#include "../common/common.hpp" void eventCallback(TY_EVENT_INFO *event_info, void *userdata) { if (event_info->eventId == TY_EVENT_DEVICE_OFFLINE) { LOGD("=== Event Callback: Device Offline!"); // Note: // Please set TY_BOOL_KEEP_ALIVE_ONOFF feature to false if you need to debug with breakpoint! } else if (event_info->eventId == TY_EVENT_LICENSE_ERROR) { LOGD("=== Event Callback: License Error!"); } } //Notice: This sample is used for part of percipio camera int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string ID, IP; TY_INTERFACE_HANDLE hIface = NULL; TY_DEV_HANDLE hDevice = NULL; int32_t color, ir, depth; color = ir = depth = 1; int duty = 2; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(strcmp(argv[i], "-id") == 0){ ID = argv[++i]; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-ip") == 0) { IP = argv[++i]; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-color=off") == 0) { color = 0; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-depth=off") == 0) { depth = 0; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-ir=off") == 0) { ir = 0; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-duty") == 0) { duty = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { LOGI("Usage: SimpleView_Triggermode18 [-h]"); return 0; } } if (!color && !depth && !ir) { LOGD("=== At least one component need to be on"); return -1; } LOGD("=== Init lib"); ASSERT_OK( TYInitLib() ); TY_VERSION_INFO ver; ASSERT_OK( TYLibVersion(&ver) ); LOGD(" - lib version: %d.%d.%d", ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch); std::vector selected; ASSERT_OK( selectDevice(TY_INTERFACE_ALL, ID, IP, 1, selected) ); ASSERT(selected.size() > 0); TY_DEVICE_BASE_INFO& selectedDev = selected[0]; ASSERT_OK( TYOpenInterface(selectedDev.iface.id, &hIface) ); ASSERT_OK( TYOpenDevice(hIface, selectedDev.id, &hDevice) ); TY_COMPONENT_ID allComps; ASSERT_OK( TYGetComponentIDs(hDevice, &allComps) ); if(allComps & TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM && color) { LOGD("=== Has RGB camera, open RGB cam"); ASSERT_OK( TYEnableComponents(hDevice, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM) ); } TY_COMPONENT_ID componentIDs = 0; LOGD("=== Configure components, open depth cam"); if (depth) { componentIDs = TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM; } if (ir) { componentIDs |= TY_COMPONENT_IR_CAM_LEFT; } ASSERT_OK( TYEnableComponents(hDevice, componentIDs) ); //try to enable depth map LOGD("Configure components, open depth cam"); DepthViewer depthViewer("Depth"); if (allComps & TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM && depth) { TY_IMAGE_MODE image_mode; ASSERT_OK(get_default_image_mode(hDevice, TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM, image_mode)); LOGD("Select Depth Image Mode: %dx%d", TYImageWidth(image_mode), TYImageHeight(image_mode)); ASSERT_OK(TYSetEnum(hDevice, TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM, TY_ENUM_IMAGE_MODE, image_mode)); ASSERT_OK(TYEnableComponents(hDevice, TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM)); //depth map pixel format is uint16_t ,which default unit is 1 mm //the acutal depth (mm)= PixelValue * ScaleUnit float scale_unit = 1.; TYGetFloat(hDevice, TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM, TY_FLOAT_SCALE_UNIT, &scale_unit); depthViewer.depth_scale_unit = scale_unit; } LOGD("=== Prepare image buffer"); uint32_t frameSize; ASSERT_OK( TYGetFrameBufferSize(hDevice, &frameSize) ); LOGD(" - Get size of framebuffer, %d", frameSize); LOGD(" - Allocate & enqueue buffers"); std::vector frameBuffer(duty + 2); for (int i=0; i 0) { LOGI("fps: %d", fps); } cv::Mat depth, irl, irr, color; parseFrame(frame, &depth, &irl, &irr, &color); if (!depth.empty()) { depthViewer.show(depth); } if (!irl.empty()) { cv::imshow("LeftIR", irl); } if (!irr.empty()) { cv::imshow("RightIR", irr); } if (!color.empty()) { cv::imshow("Color", color); } int key = cv::waitKey(1); switch (key & 0xff) { case 0xff: break; case 'q': exit_main = true; break; default: LOGD("Unmapped key %d", key); } LOGD("=== Re-enqueue buffer(%p, %d)" , frame.userBuffer, frame.bufferSize); ASSERT_OK(TYEnqueueBuffer(hDevice, frame.userBuffer, frame.bufferSize)); cnt++; } else { LOGD("FetchFrame err %d %s, Exit!", err, TYErrorString(err)); exit_main = true; } if (cnt == duty + 1) { LOGD("=== Send Trigger Command"); while(TY_STATUS_BUSY == TYSendSoftTrigger(hDevice)); cnt = 0; } } ASSERT_OK( TYStopCapture(hDevice) ); ASSERT_OK( TYCloseDevice(hDevice) ); ASSERT_OK( TYCloseInterface(hIface) ); ASSERT_OK( TYDeinitLib() ); delete frameBuffer[0]; delete frameBuffer[1]; LOGD("=== Main done!"); return 0; }