#include "device_tof3d.h" Error_manager DeviceTof3D::Init(const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField &tof_devices) { LOG(INFO) << "---------- Init DeviceTof3D ----------"; if (tof_devices.size() < DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX) { return {TOF3D_VZENSE_DEVICE_INIT_FAILED, MAJOR_ERROR, "device numbers is not enough: %d < %d", tof_devices.size(), DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX}; } // 使能tof3d相机SDK auto t_vz_status = VZ_Initialize(); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK && t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetReInitialized) { return {TOF3D_VZENSE_DEVICE_INIT_FAILED, MAJOR_ERROR, "VzInitialize failed status: %d", t_vz_status}; } // 注册相机列表 m_devices_list.resize(DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX); for (auto &device: tof_devices) { // 校验方位 if (device.azimuth() >= DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX) { return {ERROR, NORMAL, "azimuth should smaller than %d.", DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX}; } // 校验方位配置是否出现重复 if (m_devices_list[device.azimuth()].etc == nullptr) { m_devices_list[device.azimuth()].etc = &device; } else { return {ERROR, NORMAL, "device %s id %d is already have the same id device: %s.", device.ip().c_str(), device.azimuth(), m_devices_list[device.azimuth()].etc->ip().c_str()}; } } // 检索相机 if (SearchDevice() != SUCCESS) { return {ERROR, NORMAL, "search devices failed, please recheck the internet."}; } // 配置相机列表配置 for (auto &device: m_devices_list) { if (device.etc->enable_device() && device.handle == nullptr) { ConnectDevice(device.etc->azimuth()); m_devices_status[device.etc->azimuth()] = 0; // setTof3dParams(device.handle, device.etc->bip()); device.handle_mutex = &all_device_mutex; device.condit = new Thread_condition(); device.t = new std::thread(&DeviceTof3D::run, this, device.etc->azimuth()); } } // 配置自动重连功能 VZ_SetHotPlugStatusCallback(DeviceTof3D::HotPlugStateCallback, this); // 使能相机列表设备 for (auto &device: m_devices_list) { if (device.etc->enable_device()) { device.condit->notify_all(true); } } return {SUCCESS, NORMAL, "VzInitialize success."}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::updateTrans(const DeviceAzimuth &azimuth, const CoordinateTransformation3D &trans) { rotation_mutex.lock(); rotation_matrix3[azimuth] = Eigen::AngleAxisf(trans.yaw() * M_PI / 180.f, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()) * Eigen::AngleAxisf(trans.pitch() * M_PI / 180.f, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()) * Eigen::AngleAxisf(trans.roll() * M_PI / 180.f, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()); move[azimuth] << trans.x(), trans.y(), trans.z(); rotation_mutex.unlock(); return {}; } cv::Mat DeviceTof3D::getDeviceIrMat() { cv::Mat merge_mat = cv::Mat::zeros(480 * 2, 640 * 2, CV_8UC1); for (int device_index = 0; device_index < DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX; device_index++) { if (!m_device_mat[device_index].timeout()) { auto t_device_mat = m_device_mat[device_index](); // 拼接图像 cv::Mat merge_mat_lf = merge_mat(cv::Rect(0, 0, 640, 480)); t_device_mat.irMat.copyTo( merge_mat(cv::Rect( (device_index & 0x1) * t_device_mat.irMat.cols, ((device_index & 0x2) >> 1) * t_device_mat.irMat.rows, t_device_mat.irMat.cols, t_device_mat.irMat.rows))); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << device_index << " not get data."; } } return merge_mat; } cv::Mat DeviceTof3D::getDevicePointsMat(const DeviceAzimuth &azimuth) { if (azimuth < DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX && !m_device_mat[azimuth].timeout()) { return m_device_mat[azimuth]().pointMat; } return {}; } DeviceTof3D::DeviceTof3DSaveInfo DeviceTof3D::getDeviceSaveInfo(const DeviceAzimuth &azimuth) { return azimuth < DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX ? m_device_mat[azimuth]() : DeviceTof3DSaveInfo{}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::getDeviceStatus() { for (auto &statu: m_devices_status) { if (statu() != 0) { return {FAILED, NORMAL}; } } return {}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::SearchDevice(const double &time) { uint32_t deviceCount = 0; auto t = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration cost = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t; while (cost.count() < time) { auto t_vz_status = VZ_GetDeviceCount(&deviceCount); cost = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t; if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(INFO) << "VzGetDeviceCount failed! make sure the DCAM is connected"; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); continue; } LOG(INFO) << "Found device count: " << deviceCount; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // 校验是否含有全部设备 if (isAllDevicesFound(deviceCount)) { return {SUCCESS, NORMAL}; } } return {ERROR, NORMAL, "Can't find all devices in config file."}; } bool DeviceTof3D::isAllDevicesFound(uint32_t deviceCount) { // if (deviceCount < DeviceAzimuth::DEVICE_AZIMUTH_MAX) { // return false; // } auto *pDeviceListInfo = new VzDeviceInfo[4]; VZ_GetDeviceInfoList(deviceCount, pDeviceListInfo); for (auto &device: m_devices_list) { for (int search_index = 0; search_index < deviceCount; search_index++) { device.status.found = device.etc->ip() == pDeviceListInfo[search_index].ip; if (device.status.found) { break; } } } for (auto &device: m_devices_list) { if (device.etc->enable_device() && !device.status.found) { return false; } } return true; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::setTof3dParams(VzDeviceHandle handle, const Tof3dVzenseBuiltInParams ¶ms) { if (handle == nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << "handle is nullptr!!!"; return {ERROR, CRITICAL_ERROR, "%s handle is nullptr!!!"}; //TODO } auto t_vz_status = VZ_SetWorkMode(handle, (VzWorkMode) params.work_mode()); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetWorkMode failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } t_vz_status = VZ_SetIRGMMGain(handle, params.irgmmgain()); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetIRGMMGain failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } t_vz_status = VZ_SetFrameRate(handle, params.frame_rate()); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetFrameRate failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } VzExposureTimeParams exposure_param; exposure_param.mode = (VzExposureControlMode) params.enable_manual_exposure_time(); exposure_param.exposureTime = params.exposure_time(); t_vz_status = VZ_SetExposureTime(handle, VzToFSensor, exposure_param); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetExposureTime failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } t_vz_status = VZ_SetFillHoleFilterEnabled(handle, params.enable_filter_fill_hole()); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetFillHoleFilterEnabled failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } t_vz_status = VZ_SetSpatialFilterEnabled(handle, params.enable_filter_spatial()); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetSpatialFilterEnabled failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } VzFlyingPixelFilterParams fly; fly.enable = params.enable_flying_pixel_filter(); fly.threshold = params.flying_pixel_filter_value(); t_vz_status = VZ_SetFlyingPixelFilterParams(handle, fly); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetFlyingPixelFilterParams failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } VzConfidenceFilterParams confidence; confidence.enable = params.enable_confidence_filter(); confidence.threshold = params.confidence_filter_value(); t_vz_status = VZ_SetConfidenceFilterParams(handle, confidence); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetConfidenceFilterParams failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } VzTimeFilterParams time_filter; time_filter.enable = params.enable_time_filter(); time_filter.threshold = params.time_filter_value(); t_vz_status = VZ_SetTimeFilterParams(handle, time_filter); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_SetTimeFilterParams failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } return Error_manager(); } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::getTof3dParams(VzDeviceHandle handle, Tof3dVzenseBuiltInParams ¶ms) { if (handle == nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << "handle is nullptr!!!"; return {ERROR, CRITICAL_ERROR, "%s handle is nullptr!!!"}; //TODO } // 获取参数 VzWorkMode mode; auto t_vz_status = VZ_GetWorkMode(handle, &mode); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetWorkMode failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_work_mode(mode); uint8_t irgmmgain; t_vz_status = VZ_GetIRGMMGain(handle, &irgmmgain); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetIRGMMGain failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_irgmmgain(irgmmgain); int frame_rate; t_vz_status = VZ_GetFrameRate(handle, &frame_rate); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetFrameRate failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_frame_rate(frame_rate); VzExposureTimeParams exposure_param = {VzExposureControlMode_Manual, 0}; t_vz_status = VZ_GetProperty(handle, "Py_ToFExposureTimeMax", &exposure_param, sizeof(exposure_param)); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetExposureTime failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_enable_manual_exposure_time(exposure_param.mode); params.set_exposure_time(exposure_param.exposureTime); bool boolret; t_vz_status = VZ_GetFillHoleFilterEnabled(handle, &boolret); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetFillHoleFilterEnabled failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_enable_filter_fill_hole(boolret); t_vz_status = VZ_GetSpatialFilterEnabled(handle, &boolret); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetSpatialFilterEnabled failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_enable_filter_spatial(boolret); VzFlyingPixelFilterParams fly; t_vz_status = VZ_GetFlyingPixelFilterParams(handle, &fly); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetFlyingPixelFilterParams failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_enable_flying_pixel_filter(fly.enable); params.set_flying_pixel_filter_value(fly.threshold); VzConfidenceFilterParams confidence; t_vz_status = VZ_GetConfidenceFilterParams(handle, &confidence); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetConfidenceFilterParams failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_enable_confidence_filter(confidence.enable); params.set_confidence_filter_value(confidence.threshold); VzTimeFilterParams time_filter; t_vz_status = VZ_GetTimeFilterParams(handle, &time_filter); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << " VZ_GetTimeFilterParams failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {}; //TODO } params.set_enable_time_filter(time_filter.enable); params.set_time_filter_value(time_filter.threshold); return Error_manager(); } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::ConnectDevice(const DeviceAzimuth &azimuth) { auto &device = m_devices_list[azimuth]; auto t_vz_status = VZ_OpenDeviceByIP(device.etc->ip().c_str(), &device.handle); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { device.status.connected = false; LOG(WARNING) << "OpenDevice " << device.etc->ip() << " failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {ERROR, NORMAL}; } else { device.status.connected = true; LOG(INFO) << "OpenDevice " << device.etc->ip() << " success status:" << t_vz_status; } t_vz_status = VZ_StartStream(device.handle); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << "VZ_StartStream " << device.etc->ip() << " failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {ERROR, NORMAL}; } else { LOG(INFO) << "VZ_StartStream " << device.etc->ip() << " success status:" << t_vz_status; } return {}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::DisConnectDevice(VzDeviceHandle handle) { if (handle == nullptr) { return {ERROR, CRITICAL_ERROR}; } auto t_vz_status = VZ_StopStream(handle); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << "VZ_StopStream failed status:" << t_vz_status; } else { LOG(INFO) << "VZ_StopStream success status:" << t_vz_status; } t_vz_status = VZ_CloseDevice(&handle); if (t_vz_status != VzReturnStatus::VzRetOK) { LOG(WARNING) << "VZ_CloseDevice failed status:" << t_vz_status; } else { LOG(INFO) << "VZ_CloseDevice success status:" << t_vz_status; } return {}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::getDepthAndIrPicture(VzDeviceHandle handle, VzFrame &depthFrame, VzFrame &irFrame) { if (handle == nullptr) { return {ERROR, CRITICAL_ERROR}; } Error_manager ret; VzFrameReady frameReady = {0}; auto t_vz_status = VZ_GetFrameReady(handle, 200, &frameReady); if (t_vz_status != VzRetOK) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Device VZ_GetFrameReady failed status:" << t_vz_status; return {FAILED, MINOR_ERROR, "Device VZ_GetFrameReady failed status: %d.", t_vz_status}; //TODO } if (1 == frameReady.depth) { t_vz_status = VZ_GetFrame(handle, VzDepthFrame, &depthFrame); if (t_vz_status == VzRetOK && depthFrame.pFrameData != nullptr) { // LOG(INFO) << ip << " frameIndex :" << depthFrame.frameIndex; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Device VZ_GetFrame VzIrFrame failed status: " << t_vz_status; return {FAILED, MINOR_ERROR, "Device VZ_GetFrame VzIrFrame failed status: %d.", t_vz_status}; } } else { return {FAILED, MINOR_ERROR, "Device VZ_GetFrameReady depth not ready: %d.", frameReady.depth}; } if (1 == frameReady.ir) { t_vz_status = VZ_GetFrame(handle, VzIRFrame, &irFrame); if (t_vz_status == VzRetOK && irFrame.pFrameData != nullptr) { // LOG(INFO) << ip << " frameIndex :" << irFrame.frameIndex; } else { LOG(INFO) << "VZ_GetFrame VzIrFrame status:" << t_vz_status; return {FAILED, MINOR_ERROR, "Device VZ_GetFrame VzIrFrame failed status: %d.", t_vz_status}; } } else { return {FAILED, NORMAL, "Device VZ_GetFrameReady ir not ready."}; } return ret; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::DepthFrame2Mat(VzFrame &frame, cv::Mat &mat) { if (frame.frameType != VzDepthFrame) { return {}; } if (mat.type() != CV_16UC1) { LOG(INFO) << "Mat type " << mat.type() << " not is " << CV_16UC1; return {}; } if (mat.rows != 480 || mat.cols != 640) { LOG(INFO) << "Mat size (" << mat.rows << ", " << mat.cols << ") not is (480, 640)"; return {}; } memcpy(mat.data, frame.pFrameData, frame.dataLen); mat.convertTo(mat, CV_8U, 255.0 / 7495); applyColorMap(mat, mat, cv::COLORMAP_RAINBOW); return {}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::IrFrame2Mat(VzFrame &frame, cv::Mat &mat) { if (frame.frameType != VzIRFrame) { return {}; } if (mat.type() != CV_8UC1) { LOG(INFO) << "Mat type " << mat.type() << " not is " << CV_8UC1; return {}; } if (mat.rows != 480 || mat.cols != 640) { LOG(INFO) << "Mat size (" << mat.rows << ", " << mat.cols << ") not is (480, 640)"; return {}; } memcpy(mat.data, frame.pFrameData, frame.dataLen); return {}; } Error_manager DeviceTof3D::Frame2Mat(VzFrame &frame, cv::Mat &mat) { switch (frame.frameType) { case VzDepthFrame: return DepthFrame2Mat(frame, mat); case VzIRFrame: return IrFrame2Mat(frame, mat); default: break; } return {}; } void DeviceTof3D::HotPlugStateCallback(const VzDeviceInfo *pInfo, int status, void *contex) { LOG(WARNING) << "ip " << pInfo->ip << " " << (status == 0 ? "add" : "remove"); if (contex == nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << contex << " contex is nullptr."; return; } DeviceTof3D *pDeviceTof3D = (DeviceTof3D *) contex; for (int device_index = 0; device_index < pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list.size(); device_index++) { // LOG(INFO) << device_index << " " << &pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index] << " " << pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].etc->ip(); pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].handle_mutex->lock(); if (pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].etc->ip() == pInfo->ip) { if (status == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << pInfo->ip << " VZ_OpenDevice " << VZ_OpenDeviceByUri(pInfo->uri, &pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].handle); LOG(WARNING) << pInfo->ip << " VZ_StartStream " << VZ_StartStream(pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].handle); } else { LOG(WARNING) << pInfo->ip << " VZ_StopStream " << VZ_StopStream(pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].handle); LOG(WARNING) << pInfo->ip << " VZ_CloseDevice " << VZ_CloseDevice(&pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].handle); } pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_status[device_index] = status; } pDeviceTof3D->m_devices_list[device_index].handle_mutex->unlock(); } } void DeviceTof3D::run(const DeviceAzimuth &azimuth) { auto &device = m_devices_list[azimuth]; cv::Mat t_ir_img; cv::Mat t_point_img; VzFrame depthFrame = {0}; VzFrame irFrame = {0}; VzVector3f *worldV = new VzVector3f[480 * 640]; auto t_start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration cost = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t_start_time; LOG(INFO) << device.etc->ip() << ": " << azimuth << " in thread " << std::this_thread::get_id(); updateTrans(azimuth, device.etc->trans()); while (device.condit->is_alive()) { device.condit->wait(); cost = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t_start_time; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100 - std::min(99, cost.count() * 1000))); t_start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (device.condit->is_alive()) { Error_manager ret; DeviceTof3DSaveInfo depthInfo; Error_manager vz_ret = {FAILED, NORMAL}; device.handle_mutex->lock(); if (device.handle) { vz_ret = getDepthAndIrPicture(device.handle, depthFrame, irFrame); if (vz_ret == SUCCESS) { VZ_ConvertDepthFrameToPointCloudVector(device.handle, &depthFrame, worldV); } else { ret.compare_and_merge_up( {FAILED, MINOR_ERROR, "Device %s VZ_GetFrame failed.", device.etc->ip().c_str()}); } } device.handle_mutex->unlock(); if (vz_ret == SUCCESS) { // 灰度图转换 Frame2Mat(irFrame, depthInfo.irMat); // // 点云转换 // for (int cols = 0; cols < depthInfo.pointMat.cols - 0; cols++) { // for (int rows = 0; rows < depthInfo.pointMat.rows - 0; rows++) { // int i = rows * depthInfo.pointMat.cols + cols; //// if (sqrt(worldV[i].x * worldV[i].x + worldV[i].y * worldV[i].y + worldV[i].z * worldV[i].z) * //// 0.001f > 5) { //// continue; //// } // Eigen::Vector3f trans; // trans << worldV[i].x * 0.001f, worldV[i].y * 0.001f, worldV[i].z * 0.001f; //// trans = rotation_matrix3[azimuth] * trans + move[azimuth]; //// if (trans(2) < 0.03 || fabs(trans(0)) > 1.5 || fabs(trans(1)) > 2.7 || trans(2) > 1) { //// continue; //// } // depthInfo.pointMat.at(rows, cols)[0] = trans(0); // depthInfo.pointMat.at(rows, cols)[1] = trans(1); // depthInfo.pointMat.at(rows, cols)[2] = trans(2); // } // } memcpy(depthInfo.pointMat.data, worldV, 480 * 640 * sizeof(VzVector3f)); m_device_mat[azimuth] = depthInfo; // cv::imshow(std::to_string(azimuth), depthInfo.pointMat); // cv::waitKey(1); } } else { LOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 1000) << device.etc->ip() << " device handle is null."; } } LOG(INFO) << device.etc->ip() << " thread end " << std::this_thread::get_id(); } void DeviceTof3D::stop() { for (auto &device: m_devices_list) { DisConnectDevice(device.handle); device.condit->kill_all(); device.t->join(); delete device.t; delete device.condit; device.t = nullptr; device.t = nullptr; } }