(q) = cost; param->hit_map_x.at(q)= p.x; param->hit_map_y.at(q) = p.y; processed.at(q) = 1; Pix val; val.cost = cost_map.at(q); val.next_point = q; L.push(val); } } } } } } } static void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int , void* userdata) { Parameters* param = reinterpret_cast(userdata); Point &end = param->end; std::vector > &contours = param->contours; std::vector &tmp_contour = param->tmp_contour; Mat &img_render = param->img_render; Mat &img_pre_render = param->img_pre_render; if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) { end = Point(x, y); if (!contours.back().empty()) { for (int i = static_cast(tmp_contour.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { contours.back().push_back(tmp_contour[i]); } tmp_contour.clear(); } else { contours.back().push_back(end); } find_min_path(end, param); img_render.copyTo(img_pre_render); imshow("lasso", img_render); } else if (event == EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN) { img_pre_render.copyTo(img_render); drawContours(img_pre_render, contours, static_cast(contours.size()) - 1, Scalar(0,255,0), FILLED); addWeighted(img_pre_render, 0.3, img_render, 0.7, 0, img_render); contours.resize(contours.size() + 1); imshow("lasso", img_render); } else if (event == EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && !contours.back().empty()) { tmp_contour.clear(); img_pre_render.copyTo(img_render); Point val_point = Point(x, y); while (val_point != end) { tmp_contour.push_back(val_point); Point cur = Point(param->hit_map_x.at(val_point), param->hit_map_y.at(val_point)); line(img_render, val_point, cur, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2); val_point = cur; } imshow("lasso", img_render); } } const char* keys = { "{help h | |}" "{@image | fruits.jpg| Path to image to process}" }; int main( int argc, const char** argv ) { Parameters param; const int EDGE_THRESHOLD_LOW = 50; const int EDGE_THRESHOLD_HIGH = 100; CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); parser.about("\nThis program demonstrates implementation of 'Intelligent Scissors' algorithm designed\n" "by Eric N. Mortensen and William A. Barrett, and described in article\n" "'Intelligent Scissors for Image Composition':\n" "http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=\n" "To start drawing a new contour select a pixel, click LEFT mouse button.\n" "To fix a path click LEFT mouse button again.\n" "To finish drawing a contour click RIGHT mouse button.\n"); if (parser.has("help")) { parser.printMessage(); return 1; } std::vector > c(1); param.contours = c; std::string filename = parser.get(0); Mat grayscale, img_canny; param.img = imread(samples::findFile(filename)); param.hit_map_x.create(param.img.rows, param.img.cols, CV_32SC1); param.hit_map_y.create(param.img.rows, param.img.cols, CV_32SC1); cvtColor(param.img, grayscale, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Canny(grayscale, img_canny, EDGE_THRESHOLD_LOW, EDGE_THRESHOLD_HIGH); threshold(img_canny, param.zero_crossing, 254, 1, THRESH_BINARY_INV); Sobel(grayscale, param.Ix, CV_32FC1, 1, 0, 1); Sobel(grayscale, param.Iy, CV_32FC1, 0, 1, 1); param.Ix.convertTo(param.Ix, CV_32F, 1.0/255); param.Iy.convertTo(param.Iy, CV_32F, 1.0/255); // Compute gradients magnitude. double max_val = 0.0; magnitude(param.Iy, param.Ix, param.gradient_magnitude); minMaxLoc(param.gradient_magnitude, 0, &max_val); param.gradient_magnitude.convertTo(param.gradient_magnitude, CV_32F, -1/max_val, 1.0); param.img.copyTo(param.img_pre_render); param.img.copyTo(param.img_render); namedWindow("lasso"); setMouseCallback("lasso", onMouse, ¶m); imshow("lasso", param.img); waitKey(0); }