#include "../common/common.hpp" void Usage() { printf( "Usage: ForceDeviceIP \n" " - should be -force/-static/-dynamic\n" " Example: ForceDeviceIP -force 12:34:56:78:90:ab\n" "\n" " 1. Force the device IP temporarily.\n" " - The newIP/newNetmask will be valid only before reboot.\n" " Command: ForceDeviceIP -force \n" "\n" " 2. Force the device IP persistently.\n" " - The newIP/newNetmask will be fixed and always vaild.\n" " Command: ForceDeviceIP -static \n" "\n" " 3. Set the device IP to dynamic.\n" " - The simplest way, which is more convenient than usage 4.\n" " - Not supported by some old devices. Try usage 4 in this case.\n" " - Take effect immediately. The device will begin to get new IP from DHCP server or Link-local.\n" " Command: ForceDeviceIP -dynamic \n" "\n" " 4. Set the device IP to dynamic, for legacy devices.\n" " - Force the newIP to the device first.\n" " - Make sure the tool can access the device properly after newIP is forced.\n" " - Take effect after reboot.\n" " Command: ForceDeviceIP -dynamic \n" ); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char * cmd = NULL; char * mac = NULL; const char * newIP = ""; const char * newNetmask = ""; const char * newGateway = ""; if (argc < 3) { Usage(); return -1; } cmd = argv[1]; mac = argv[2]; if (strcmp(cmd, "-force") != 0 && strcmp(cmd, "-static") != 0 && strcmp(cmd, "-dynamic") != 0) { Usage(); return -1; } if (argc >= 4) { newIP = argv[3]; } if (argc >= 5) { newNetmask = argv[4]; } if (argc >= 6) { newGateway = argv[5]; } LOGD("Init lib"); ASSERT_OK( TYInitLib() ); TY_VERSION_INFO ver; ASSERT_OK( TYLibVersion(&ver) ); LOGD(" - lib version: %d.%d.%d", ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch); LOGD("Update interface list"); ASSERT_OK( TYUpdateInterfaceList() ); uint32_t n = 0; ASSERT_OK( TYGetInterfaceNumber(&n) ); LOGD("Got %u interface list", n); if(n == 0){ LOGE("interface number incorrect"); return TY_STATUS_ERROR; } std::vector ifaces(n); ASSERT_OK( TYGetInterfaceList(&ifaces[0], n, &n) ); ASSERT( n == ifaces.size() ); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++){ LOGI("Found interface %u:", i); LOGI(" name: %s", ifaces[i].name); LOGI(" id: %s", ifaces[i].id); LOGI(" type: 0x%x", ifaces[i].type); if(TYIsNetworkInterface(ifaces[i].type)){ LOGI(" MAC: %s", ifaces[i].netInfo.mac); LOGI(" ip: %s", ifaces[i].netInfo.ip); LOGI(" netmask: %s", ifaces[i].netInfo.netmask); LOGI(" gateway: %s", ifaces[i].netInfo.gateway); LOGI(" broadcast: %s", ifaces[i].netInfo.broadcast); TY_INTERFACE_HANDLE hIface; ASSERT_OK( TYOpenInterface(ifaces[i].id, &hIface) ); if (TYForceDeviceIP(hIface, mac, newIP, newNetmask, newGateway) == TY_STATUS_OK) { LOGD("**** Set Temporary IP/Netmask/Gateway ...Done! ****"); bool open_needed = false; const char * ip_save = newIP; const char * netmask_save = newNetmask; const char * gateway_save = newGateway; if(strcmp(cmd, "-static") == 0) { open_needed = true; } if(strcmp(cmd, "-dynamic") == 0 && strcmp(newIP, "") != 0){ open_needed = true; ip_save = ""; netmask_save = ""; gateway_save = ""; } if(open_needed){ TYUpdateDeviceList(hIface); TY_DEV_HANDLE hDev; if(TYOpenDeviceWithIP(hIface, newIP, &hDev) == TY_STATUS_OK){ int32_t ip_i[4]; uint8_t ip_b[4]; int32_t ip32; sscanf(ip_save, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip_i[0], &ip_i[1], &ip_i[2], &ip_i[3]); ip_b[0] = ip_i[0];ip_b[1] = ip_i[1];ip_b[2] = ip_i[2];ip_b[3] = ip_i[3]; ip32 = TYIPv4ToInt(ip_b); LOGI("Set persistent IP 0x%x(%d.%d.%d.%d)", ip32, ip_b[0], ip_b[1], ip_b[2], ip_b[3]); ASSERT_OK( TYSetInt(hDev, TY_COMPONENT_DEVICE, TY_INT_PERSISTENT_IP, ip32) ); sscanf(netmask_save, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip_i[0], &ip_i[1], &ip_i[2], &ip_i[3]); ip_b[0] = ip_i[0];ip_b[1] = ip_i[1];ip_b[2] = ip_i[2];ip_b[3] = ip_i[3]; ip32 = TYIPv4ToInt(ip_b); LOGI("Set persistent Netmask 0x%x(%d.%d.%d.%d)", ip32, ip_b[0], ip_b[1], ip_b[2], ip_b[3]); ASSERT_OK( TYSetInt(hDev, TY_COMPONENT_DEVICE, TY_INT_PERSISTENT_SUBMASK, ip32) ); sscanf(gateway_save, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip_i[0], &ip_i[1], &ip_i[2], &ip_i[3]); ip_b[0] = ip_i[0];ip_b[1] = ip_i[1];ip_b[2] = ip_i[2];ip_b[3] = ip_i[3]; ip32 = TYIPv4ToInt(ip_b); LOGI("Set persistent Gateway 0x%x(%d.%d.%d.%d)", ip32, ip_b[0], ip_b[1], ip_b[2], ip_b[3]); ASSERT_OK( TYSetInt(hDev, TY_COMPONENT_DEVICE, TY_INT_PERSISTENT_GATEWAY, ip32) ); LOGD("**** Set Persistent IP/Netmask/Gateway ...Done! ****"); } } } else { LOGW("Force ip failed on interface %s", ifaces[i].id); } ASSERT_OK( TYCloseInterface(hIface)); } } ASSERT_OK(TYDeinitLib()); return 0; }