close all clc import gtsam.*; disp('Example of application of ISAM2 for visual-inertial navigation on the KITTI VISION BENCHMARK SUITE (') %% Read metadata and compute relative sensor pose transforms % IMU metadata disp('-- Reading sensor metadata') IMU_metadata = importdata('KittiEquivBiasedImu_metadata.txt'); IMU_metadata = cell2struct(num2cell(, IMU_metadata.colheaders, 2); IMUinBody = Pose3.Expmap([IMU_metadata.BodyPtx; IMU_metadata.BodyPty; IMU_metadata.BodyPtz; IMU_metadata.BodyPrx; IMU_metadata.BodyPry; IMU_metadata.BodyPrz; ]); if ~IMUinBody.equals(Pose3, 1e-5) error 'Currently only support IMUinBody is identity, i.e. IMU and body frame are the same'; end % VO metadata VO_metadata = importdata('KittiRelativePose_metadata.txt'); VO_metadata = cell2struct(num2cell(, VO_metadata.colheaders, 2); VOinBody = Pose3.Expmap([VO_metadata.BodyPtx; VO_metadata.BodyPty; VO_metadata.BodyPtz; VO_metadata.BodyPrx; VO_metadata.BodyPry; VO_metadata.BodyPrz; ]); VOinIMU = IMUinBody.inverse().compose(VOinBody); %% Read data and change coordinate frame of GPS and VO measurements to IMU frame disp('-- Reading sensor data from file') % IMU data IMU_data = importdata('KittiEquivBiasedImu.txt'); IMU_data = cell2struct(num2cell(, IMU_data.colheaders, 2); imum = cellfun(@(x) x', num2cell([ [IMU_data.accelX]' [IMU_data.accelY]' [IMU_data.accelZ]' [IMU_data.omegaX]' [IMU_data.omegaY]' [IMU_data.omegaZ]' ], 2), 'UniformOutput', false); [IMU_data.acc_omega] = deal(imum{:}); clear imum % VO data VO_data = importdata('KittiRelativePose.txt'); VO_data = cell2struct(num2cell(, VO_data.colheaders, 2); % Merge relative pose fields and convert to Pose3 logposes = [ [VO_data.dtx]' [VO_data.dty]' [VO_data.dtz]' [VO_data.drx]' [VO_data.dry]' [VO_data.drz]' ]; logposes = num2cell(logposes, 2); relposes = arrayfun(@(x) {gtsam.Pose3.Expmap(x{:}')}, logposes); relposes = arrayfun(@(x) {VOinIMU.compose(x{:}).compose(VOinIMU.inverse())}, relposes); [VO_data.RelativePose] = deal(relposes{:}); VO_data = rmfield(VO_data, { 'dtx' 'dty' 'dtz' 'drx' 'dry' 'drz' }); noiseModelVO = noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas([ VO_metadata.RotationSigma * [1;1;1]; VO_metadata.TranslationSigma * [1;1;1] ]); clear logposes relposes %% Get initial conditions for the estimated trajectory currentPoseGlobal = Pose3; currentVelocityGlobal = LieVector([0;0;0]); % the vehicle is stationary at the beginning currentBias = imuBias.ConstantBias(zeros(3,1), zeros(3,1)); sigma_init_x = noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigmas([ 1.0; 1.0; 0.01; 0.01; 0.01; 0.01 ]); sigma_init_v = noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(3, 1000.0); sigma_init_b = noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigmas([ 0.100; 0.100; 0.100; 5.00e-05; 5.00e-05; 5.00e-05 ]); sigma_between_b = [ IMU_metadata.AccelerometerBiasSigma * ones(3,1); IMU_metadata.GyroscopeBiasSigma * ones(3,1) ]; g = [0;0;-9.8]; w_coriolis = [0;0;0]; %% Solver object isamParams = ISAM2Params; isamParams.setFactorization('CHOLESKY'); isamParams.setRelinearizeSkip(10); isam = gtsam.ISAM2(isamParams); newFactors = NonlinearFactorGraph; newValues = Values; %% Main loop: % (1) we read the measurements % (2) we create the corresponding factors in the graph % (3) we solve the graph to obtain and optimal estimate of robot trajectory timestamps = [VO_data.Time]'; timestamps = timestamps(15:end,:); % there seem to be issues with the initial IMU measurements IMUtimes = [IMU_data.Time]; disp('-- Starting main loop: inference is performed at each time step, but we plot trajectory every 100 steps') for measurementIndex = 1:length(timestamps) % At each non=IMU measurement we initialize a new node in the graph currentPoseKey = symbol('x',measurementIndex); currentVelKey = symbol('v',measurementIndex); currentBiasKey = symbol('b',measurementIndex); t = timestamps(measurementIndex, 1); if measurementIndex == 1 %% Create initial estimate and prior on initial pose, velocity, and biases newValues.insert(currentPoseKey, currentPoseGlobal); newValues.insert(currentVelKey, currentVelocityGlobal); newValues.insert(currentBiasKey, currentBias); newFactors.add(PriorFactorPose3(currentPoseKey, currentPoseGlobal, sigma_init_x)); newFactors.add(PriorFactorLieVector(currentVelKey, currentVelocityGlobal, sigma_init_v)); newFactors.add(PriorFactorConstantBias(currentBiasKey, currentBias, sigma_init_b)); else t_previous = timestamps(measurementIndex-1, 1); %% Summarize IMU data between the previous GPS measurement and now IMUindices = find(IMUtimes >= t_previous & IMUtimes <= t); currentSummarizedMeasurement = gtsam.ImuFactorPreintegratedMeasurements( ... currentBias, IMU_metadata.AccelerometerSigma.^2 * eye(3), ... IMU_metadata.GyroscopeSigma.^2 * eye(3), IMU_metadata.IntegrationSigma.^2 * eye(3)); for imuIndex = IMUindices accMeas = [ IMU_data(imuIndex).accelX; IMU_data(imuIndex).accelY; IMU_data(imuIndex).accelZ ]; omegaMeas = [ IMU_data(imuIndex).omegaX; IMU_data(imuIndex).omegaY; IMU_data(imuIndex).omegaZ ]; deltaT = IMU_data(imuIndex).dt; currentSummarizedMeasurement.integrateMeasurement(accMeas, omegaMeas, deltaT); end % Create IMU factor newFactors.add(ImuFactor( ... currentPoseKey-1, currentVelKey-1, ... currentPoseKey, currentVelKey, ... currentBiasKey, currentSummarizedMeasurement, g, w_coriolis)); % LC: sigma_init_b is wrong: this should be some uncertainty on bias evolution given in the IMU metadata newFactors.add(BetweenFactorConstantBias(currentBiasKey-1, currentBiasKey, imuBias.ConstantBias(zeros(3,1), zeros(3,1)), ... noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(sqrt(numel(IMUindices)) * sigma_between_b))); %% Create VO factor VOpose = VO_data(measurementIndex).RelativePose; newFactors.add(BetweenFactorPose3(currentPoseKey - 1, currentPoseKey, VOpose, noiseModelVO)); % Add initial value newValues.insert(currentPoseKey, currentPoseGlobal.compose(VOpose)); newValues.insert(currentVelKey, currentVelocityGlobal); newValues.insert(currentBiasKey, currentBias); % Update solver % ======================================================================= isam.update(newFactors, newValues); newFactors = NonlinearFactorGraph; newValues = Values; if rem(measurementIndex,100)==0 % plot every 100 time steps cla; plot3DTrajectory(isam.calculateEstimate, 'g-'); title('Estimated trajectory using ISAM2 (IMU+VO)') xlabel('[m]') ylabel('[m]') zlabel('[m]') axis equal drawnow; end % ======================================================================= currentPoseGlobal = isam.calculateEstimate(currentPoseKey); currentVelocityGlobal = isam.calculateEstimate(currentVelKey); currentBias = isam.calculateEstimate(currentBiasKey); end end % end main loop disp('-- Reached end of sensor data')